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[Suggestion] Hotseat

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12 years ago
Oct 13, 2012, 3:07:34 PM
Really, guys! Hotseat would be great! I play any TBS (that offers it) more in hotseat mode with my brother than alone!
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12 years ago
Jun 23, 2012, 6:41:05 PM
Steph'nie wrote:
I'm pretty sure we rejected the "play by email" suggestion"; I even replied with a mean comment (sowwwy :fatsmiley: smile. I had never even heard of it, and SpaceTroll had to explain it to me. smiley: biggrin

Oh, now I feel old. I remember back in the day playing Stars! via email. But I digress...

Gundies wrote:
It sounds like some of us would be fine with 100% auto combat for hotseat, and that question wasn't even really asked yet. I obviously don't speak for everyone here, but even if it's not completely fair in someway, like if the AI all go during the first players turn, I'd still love the ability to play with friends on the same computer.

I know it's a niche crowd that wants hotseat, but we'd all love you guys for it.

Agreed! It wouldn't be the first game to force auto-combat in a multiplayer format.
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12 years ago
Jul 10, 2012, 5:54:24 PM
Doesn't have to be very restricted. Just allow each player to do attacks like in normal play. In battlemode just give a fixed perspective on the action and let each player choose his cards according to a 2 digit code (f.e.: Nano reparis is qw so left player has qweasd and whats not necessary and the other player the numpad). Then you blur the cards - or not, depending if you want that moment of surprise thing. In terms of movement, welllet it as is. Let ai`s take one seperate turn. One exception necassary - if a human player is within the reach of one turn to your colonizationship, you cant colonize for one round. Otherwise there might be a problem with race for a planet and the player who takes his turn first would autowin. I'm not commenting on how its in current multiplayer.

Wouldnt all of that be like easy and sattisfying for everyone, or am i missing the really problems?
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12 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 12:08:26 PM
I'm all for a hotseat option, too. It's a bit sad that combats would be automatically turned to auto-combat ( although hopefully still with pretty animations ), but given how they are divided into the three phases anyway and there are definite counter-cards for certain tactics, it wouldn't make much sense to work in a time-costly "separate turns" solution, anyway.
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12 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 11:05:58 PM
Kinda rezzing this topic to see if a Dev has a response to nay or yay on this. I myself would like to see a Hotseat Option added, as it would be a detriment to this game to not have it. I played Civ V, and other TBS's before, all with hotseat added, this game, while have a "simultaneous turns" ability, still has an end turn on SP, how hard would this be to implement into the current game (minus combat cards, or pre-selected cards with no combat animation)? Kinda hoping to see that much at least, so far I like the game though in my massive play through of expansion winning.
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12 years ago
Jul 17, 2012, 3:41:08 PM
so is there any way we can play this game in hotseat? i didnt buy the game yet and theres no reason to get it if theres no hotseat. We played all geat hotseat games (moo2, heroes, civ, etc) and this looks like a great next game to play for years but we only play them in hotseat so if anyone can tell us if theres gonna be implemented or a workaround like 2 games launched on same comp and switch betwean them or any other way to play it over few beers on same comp pls share. thk
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12 years ago
Jul 18, 2012, 3:53:54 PM
Eugen wrote:
so is there any way we can play this game in hotseat? i didnt buy the game yet and theres no reason to get it if theres no hotseat. We played all geat hotseat games (moo2, heroes, civ, etc) and this looks like a great next game to play for years but we only play them in hotseat so if anyone can tell us if theres gonna be implemented or a workaround like 2 games launched on same comp and switch betwean them or any other way to play it over few beers on same comp pls share. thk

There is no hotseat option at the moment (I can't tell for later) as turns in Endless Space are played simultaneously.
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12 years ago
Jul 19, 2012, 9:50:31 AM
doesent matter if turns are simultaneously, alot of games have regular turns on hotseat and simultan turns in multyplayer. Actualy most games even have the option in multyplayer and that happens for 20 years+ now. Problem might be in space combat only cause its real time battle but since u dont actualy do much there that can be fixed easy. Also, game looks great on strategic map, not so good in space battle and thats .. dont know if most important but just as important as the rest. Remember in moo2 when u could kill 3-4 player ships (or a full screen of AI ships) with just 1 of yours cause u made it that good and u could face with the right shiled and the right tactics or make a destroyer with no weapons and just run from oponent that couldnt kill u cause he didnt have a computer, that could make this game best game ever. So, again, pls add the hotseat and maybe think about changeing the space combat. U're so close to perfection, why not reach itsmiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Jun 22, 2012, 9:07:55 AM
Gundies wrote:
It sounds like some of us would be fine with 100% auto combat for hotseat, and that question wasn't even really asked yet. I obviously don't speak for everyone here, but even if it's not completely fair in someway, like if the AI all go during the first players turn, I'd still love the ability to play with friends on the same computer.

I know it's a niche crowd that wants hotseat, but we'd all love you guys for it.

