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Official Amplitude Studios / Endless Space Faction Creation Competition

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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 2:20:04 PM
Origin in Depth

We Were Not Born, We Awoke”

During the height of the Dust wars the virtual's created a appalling warrior race called the “Cravers” the concretes realized they could not engage both their virtual counter parts and the Cravers at the same time efficiently so they developed a solution. They constructed tremendous artificial worlds beyond imagination. Every thing on one of these bastion worlds served a purpose. Trees and flora formed a sort of organic networking series of both wired and wireless signal. Its seas and oceans held the genetic information of the entire race; Trillions upon trillions. Even the core of these worlds are beyond belief. The endless had the technology to encapsulate stars, forceing them down in size to increase pressure and energy. They used this technology in the core of the worlds to power everything. From the oxygen processing plants to the nutrient synthesizers. The worlds even heated themselves internally outwards. Essentially these bastion worlds could exist in the cold void of deep space without any assistance. The populace of these worlds did not have a name. For the were not born, they were awakened. The Concretes analyzed and took DNA from hundreds of races and spliced them together into a beyond perfect state. This race was referred to as the “Sons of Tor” in honor of the concretes lost world. The Sons had emotions such as fear, remorse and doubt stripped from their minds, in there place qualities of honor, nobility, and valor were seared. They did not age or grow ill from blight, and were all very, very intelligent tacticians and strategist. Despite all these blessing's the had only one singular purpose: Exterminate the Cravers at any cost, no matter the loss. And they do this zealously without a second thought.

For the next 600 years the Sons of Tor Fought alongside the concretes against the Cravers in a sort of holy crusade. Trillions died on each side as The Sons and Cravers engulfed entire galaxies in total war. At one point of the Craver/Tor Conflicts the craver had disobeyed the directory commands of their virtual overlords and overwhelmed every defense in the system engulfing virtual, Concrete and Tor alike. With the virtuals gone and the concretes fleeing the Sons of Tor from the Bastion World of Deltora Pride soon found themselves alone against a foe that outnumbered them thirty to one. They did not retreat. For two months they held the Cravers at bay within the system before their bastion world (Deltora Pride) became seiged. With there doom iminate the grand council gave permission to the Pride Commander: Toran Praid to perform an ultimate act of selfless servitude. Toran Praid signaled Deltora Pride's Neutrino Sun to explode into a super nova, engulfing every rock, every planet, and every Craver in the system in a cleansing plasma stopping the mechanical horde from consuming the universe. Both

The Concretes and the Virtuals marked this event for what could have happened if the Sons of Tor on Deltora Pride didn’t sacrifice themselves. Over the last stretch of the Dust wars the Virtuals began a xenoside of their Craver army as retribution for what happened and for what the Cravers could become. They isolated them into a distant star system and reduced them to the stone age but became to preoccupied by the rest of their theaters of war to finish them off. The concretes knew of this and feared similar action from their own creations. Fortunately for them they had a fail safe on each of these Bastion worlds. With a simple command phrase they caused all of the bastion worlds star cores to implode into a artificial black hole. Consuming its planet and its people with it. One by one all of the bastion worlds disappeared into a black emptiness. All but one. In the furthest reaches of space one bastion world survived. It has yet to be known what caused it but instead of the signal causing the worlds core to implode the signal instead told the world to enter a sort of stasis. The bastion world phased out into a pocket between two known universes and there it waited for eons. As the sands of time passed the last bastion world phased back into known universe, and signaled its sons to awaken.

Zealous Fury +20% damage when assaulting
As furious as the Hissho in battle, Failure is literally not part of their vocabulary. There is either win or try again.
Shared Memories When a fleet engages in combatthe fleet

commander gainsexperience wherever he is on the map (only Son commanders get

The thoughts and memories are passed down throughout the sons and are shared in a sort of

hive mind with all other existing Sons. They all feel each others pain, learn from each others mistake.

Always improving, always becoming more efficient.
Where are you father? Any Planet under your control that has “concrete artifacts” will

boost all resources by 10 points per artifact on that planet.
A deep longing for their lost father drive the sons to find concrete artifacts.

The knowledge to truly unlock the artifacts power still resides in the Sons memories.

The location of these artifacts... That’s another question.
Praetorian any tech in the “Diplomacy” tree takes

twice as long as normal. However any

tech in the “Conquest” tech tree

researched twice as fast.
The notion of war is considered a beautiful, artistic thing

and the Sons abide by it. That being said their father did not

teach them diplomacy.
We Remember Upon meeting the cravers you automatically declare an irreversible war.
The Cravers still exist,you must continue the crusade your father began.

