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My list of features

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12 years ago
Oct 4, 2012, 5:54:11 PM
Hi all,

Maybe my first post (not sure).

Here is my list of contibution. I will frequently update it with new ideas, corrections... my own private Idaho, err... wiki page



  • Ability to ally with certain Pirates, or pay a regular tribute. Requires pirates ship to have individual behaviour, since pirates most probably are not unified. More logical, but a big change in the gameplay and the code
  • Propose a player to attack another one (when in peace, but not in treaty)


  • More control over starting heroes. All too often, I restart maps on maps just to be sure to get a "double-military" or a "double-production" heroe.
  • Possibility to know the "raw production" of a planet without having to remove the hero. Goal: to optimize "production hero" placement. Present workaround is doable though.


  • Secession. Spontenous change of allegiance. Either "freelancer" (if surrounded by the players' empire, very rare cases of secession, probably only for dramatically low morale) or "change of allegiance" (see secant influence, in "Military")
  • Political systems


  • Percentage of "secant influence" (part of the system circle in contact with another empire's influence). Secant influence should ease conquer or spontaneous change of allegiance.

I will continue with other suggestions and rants. Everytime I will significantly modify the page, I will add a comment.
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