Hello! The game is absolutely brilliant, and one of its strengths is its excellent interface. Even so, there're a couple of things I think could improve the empire management, which works well at the beginning, but in the late game some operations can be a bit finnicky. Let me know what you think. A lot of these suggestions are to do with the construction queue which appears both in the empire management screen and in the system screen (one of the great things about the interface is how a lot of it is repeated in different screens - very clever!)

1- The really obvious (and presumably easy) thing is to always have the conversion production (sci or dust) always automatically at the bottom of the construction list for each planet. Is there any context where you would want to have a ship or improvement queued behind a conversion? I see it has already been suggested here but it's worth repeating!

2- I'd love a button on an improvement / ship that brings it up to the top of the queue – like what the dust buyout does, but without spending dust!

3- I'd also love a button on the empire management screen that adds an item to the queue of all planets, either at the end or at the beginning of the list – or even something clever that will add the item to all planets' queues, sorted by production time (does that make sense?)

4- improvements seem to be sorted by type - as in food is all together, military is all together, happiness is all together etc. It would be nice to sort it by production cost

5- Some kind of notification of systems containing planets without exploitation and moons that haven't been swept.

I apologize if all of these have already been said elsewhere - I spent a long time looking through the suggestions list, and found point 1) being made somewhere, and I'm sure the others have as well but I couldn't find them, and I wanted to give feedback! Great job everyone involved.