Your people cannotrest until this aberration has been flayed into cosmic

ash andscattered amongst the stars
False Legions Upon meeting the Horatio you automatically declare an irreversible war.
Upon awakening you notice a brotherhood like your own; Horatio.

But there is something terribly wrong. Their genetics are flawed

and imperfect. The know not who the true forefather is. Their

existence is an insult and a heresy. For the sake of honor they must

be brought to justice.

Visual Style:

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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 3:52:25 PM
Faction: Space Fleet

Origin and history: Originating from Earth, Space Fleet is an organization whose ongoing mission is to explore odd new worlds, to seek out previously unknown life-forms and

civilizations, to bravely go where no Human has ever gone before.

Visual style: It should look similar to Star Trek's Starfleet (Though not so similar as to violate any copyrights). Space Fleet individuals will wear some sort of military-style uniform, while ships should have a saucer section, nacelles, and at least look fairly similar to some of the ships from the show.

Strengths and Weaknesses: Strengths will be primarily in diplomacy and exploration, while weaknesses may primarily be in dust generation and military.

P.S. I know this is brief, but I'm honestly not very creative, so I really just wanted to throw the idea out there of a Star Trek-esque faction, as there will no doubt be no shortage of Trekkies that will want to play this game with a faction similar to the ones in Star Trek.
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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 4:04:15 PM
reaganfan93 wrote:

P.S. I know this is brief, but I'm honestly not very creative, so I really just wanted to throw the idea out there of a Star Trek-esque faction, as there will no doubt be no shortage of Trekkies that will want to play this game with a faction similar to the ones in Star Trek.

your as creative as you tell yourself you are man. But good job on posting an idea, Im sure many people dont even do that lol
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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 6:36:07 PM
Honestly man, my visual style was just going to be 'Like Federation ships from star trek but more squarish and more blue', but then I went for my own thing.

So yeah, I think a Trek-esque faction would go over well. Besides which, with modding support, I imagine we'll get our trek ships sooner or later.
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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 8:52:39 PM
Just a question, I read almost all the topic but I did not find what will be exactly the aim/prize of this contest:

Will the chosen race proposal be added to the game (with all of that include: new artworks, design ship etc... or maybe just a "light" version made with the custom race editor)?

Is this contest a way to regroup all the ideas for the race editor options?

I agree that the question could seem stupid but I am really wondering what impact it will have on the game.
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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 11:57:52 PM
So after some brainstorming and letting my ideas take shape over 3 days I decided to give it a try as well on my own faction, like most of the submissions here it's going to be quite a wall of text, so get ready if you're interested.

The Nexara

Homeplanet (Xara):

The homeplanet, a large terran world orbiting a big blue sun (called Qox) provides a reasonable amount of minerals and food, however chemical compounds necessary for more sentient life are scarce, forcing all inhabitants with higher conscience to eat and hunt very specific. While the planet is closest to being terran it actually is more of a mixture of possible planet surfaces, with distinct areas usually being rather small, making specialization hard for lifeforms. Due to these circumstances most lifeforms are very simple and usually unconscious, roaming the planet for food all day long. Sentient lifeforms had to be ferocious hunters in order to accumulate everything necessary to develop even a basic conscience, and most of those hunters evolved somewhere sometime, and were gone already after a few decades.

The flora covers nearly the entire planet and has an overall red-yellow color, while rich in subspecies the flora also always keeps a few very basic principles, preventing it from getting more complex but allowing it to reproduce even in the most hostile environments.

The Ancestors:

Phase 1:

The ancestors of the Nexara roamed the planet in schools from the early beginnings of evolution. Their visual appearance would best be described as cat-like, with a slightly longer body, 4 "ears" (2 on top of the head much like Terran-cats and 2 slightly above the side of the head) and red-orange fur, usually without any patterns, like all other lifeforms they ate plants and generally kept a lot of distance to different species. Faced with a lot of hunters over the millennia natural selection improved their senses and they developed sharp teeth to defend themselves in critical situation. As they adapted to defeat hunters they became hunters themselves forth on living omnivorous. Their body size increased (to a shoulder height of about 50cm). It was at this point in time that a sub-gender formed within the populations, variations of the already existing male and female genders. Those sub-genders (simply referred to as male-X and female-X) were typically stronger, faster, more intelligent and had a crass differing fur color, partially with complex patterns, usual colors were green, blue, violet and ultraviolet.

