As im finishing my 5th complete game, i have to say that after swalowing 2-3 enemy races and being in the lead , the game gets a bit boring.Its just if you managed to get from being an underdog to the lead beating those first 2-3 races, now that you are leading there are really little chances anybody can hurt you. I mean sure steamrolling is kinda fun but not for long, then its just plain boring...

To resolve this i propose a simple thing i have seen work in many other strategy games: ones you are seriosuly leading the remaing races see the danger and form an alliance against you.I think they would even have to pool their technology to really make you sweat as at the moment , on endless difficulty, my 1 fleet can kill 10+ enemy fleets , not taking any hits, due to my slight tech advantage and ofc my genious designssmiley: smile.