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More Events!

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12 years ago
Aug 7, 2012, 12:32:43 PM
hai! (my english is not good enough)

i have no idea if there is another suggestion like this so... my suggestion is why there are so few events in the galaxy? and with no impact on me? like -25% sensors for a non-sense event? yea what than... 20 turns... meeh... i'll live with that ...BUT!

What if there were minor and major events! like a Meteor is heading for your system and it could and may destroy your system's infrastructure like and population ... -2pop on every planet in the system and -50% food/dust/work for 20turns THAT would be a something!smiley: ohh i didnt mean that we cant do anything about it, there could be options like the meteor is heading to your planet you have like 10turns to do something sending off your fleet to destroy it, (which will result in 2 ways, your fleet did it, your fleet didnt made it its still coming! but it wont destroy your infrastructures only your population) or let it come who care about these tiny little alien pioneers , or the third option you already researched your adamantite stuff thingy and you may mine the meteor for +25 dust / turn for like 20turns.

There could be other events like this, in one of your system on planet 666 (which is a terran planet) a volcano is about to break out and will terraform the planet in to barren or volcano type also losing every single little inhabitant (muwhahaha :redfacesmiley: smile and you have to colonize the planet again and -40approve in the system cuz you let the volcano just go off and let the volcano just kill their little alien friends. yea yea its not a big problem on a newly colonized planet but what if this is in your favorite/core systems! the solution could be simply in this matter research or for like the pilgrim types GET OFF THE PLANET AAAAAAA! (smiley: kiss perfecto)

also about the minor events like diseases in systems which is killing the crop and pop too (solution: research, wait 20turn for your pop to get immun to the stuff ), a pirate spacestation pops up and blocking your trading with your systems (solution: kill em all and take what they had +1pop to nearest system +1 pirate ship in your fleet ect, paying em to go away and harass others), space garbage slowing down your movement (solution : research or paying pirates to take my cr*p away :sarcasticsmiley: smile

i guess these little things would make the galaxy more alive and would add +fun for the game

my greatest respect for the developers

and sorry for my english i did my best =(
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12 years ago
Aug 7, 2012, 12:38:45 PM
Some nice ideas, most involve a greater redesigns of the game, for instance pirate space station -- there are actually no space stations, hence no way to conquer them -- no evacuations of a system possible and so on.
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12 years ago
Aug 7, 2012, 4:08:37 PM
Tiriondil wrote:
Some nice ideas, most involve a greater redesigns of the game, for instance pirate space station -- there are actually no space stations, hence no way to conquer them -- no evacuations of a system possible and so on.

why would that be a redesign? there is no need to delete something to put a new stuff in there. its like a new "system" between 2 random systems :P ( or atleast i think so). or it doesnt even have to be a "planet type" it can be a "spaceship" so you can destroy it.

and yea mokay the evacuate stuff wouldnt work =( <-- /edit/ i did fail again! the evacuate stuff may work cuz you are sending off world your stuffs so you still lose approve but not everything like buildings and the larger part of the population! so HELL YEA! it may work! smiley: biggrin or you may not lose approve too cuz the heroes left behind (poor grandalienpa and alienbaby jhonny died in a volcano disaster T-T)
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12 years ago
Aug 7, 2012, 4:22:02 PM
You don't understand: Inserting things like space stations would require to redesign the program (I think) a lot. Same goes for evacuation of space systems (which could be really interesting when avoiding an invading army).
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12 years ago
Aug 7, 2012, 11:34:19 PM
Well, some of the things you've proposed for new events have already been proposed. Random events fixed by researches e.g. here: /#/endless-space/forum/28-game-design/thread/11733-random-events-researching-fixes and events with multiple instances here: /#/endless-space/forum/28-game-design/thread/12521-suggestion-escalating-events

I don't find a simple: "More random events!"-suggestion, though.
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