I agree. I wouldn't mind if the combat was automatic-only at all.
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12 years ago
Oct 14, 2012, 1:53:51 PM
Besides sequential turns (with auto combat only?) there's also the potential option of moving movement and combat to separate phases of the game (like in SotS). Orders are still given simultaneously (faster MP), but movement and combat effectively happens only after the players press "end turn".

You can even have non-auto combat in ES in hotseat this way if players have time to separately decide what battle cards they will use.

Of course adding any one of these options would probably require a lot of effort from the devs.
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12 years ago
Oct 21, 2012, 9:55:39 PM
What they guy above me just said, I want to add on to. In hearing people want hotseat, and having read through this thread, I have a few things to say:

First, those who mentioned Civilization and claimed that its online multiplayer was simply turn based has it wrong- it is simultaneous turns while hot seat was completely turn based. Games have had both options before.

Now for how it could work in this game (and this plays off and expands on what the guy above me said):

First, each team does all of their building and movement orders on their own turn. No movement happens, however, until the end of the round. Then we enter the phase where all actions happen; buildings advance one turn, and all fleets move. how would this affect combat? Lets say a fleet was planning on leaving a system, while another fleet in the system was planning on attacking it: if they had attack fleets leaving this system activated while trying to attack it, they would thus attack the fleet. If the fleet had nothing activated, however, the other fleet would obviously leave. All fleets would then move at the same time. To determine who colonized a planet first, you could simply do a random roll, or perhaps which ship had more movement points left upon entering the system? probably wouldn't be too difficult to figure out (maybe an option to plan colonization for a ship arriving in a system before its actually moved there)

For battles themselves, a simple option could be given. Each player would have a password to enter in before battle, to ensure their friend would not hack their battle cards. Then, player 1 would choose their three battle cards. Player 2 would enter his password, then choose his 3 (perhaps also adding an option to pause in the middle of a battle to change your battle cards). Battle cards would be unseen during battle unless password was entered.

I don't see how this would be too difficult to code in, since it wouldn't really be changing any game play. It would just be making all movement done in order form, and then done simultaneously as it already is. A big question, however, would be whether AI in hotseat games would follow the same turn based rules, or if AI and user interaction would proceed as it already does in single player.
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12 years ago
Oct 22, 2012, 9:26:43 AM
- intercepting enemy fleets leaving system : does not need to be added to make my proposal work, because it isn't specific to simultaneous or turn-based. And there's already a way to block enemy fleets by guarding systems. (Also in SotS1 you can intercept fleets while they are deep space (and sometimes even "string"-space), you would probably need to add this to make intercepts work).

- as for colonization this would only matter if two allies try to colonize a system at the same time, otherwise IIRC there's already a rule that you cannot colonize a system when an enemy is present.
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12 years ago
Oct 22, 2012, 10:28:15 AM
Dropfish wrote:
Isn't that on the the famous dead-horse suggestions already?

Yes, it is. But so many people are asking for it and it hurts my little heart to close this thread. smiley: frown
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12 years ago
Nov 3, 2012, 10:47:53 AM
Well, I am a bit disappointed that we even got a comment from a developer before the game was released that they would like to add the option post-release, and only after the game actually was released we heard that it was almost impossible to implement.
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12 years ago
Jan 20, 2013, 11:59:04 PM
Hot seat would be the best .. me and my hot seat buddies would really love it if you could somehow think this through one more time.. smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Jun 19, 2012, 6:43:00 PM
I agree. I think there are many who simply expect this to be a feature in the game. The reason I ended up here was because I had mentioned this game to my roommate who reacted with an instant: "Cool! That sounds like a game we could play together on the PC". I then ran the game, only to find that this wasn't possible.

Even though this thread hasn't gotten that much feedback, I'm certain there's a lot of people like my roommate who don't spend time on forums like these, but would definitely be interested in this game if it had hotseat.
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12 years ago
Jun 15, 2012, 8:06:32 PM
smiley: approval !

I've actually always thought of this as a must for all turn-based strategy games. I see this hasn't been implemented in the beta yet though, so I thought I'd check out whether there's been any talk of it here on the forums.

Hotseat is mainly how I like to play these kinds of games - socially, with beer and friend or two. It would be a real shame if this wasn't included in the final release or at least a later patch/expansion.

I'm enjoying the game a lot otherwise. smiley: smile

*EDIT: I see that another player has already suggested this in another multiplayer-related thread. I haven't found any other thread specifically about the implementation of hotseat multiplayer though.
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12 years ago
Jun 16, 2012, 12:22:14 AM
The type of gameplay that Endless Space has (simultaneous turn-based) would make it difficult. I don't see it as necessary at all, but if the dev team have a lot of spare time (which they don't) then I don't see why not.
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12 years ago
Jun 16, 2012, 7:52:49 AM
Civilization is simultaneous turn-based, no? It still has hotseat.

In any case, sad to hear that this would require a lot of additional work to implement. Would be great though.
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12 years ago
Jun 16, 2012, 9:24:03 AM
plosnati wrote:
Civilization is simultaneous turn-based, no? It still has hotseat.

In any case, sad to hear that this would require a lot of additional work to implement. Would be great though.

