stormhawx wrote:
You have a good point, however, it makes sense if it does go away over time. If you, your parents, and your grandparents all lived in the same conditions, you would think it is the norm. At first the internet was revolutionary, there were quite a few opponents to it, but now we have all gotten used to it, it is commonplace in our lives.

If this were true, then social change would never have taken place. Women wouldn't be able to vote, black people would still be slaves, and gays wouldn't be able to serve openly in the military. I know these are extreme examples, but they make my point.

Again, Expansion Disapproval represents a myriad of factors. It is perfectly reasonable that, at a certain size, the empire is unable to mitigate all of these factors.

Now, in the realm of compromise, I would definitely understand if the amount of disapproval scaled with the size of the map. IE you get more systems in larger maps, so make Disapproval smaller...