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Change Sophon starting planet to ocean or tundra

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12 years ago
Aug 10, 2012, 7:09:29 AM
Sophon traits really don't benefit very much from their starting location.

I always found it weird that Sowers could produce more science on turn 1 then Sophon due to them starting on tundras.

If we look at turn 1 science generation via this formula:

initial pop * terran science * (1 + sum(science bonuses))

Sower's turn 1 science is 3 * 5 = 10

Sophon turn 1 science with tax rate 20% is 3 * 2 * (1 + (.3 + .3)) = 9.6

Sophon turn 1 science with tax rate 20% with ocean starting point is 3 * 4 * (1 + (.3 + .3)) = 19.2

That seems more appropriated for a science faction and is more synergistic with their traits.

For anyone that wants to test them out with a ocean starting point, please install this mod: SophonStartingOcean.zip


1) Downloaded mod zip file.

2) If not already existing, create a new folder called Modding in My Documents\Endless Space

3) Unzip the mod contents to My Documents\Endless Space\Modding

4) Start game and select Mod menu option

5) Load "Sophon Ocean Start" mod
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12 years ago
Aug 14, 2012, 6:19:55 PM
I've started a few games with this change, and fully agree with this. This gives them a further reduction in dust production in exchange for the increase in science, which is both in line with the race story fluff and the affinity bonus design.
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12 years ago
Aug 14, 2012, 9:09:59 PM
The problem is, if you want to take advantage of Sophon's affinity trait then your taxes will be low and the dust from Terran will be wasted.
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12 years ago
Aug 15, 2012, 3:46:09 AM
Saying 'science is easy to get' ignores the fact that a custom Sower faction with Scientists III can put out something like 3-4x as much early-game research as any normal or custom Sophon faction, just because their starting planet type has good research. And as mentioned, setting 20-25% taxes at the beginning of the game means that a Terran planet is only getting you about 2-3 more total dust per turn, while the ocean gives you at least 10 more science per turn.
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12 years ago
Aug 15, 2012, 3:49:54 AM
I feel like home-worlds should be immune to any approval malus, starting as a race with T2 home world kinda sucks.
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12 years ago
Aug 15, 2012, 3:56:11 AM
Igncom1 wrote:
I feel like home-worlds should be immune to any approval malus, starting as a race with T2 home world kinda sucks.

I assume that's why Sowers get Metallic Waters by default (even if it kind of sucks and is way overpriced).
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12 years ago
Aug 15, 2012, 5:56:19 AM
Sophons don't exactly need another buff (especially not compared to the poor Sowers... sigh) but from a lore stand point I think Ocean would suit them better, yes. Their whole theme makes it very plausible they originated in the sea: Blue color scheme, their appearance and of course the Ocean type science bonus.
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12 years ago
Aug 15, 2012, 7:38:24 PM
ruonim wrote:
Starting planet should be chose able in customizer.

Or, perhaps as 3- and 5-point traits ala anomalies. But that doesn't really affect this thread - it's silly that Sophon get a planet type with a primary FIDS bonus that they can barely use.
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12 years ago
Aug 15, 2012, 7:59:59 PM
I actually don't like Sowers starting on Tundra as much because of the poor industry (which Sowers need for growth) as the higher science. I think Sowers should, perhaps, start on Arid insted of Tundra.
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12 years ago
Aug 16, 2012, 4:20:36 AM
Sowers, as far as I can tell, start off on Tundra for lore reasons. The Endless were supposed to have been from a Tundra world and the Sowers were told to produce a planet the Endless would want.

And yes, I agree that homeworld types should define an exemption to approval malus. It makes no sense for there to be Arid and Tundra evolved races who like Arid and Tundra planets less than some arbitrarily wetter and warmer/cooler alternative.

That having been said, I support the idea of Sophons getting a cold, science-heavy homeworld. If "cold" worlds are supposed to be science conducive, it makes sense at least from a lore perspective that this is where you'd see the evolution of a brainy race. Although I could be persuaded against it if there were some strong gameplay reasons why doing that is bad or unbalanced.
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