For many players, not all heroes are worth the same. Some combos of classes are more desirable than others, and some classes are just too good to pass (admin, Commander). There is also the Corporate class that has limited usefulness because most of it's skills are trade related, thus useless for players who don't or can't trade. I think the problem is that some classes have a good synergy while others don't offer anything besides the common skills.

I believe the solution is to broaden the skill sets of all classes so they can complement each others regardless if they are mainly used for system or fleet. The Advanturer is a good example of this because it has both skills useful for fleet and system management. The new skills don't need to be powerful, just useful enough to make the class combo worthwhile.

An example of what i have in mind:

Corporate Hero

When used on a system

-a skill that reduce ship construction cost.

-a skill that reduce improvement cost.

-a skill that increase system dust income by 20%

-a skill that reduce buyout cost (say 1 % per wit point).

When used on a fleet.

-a skill that reduce fleet upkeep.

-a skill that create dust for destroyed CP (friend or foes).

-a skill leech some of the dust produced from a blocaded system.


When used on a system

-a skill that increase base health of ships created there.

-a skill that improve base speed of ship built there.

-a skill that improve base damage.

-a skill that allow empire's resource to come in system if blocaded.


When used in a system

-A skill that reduce retrofit cost.

-A skill that increase base XP for new ship built.

-A skill that improve system recovery for each cp of friendly ships in orbit (or maybe each 2 or 3 cp).

-A skill that improve ship production for each cp of enemy ships destroyed in system.

What do you guys think?