*In the case that I unintentionally duplicated any similar topic, my honest apologies*


This suggestion is intended for hybridized modules, intermediates between weapons, defense and support modules.

This suggestion is related to my upcoming interface suggestion.

This suggestion affects the fundamental aspects of ship design, combat and ship roles.


The options between weapons modules, defense modules and support modules are very neat and handy, but they do put the player in a mechanical position when it comes to ship design.

For example, a battleship.

Though a battleship can be modified in many ways, it can only be modified to its current role. A battleship has tough defenses, but limited in offense. This puts the battleship in a limited role, whereas it can be made into a battleship class with a fearsome reputation of defenses and firepower; a battleship class that can zoom around in space without corvette support; a battleship that can take a dreadnought one on one. Such ships are possible if players are given certain amount of choices.

Not to be too cheesy with the game, but there's nothing wrong with adding some pseudo-Victorian and pseudo-Romantic elements to the game; it fact it may even be beneficial! Think of the 18th century; think of a time when warlords would make ships so special, so powerful that they become the pride of his or her fleet(Queen Victoria!); think of the HMS Victory, or the USS Constitution; think of the HMS Hood or the IJN Yamato(that would be a dreadnought by our standards); think of special, hybrid ships or even a fleet of special, powerful ships that become the fleet of the fleets! The pride of the player!

Players will then send their best fleets to challenge the best of the enemy!

With the added emotional and intellectual elements to the design of the specific special ships, we just added another aspect to the game! The best versus the best!

Now all that is said, what does Hybrid Modules have to do with it?

Hybrid modules are a cross between the different ship modules of the game. These modules grant the player the flexibility needed to design such powerful ships that they want.

Since we have weapons modules, defense modules and support modules, my suggested hybrid modules classification would be:



defense weapons modules(leaning towards offense but offers defensive points, own list of weapons)

offensive defense modules(leaning towards defense but offers offensive points, less weapons more shields)




reinforced defense modules(leaning towards defense but giving support, like adding armor)

integrated armor modules(gives hitpoints but adds resistance to a certain weapon type)




offensive support modules(less offering of weapons, but improves weapon performances like firing rates, warhead count, turns to fire, etc)

weapons support modules(has it's own list of weapons with reduced firepower but gives either buffs or debuffs, like increasing accuracy)



There is a lot to add and play around with such a scheme. For example:

I.Defensive weapons module

CIWS kinetics

-Can shoot down missiles

-Less effective than baseline kinetics at longer ranges

-More effective than baseline kinetics at shorter ranges

II.Offensive defense modules

Prism shielding

-has a chance to reflect laser beams

-lesser chance of absorbing laser damage

-multiple stacks increases chance of reflecting back damage.

III. Reinforced defense modules

Flak turrets

-defends against missiles

-adds hitpoints

-less hitpoints added than baseline armor

IV.Integrated armor modules

Crumple zones

-adds armor

-missiles hit for fixed damage.

V.Offensive support modules

Advance autoloaders

-kinetics fire 2 more times

VI.Weapons support modules

Weapon tracers

-when kinetics, missiles or beams hit a target, the next salvo will have an increased chance to hit.

That's just about a small fraction it can do; since there are already a solid mix in the game, the combinations may be Endless.


This post will be related to my new upcoming posts.

These new posts will be about ship design interface, larger weapons for larger ships,

and my brand new redesigned frigate(my specific frigate).