No, no it isn't. People take turns.
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12 years ago
Jun 17, 2012, 1:13:36 PM
The way I see the game, you can manually move your ships "in your turn" or set up your waypoint, end your turn and the ships then move all at once. So hotseat still seems a viable option

Of course hotseat probably puts devs off because it means potentially selling less copies, but I'm unlikely to buy 2 copies as I only have 1 PC in the house and I imagine many are in the same boat
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12 years ago
Jun 17, 2012, 9:54:36 PM
Er, for folks like me who aren't normally up on TBS games (Endless Space is a delightful exception!), what exactly is "Hotseat"?
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12 years ago
Jun 17, 2012, 11:15:30 PM
Hot Seat is when 2 or more people sit in front of one computer and take turns playing the game. Plus, I don't see why not, but I don't really see myself ever playing it that way, so unless this is really easy to implement, I think there are better things the devs could be working on. But I'm not opposed to the idea.
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12 years ago
Jun 18, 2012, 3:59:14 AM
I can't imagine setting up a hotseat option would take much devtime, especially since this is THE way I play these games (usually Play-by-email) This is an absolute must and has to be in the game. Many people will buy this game expecting PBE and Hotseat, and will be bitterly dejected when they see it is not there. This game is actually a turn-based game, not a simultaneous turn game, EXCEPT the combat (as far as I can tell). Excluding the combat, I do my turn, you do yours. Basically, PBE and Hotseat should be allowed, just automatically make all combats auto, which, due to the byzantine nature of combat as it is, I do anyways. Even if the game, somewhere deep in the mechanics, is a simultanous affair, I've played simulataneous games hotseat, it's not hard to program. Simply have Player one put his inputs in; Player 2 puts his imputs, then hit go and see what happens; it's been done before. I don't know the code for the game, but I'd imagine setting up a bare-bones, auto-combat Hotseat option so that we have it wouldn't require much programming time, and I'd imagine that you risk alienating ALOT of fans if this option is not there. I got this game to play solo, yes, but also to play PBE and Hotseat, and would be very disappointing if there wasn't the option. Even if I would be 'dumbing down' the gameplay by eliminating the awkward combat in order to do so, at least give me the option.
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12 years ago
Jun 13, 2012, 10:42:47 PM
Being a turn based game and with many of us probably having fond memories of games such as Master of Orion 2, the Civilization games, and the Heroes games this would be an incredibly nice and hopefully fairly easy thing to include. While I know most people want to play solo vs ai or online only, there is still a special place in many peoples' hearts for a good oldschool hotseat all night marathon.
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12 years ago
Jun 19, 2012, 6:51:17 PM
Totally agree that this should be implemented. It's so much easier to get someone to also buy the game, when you can just have them play a game with you... on your system. (sure you could let them play alone, but where's the fun in that?)
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12 years ago
Jun 19, 2012, 8:03:13 PM
This is an interesting discussion, I hope one of the dev's can explain some more about their feelings for this.

As I see it this would be a great add-on, and I think (I'm not sure at all) it wouldn't take that much time.
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12 years ago
Jun 19, 2012, 10:47:58 PM
Ah. I have such fond memories of hotseat games. Good times!

I would love to see hotseat implemented. But I would be surprised if they did. Fewer and fewer games are including the option in this internet age. Even in the 4X genre.
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12 years ago
Jun 21, 2012, 9:50:41 AM
Yep! Definately a Must-Have!

Maybe a little bit difficult due to this strange simulataneous turn design - but hey, someone (either the Devs or some good Modders) will figure it out.

I'm not expecting it at release - but let's say approx. 4-6 months after would be nice.

You'd really make an old MOO2-Hotseat-Fan happy!
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12 years ago
Jun 21, 2012, 2:32:56 PM
plosnati wrote:
*EDIT: I see that another player has already suggested this in another multiplayer-related thread. I haven't found any other thread specifically about the implementation of hotseat multiplayer though.

I'm pretty sure we rejected the "play by email" suggestion"; I even replied with a mean comment (sowwwy :fatsmiley: smile. I had never even heard of it, and SpaceTroll had to explain it to me. smiley: biggrin

As for the hotseat suggestion, in the case of Endless Space: simultaneous turns, it wouldn't be possible, unless we rethink the combat system... Also, I found an old post by Max:

skamaks wrote:
Hey guys,

we know how cool a hotseat mode can be, Spacetroll and I worked on the Heroes of Might & Magic series and Hotseat is a religion for that game!

It's not planned yet for the game and won't be ready for the release but it's now added to the list of potential improvements of the game smiley: wink

Not sure if the hotseat suggestion got an official answer from us though (in the updated list): will need to check with Romain.
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12 years ago
Jun 21, 2012, 6:42:34 PM
It sounds like some of us would be fine with 100% auto combat for hotseat, and that question wasn't even really asked yet. I obviously don't speak for everyone here, but even if it's not completely fair in someway, like if the AI all go during the first players turn, I'd still love the ability to play with friends on the same computer.

I know it's a niche crowd that wants hotseat, but we'd all love you guys for it.
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