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Auto-build ideas

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12 years ago
Dec 15, 2012, 12:43:34 AM
I searched through and didn't see these so I thought I would suggest. I have been playing Endless Space for a few weeks now, put in a lot of games and worked my way up to endless difficulty, altogether a fun game and I thought of some changes that would make it more fun

1. When I hit mid-late game I find myself using auto-build quite frequently, and the ai is all over the place. it changes the planet exploitation on a whim sometimes several turns in a row. I propose 2 solutions that fit together as well if you could do both. First, there could be a check box up next to planet exploitation, that if you check it, it locks to whatever the human player selected, with this, the human player could set an exploitation, and then set the ai to auto build without that changing every few turns if they didn't want it to. the second possibility is if you put the ai auto build on production, it should create that exploitation, same for food, science or money. I think both of these together would make handling larger empires easier.

2. I think this has been mentioned, but I think a way to hide buildings from the build window, so the ai auto build will not make them would be a good addition. I am thinking mainly of Adaptive industrial systems, which once it is built on your planet, you cease to grow more people (although I think there was mention that this was being fixed?)

anyways, there is my 2 cents for right now, I will add some more if I think of anything, and even if these changes don't make it in, I still love the game and love what is being done.
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12 years ago
Dec 16, 2012, 10:30:33 AM
I never seem to use auto build, I just get a natural "feeling" for which upgrades to click and I never have the need.
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12 years ago
Dec 16, 2012, 2:49:22 PM
Yeah I'd love more control over what the AI can and can't control. Just a simple tick box or menu window to enable or disable the building/changing of certain system improvements/exploitations or even allow/disallow terraforming.

I also think some AI focuses work better than others or have better build priorities. Obviously this is probably pretty complicated to work well for fresh colonised planets, early, mid, late game or occupied, etc. There is a lot to take into consideration and maybe a 1 size fits all approach for the AI isn't the best option. Rather than trying to make all viable in all situations, specialise them a bit.

One thing to remember though is you can change and add to the build queue of an AI controlled system. I often set new systems to AI controlled growth then manually add a load of things to the build queue in the order I feel most beneficial to that system.
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12 years ago
Dec 17, 2012, 6:35:49 PM
I use auto build a lot. But, my request would be that the AI wouldn't switch my infinity gold to infinity research.... my simple request!

The other options sound good too. I'd actually like to be able to create a "custom" build list which you could set the AI to. So you could make your own lists for whatever situation you have.
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12 years ago
Dec 17, 2012, 10:37:59 PM
strider, have you tried setting the autobuild function to focus on dust? whenever I do that it when it is done with buildings it always picks convert extra production to dust.
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12 years ago
Dec 20, 2012, 5:53:10 AM
I would love to be able to set a 'this is my default autobuild queue: please follow it' setting. Also - having an easy way to view whether or not you've set an exploitation/surveyed a moon/removed an anomaly would be wonderful. Even if it was just a colored dot on the empire screen (green for anomaly, yellow for moon, red for exploitation) that indicates one of the planets in the system needs attention!
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