Since the normal genders were unsure how to deal with this permanently re-occurring mutation a lot of those mutants were expelled, killed or simply ignored. However schools which were willing to live with them soon benefited from their different properties allowing for a new variety of strategies to effectively capture prey. Those schools became dominant because they were able to hunt bigger, hard-to-kill herbivores and the other schools trying to live without the mutated sub-gender soon got extinct.

Phase 2:

The ancestors of the Nexara were the only species able to turn into a stable species of hunters on Xara, they also were the first and only ones able to slowly develop a higher sentience. They developed a very basic form of complex communication, based on natural instincts which allowed them to use it to communicate with every member of the species (this communication form later turns to telepathy). The evolution was tightly linked to the conscious mind and the thoughts and hence started changing as soon as a sentience was developed. Craving for more performance they constantly grew stronger, more intelligent and bigger (to about the size and shape of a tiger). And their once normal lifespan (about 50 years) grew as well.

Able to "harvest" the necessary compounds to develop intelligence in great amounts and with lifespans already exceeding 200 years the time of overpopulation and dangerous exploitation came. Several conflicts emerged even though the scattered state of the race prevented any war from developing.

It was the thoughts of a few (primarily X sub-gender) which allowed to end the conflicts. Unhappy with the constant conflicts those individuals thought about ways to solve the problem, and the easiest and most logical solution was to restrict reproduction. Since mating wasn't yet connected with any kind of pleasure and each individual had a long lifespan for itself the thought spread across the planet and was accepted pretty fast.

The first big thought and the first law emerged. Modesty in order to survive. The year 0. The Beginning.

Phase 3:

With a single easy thought having such fast, vast and positive global effects the ancestors of the Nexara soon started to dedicate their ever improving lifespan to thought and philosophy whenever they didn't had to hunt. They made the first steps in knowledge gathering and soon understood their own ability to manipulate their evolution, only 500 PtB (Past the Beginning) they developed a genetic memory and basic emotions. They started to systematically gather knowledge about how the world works and which consequences decisions brought with them. After a millennium of relatively calm research and much thought, ideas to use the environment arose; the first names for individuals were given. But their current tiger-like bodies weren't able to use any tools, even less to build something, so for the first time in their lives a few of them tried to do things their bodies weren't made for. Years of frustration followed but thanks to the controlled evolution their fore-paws soon got more complex, and they were able to grab things, though the precision was something to be improved. Intrigued by the new options and chances the changes were constantly exchanged between the schools. Basic settlements for scientific purposes where build, and soon around 1750 PtB the equivalent to a capital city was constructed, the Cathedral of Nexara, named after Nexara who was a female-X with blue fur and who was considered the wisest among the Nexara of that time. Born around 1400 PtB she was already 350 years old when "her cathedral" was build and thus even exceeded the already high lifespan. She was the first to develop a human like body allowing her to stand only on her hind paws so that she could develop her fore paws into hand like grabbing tools. The cathedral became a popular haven for physical, mental and scientific development and during the next decades they started to develop advanced emotions. Nexara assumed a mostly humanoid shape and fur/hair was only growing on her head, her tail and her back paws when she died in 1825 PtB at an age of around 425 years. Following her teachings and her mental as well as physical example the race forth on called themselves Nexara.

The Nexara:

With a path to knowledge and peace ahead, the Nexara developed great knowledge in all basic scientific areas, however since they kept their natural lifestyle as hunters they rarely made use of what they learned. It was in 2845 PtB that the first basic Nexara spaceship left the atmosphere, with a very specific target. A huge ship in orbit that was apparently there for as long as the ancestors could walk, or even longer. The operation carefully brought down the wrack to the surface where it was inspected and explored; it was built by a species unknown to the Nexara (the virtual Endless to be precise). The scientists nearly immediately made the first contact with Dust upon entering the wrack, and while not being able to fully understand the Dust for many years to come, they came to a basic knowledge of what it was and how it can be used pretty fast. The wrack also contained significant amounts of information about the galaxy, which could be understood within a few decades thanks to the Dust. Skeptical of the lifeforms that might await them in the galaxy they adapted the Dust and the technology and started to explore the space.

Further those Nexara that come in contact with dust usually become immortal very fast, and while they are skilled at adapting it for their purposes, "heroes" however require a lot of dust for abilities or special healing due to their constant consumption of dust.

