1 Make RETROFIT possible from galaxy map (not only from military view)

2 In ship-design mode give user INFO about ATTACK and DEFENSE for beam/missles/kinetics

3 Make report when FLEET reaches the destination

4 On Negotiation screen make info about LUXURY and STR.REcources (like on EMPIRE screen)

5 When AIs Deal Incoming i can change condition (not only accept/refuse)

6 Make INFO about Planet type EFFECTS on planets screen (not only tooltip, but every time on screen)

7 For some improvements add real bonuses informatio. like INORGANIC CIVILIZATION +3 on moon +3 with temple

a player must not hand calculate in each system how many moons and how many temples on moons!

8 add APPROVAL info for each systems on galaxy map

9 when fleet cant travel to enemy system - i must know "WH!!!Y??"

after that this game will be great!

sorry for my english )