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12 years ago
Aug 2, 2012, 5:54:54 PM

there could be some dangerous creatures travelling across the space to find and eat biological material (e. g. in form of a giant glowing jellyfish or a swarm of them). They could be able to transform a jungle planet into a dead desert.


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12 years ago
Aug 2, 2012, 9:04:24 PM
Hello Draco,

unfortunately, your comment is not very constructive. Please rephrase your opinion.


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12 years ago
Aug 2, 2012, 9:27:55 PM
I think before you would get technology to deal with this world eater you would end up with no planets to build ships for example on big galaxy 133 systems and planets it will give meaby a lot of planets but before you would get uber ships and technology to deal with it i think about 100 turns would pass. I asume ofc that this big monster thing woudl be like boss non just pirate ship, and if this boss would spawn in your galaxy your game is instant lose :S

It could be stationary boss who is in 1 system. Kiling him would unlock planet with uber stats or technology in it.

or meaby we would find only evidence that this exist and planets would be marked like scar or something with some kind of debuf and buff - for food + for gold etc.
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12 years ago
Aug 2, 2012, 10:59:30 PM
rafiozo wrote:
I think before you would get technology to deal with this world eater you would end up with no planets to build ships for example on big galaxy 133 systems and planets it will give meaby a lot of planets but before you would get uber ships and technology to deal with it i think about 100 turns would pass. I asume ofc that this big monster thing woudl be like boss non just pirate ship, and if this boss would spawn in your galaxy your game is instant lose :S

It could be stationary boss who is in 1 system. Kiling him would unlock planet with uber stats or technology in it.

or meaby we would find only evidence that this exist and planets would be marked like scar or something with some kind of debuf and buff - for food + for gold etc.

The solution for one would be to shoot it.

This type of enemy works in SOTS and i love it, as it is an enemy so powerful it can win the game for it's self.

In SOTS they can't spawn before turn 100 so by then most games are well developed and could use something to shake things up.
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12 years ago
Aug 3, 2012, 2:58:01 AM
Aside from changing the planet type, isn't this essentially what the Cravers are? They swarm out, consume planets, eventually leaving them depleted of resources and thus harder to manage.
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12 years ago
Aug 3, 2012, 12:41:24 PM
Igncom1 wrote:
Well the cravers are an empire, this would be along the lines of a Von Neumann probe

I refer to Draco's question above, and also: I think the Craver's are an "empire" only in the sense of that being a game play term. I've always considered them something more along the lines of the Tyranids, or...wow, forgot my other example. Anyway, they have more of a hive mind than any structured government, and their whole mentality purpose is to consume everything.

I'd call them more of a plague than an empire. And I still think they fit the OP's want.
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12 years ago
Aug 3, 2012, 3:07:39 PM
Draco18s wrote:
Er, isn't that what the Sowers are?

True, but they are also intelligent, and are also an empire.

Such an opponent would be more destructive anyway, almost anti-Sower.
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12 years ago
Aug 3, 2012, 3:10:32 PM
FinalStrigon wrote:
I refer to Draco's question above, and also: I think the Craver's are an "empire" only in the sense of that being a game play term. I've always considered them something more along the lines of the Tyranids, or...wow, forgot my other example. Anyway, they have more of a hive mind than any structured government, and their whole mentality purpose is to consume everything.

I'd call them more of a plague than an empire. And I still think they fit the OP's want.

I have seen references to Craver queens and such, but no references to a hive mind like most people say.

But the cravers seem to be more barbaric in their form of consumption then a real consuming force of locusts.
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12 years ago
Aug 3, 2012, 3:12:44 PM
Igncom1 wrote:
True, but they are also intelligent, and are also an empire.

Such an opponent would be more destructive anyway, almost anti-Sower.

That seems to be more of interstellar grey goo, then, not a Von Neumann probe. I've been under the impression the probes are primarily for study and communication, and I'm not sure how one could be anti-Sower.

I also would hesitate on calling the Sowers an empire, aside from in a game play, but this may just be me being picky with how I interpret things.

EDIT: Didn't see your second post. I'm looking for their refrences to the hive mind, although I'm certain it is in the description of some of the Heroes. You might have to load up some games and read to be sure.

EDIT 2: Here we go. Using my handy dandy Hero List, these two Cravers mention both a hive-style of living, and that only those who lead are capable of independent thought:


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12 years ago
Aug 3, 2012, 3:20:17 PM
FinalStrigon wrote:
That seems to be more of interstellar grey goo, then, not a Von Neumann probe. I've been under the impression the probes are primarily for study and communication, and I'm not sure how one could be anti-Sower.

Well terraforming for one race might be considered orbital bombardment by another, A race that breaths another atmosphere then us might see our planet as inhabitable and such a probe might be set to change that.

I also would hesitate on calling the Sowers an empire, aside from in a game play, but this may just be me being picky with how I interpret things.

EDIT: Didn't see your second post. I'm looking for their refrences to the hive mind, although I'm certain it is in the description of some of the Heroes. You might have to load up some games and read to be sure.

If i get the time i may just do that, but wouldn't heroes also make no sense with a hive-mind? smiley: confused
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12 years ago
Aug 3, 2012, 3:24:00 PM
Most of the Craver Heroes seem to break free of the hive mind after their interaction with Dust. And I edited in two Craver Heroes into my post to give you examples.

Either way: I still think that the Cravers fit the role of planet consumers. I doubt there is any "civilized", as opposed to "barbaric," way to do as the OP suggested. Hive mind or not, level of intelligence or not, they still consume resources and ultimately make the planet suffer for it.
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12 years ago
Aug 3, 2012, 3:30:34 PM
FinalStrigon wrote:
Most of the Craver Heroes seem to break free of the hive mind after their interaction with Dust. And I edited in two Craver Heroes into my post to give you examples.

Either way: I still think that the Cravers fit the role of planet consumers. I doubt there is any "civilized", as opposed to "barbaric," way to do as the OP suggested. Hive mind or not, level of intelligence or not, they still consume resources and ultimately make the planet suffer for it.

Interesting, I am going to admit it makes the Cravers seem a little shallow now. smiley: frown
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