As for the endless, they were admired a little bit for their high level of scientific knowledge, however the Nexara tend to look down on their civilization as a whole due to their self-destruction.

Ship Architecture:

Nexara ships are big, complex, pointy and aggressive looking, with lots protrusions for sensors and weaponry. Smaller ships are primarily colored in black and a little bit of red, bigger ships in black with complex violet and blue patterns.

A typical Nexara dreadnaught ship design is a big, sleek, roughly cone-shaped bulk with several protrusions pointing to the front and with several smaller complex support and engine sections on the back. The support sections take different shapes like spheres, or helixes.
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13 years ago
May 11, 2012, 11:59:28 PM
Visual Appearance:

If you managed to read through the entire lore you should already have a rough understanding of the outer appearance, but here I'll explain it in a lot more detail and how the Nexara would like at the beginning of the game, I'll first describe the general proportions, and then the specific genders separately.


The Nexara are humanoids, they are about 2,2m tall (no difference between the genders), have bright skin ranging from human-like to snow-pale (the X sub-gender can have bluish skin however). Hair grows on the head and small fur grows on the back paws, the tail and the sides of the face.

The tail is 3-4cm thick, usually 1m long and has a thin layer of fur. Certain individuals can have more than one tail, a forked tail or tails with broader fur, making them look more like foxes, which usually isn't due to their natural looks but due to voluntary self-modification. Heroes tend to do this to openly show the Dust influence.

2 ears are on the sides of the head, slightly above where the human equivalent would be, pointing slightly up. The other 2 ears are above on the head and slightly shifted to the front. The ears are covered with a thin layer of fur, a slightly thicker layer of fluff in the ears and a varying amount of brushes on the tip (usually 1/3/5, in rare cases 7/9, in very rare cases 2/4/6/8).

Their "hands" have 5 fingers with 6 joints per finger, allowing for great precision, the equivalent of the human thumb as still more a normal finger that only slightly goes to the side. Hence their hands would look very human from a distance but quite different when inspected closely.

Their eyes are about the size of a humans, however the iris and the pupil are significantly bigger, hence only a small part of the white (or sometimes gray) sclera can be seen. The iris can have pretty much every color, with the average dominant color per Nexara being the specimens color of hair. The pupil has often the form of a vertical slit, but can as well be round or in very rare cases even has a slightly more complex form.

The fur on the sides of the face and the tails often show patterns, the X sub-gender generally has more complex patterns. Males have usually hair of medium length, ranging from short to the middle of the back. Females usually have long hair ranging from the middle of the back to the popliteal. The hair is often single colored, but in quite a few cases a transition between 2 colors is possible. More than 2 colors are possible but very rare. The fangs are completely concealed behind the lips; females have slightly bigger fangs than males.

With all those possible differences which are even bigger between all of the 4 genders it is pretty much impossible to mix up one Nexara with another.


Clothes became common in 1900 PtB, when the Nexara teached themself emotions for real friendship, and love to promote and strengthen bonds. The thickness, type and amount of clothes being worn on private encounters of any kind directly shows how shy/open an individual is or what kind of relationship exists or is sought after. The normal "work" clothes for Nexara are thick armored jackets, looking much like massive uniforms revealing only the head, the back paws and the tail, a hidden tail however is a direct sign for mistrust.


Dominant hair color: Red

Normal hair colors: Red-Yellow

Rare hair colors: Infrared

Dominant facial fur shapes: Lines


Dominant hair color: Orange

Normal hair colors: Red-Yellow

Rare hair colors: Infrared

Dominant facial fur shapes: Triangles


Dominant hair color: Green

Normal hair colors: Green-Blue

Rare hair colors: Ultraviolet

Dominant facial fur shapes: Triangles, Helixes


Dominant hair color: Ultraviolet

Normal hair colors: Blue-Violet

Rare hair colors: Green, Yellow

Dominant facial fur shapes: Helixes, small complex patterns

Philosophy (and some quotes):

The Nexara are usually very peaceful but their nature as hunters and their accumulated knowledge from the endless dreadnaught makes them very skeptical and mistrusting of other species. While they will never fire the first shot they won't hesitate to launch a full attack on however starts a war. In battle their strategy depends on making every fired shot count, rather than just increasing raw firepower.


Nexara: "We have much to learn and little to regret. We are a race of hunters so let us hunt for wisdom and an even better future."

Thoughts about the possibility of encountering other lifeforms: "When we encounter other species we will look for a way to stay away from them or live in peace. In case that's not possible we'll have all our weapons charged and aimed already before they can even start cursing their misfortune."

Thoughts about the society (from one of the scientists studying the wreck): "Compared to other civilizations we had a pretty good start, we didn't have to experience war ourselves to find out how detrimental it is to fight each other. I'm not that optimistic about possible contacts with aliens however."

Average Citizen: "Life is great isn't it? Well, not that I can imagine living without the ability to evolve myself or even worse with a lifespan of less than 100 years."

Political System:

The Nexara never started restricting themselves with any kind of political system, neither with laws, and given their organization in schools vanished over the last centuries as well it is safe to say they are nearly in a total state of anarchy. No one has the right nor the desire to restrict another individual and thus crimes are at a total 0, which would turn any kind of law into worthless words and letters. Nexara constantly telepathically communicate with each other and exchange opinions as well as raw information through which common goals are formed. After a common goal is completely formed and detailed with all necessary prerequisites Nexara that are most fitted for the defined positions simply take it without much further talk. That allows for any crew for any big project like a space vessel to be assembled within a matter of hours. The individuals that are closest to filling in the rolls of big leaders are the Omnichronos (eternals) which are Dust "heroes" that achieved true immortality. They collect huge amounts of information and forward them to every system in order to get common input on how to react on current situations.


For a sophisticated race the Nexara have a surprisingly low amount of art. The only external physical art is always something relating to science, while their main form of art are their own bodys, which often are modified for that sole purpose. Nexara which encounter other species also might decide to copy certain visual traits, especially when diplomatic relationships are desired.


Affinity Trait:

Population Control: No disapproval from overpopulated star systems, -50% disapproval from expanding.

Highly Evolved: Population doesn't suffer from diseases

Nearly Immortal: +15% Population growth


(+10) Avengers: After losing a system: +50% Ground Defense on all Systems for 20 turns/+50% Military Power on all Fleets when invading for 20 turns

(+15) Snipers: +15% accuracy per weapon mod

(+15) Aiming for Weak spots: +30% critical chance per weapon mod

(+30) Skilled Scientists: +20% Science per star system

(+10) Tolerant: Able to colonize all planets with a 50% FIMS malus

(+10) Knowledge Gathering: +50 research points per enemy CP destroyed

(+06) Optimistic: +10 Approval bonus per star system

(-03) Bad Merchants: 1 Trade Route less per star system

(-05) Poor Soil: The home Planet has Poor Soil

(-06) Useless Dust Medicine: +80% Dust cost for Hero healing

(-02) Dust power ineptness: +25% Dust cost for Hero Abilities

Diplomatic Alignment: Neutral

Gameplay: Explore, claim and understand

Main Victory Type: Military/Scientific

Side Notes/Trivia:

-Humans can't see the ultraviolet light, and will identify individuals colored in ultraviolet as bright blue, but most lifeforms on Xara are able to see a bigger spectrum of light [frominfraredtoultraviolet,thehigherevolvedformsofNexaraevenfromabout5pm-1mwhichmeansgamma-raystohighfrequencyradio-waves].

- 1 year on Xara equals approximately 0,8 years on Earth, so in earth years Nexara was 340 years old. Xara is on the outer rims of the habitable zone, hence a huge way farther away from Qox then the earth from the sun (Qox is obviously as a blue sun way hotter than Earths sun). Since Xara however finishes a cycle somewhat faster than the earth that means that Xara is also a lot faster than Earth.

- If my concept is well received I might try to include some visual sketches for the architecture and the Nexara, as well as altering or enhancing the story further. Then I'll make some Hero examples as well.

- Most Nexara Heroes at the beginning of the game are the first ones to explore the virtual Endless dreadnaught.

- While described as mostly cat-like there are also certain similarities to foxes, especially in their early phases of evolution.

- At the start of the game the average Nexara has a lifespan of roughly 1000 earth years

- I already have ideas for the tech tree additions made by the affinity, though I don't include them because that would end up being somewhat unnecessery details. I'd go ahead and detail the techs when there is a reason und use to do that.

Steph'nie wrote:
So many things to read. :eek: Think about us guys! smiley: biggrin
- As you can tell I thought about you guys smiley: stickouttongue

Edit: Already added some more details, probably not the last details as well if I come up with some more things I deem important or interesting.

Edit: A few more tweaks here and there.
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13 years ago
May 12, 2012, 6:00:11 AM


A race comprising of intelligent artificial constructs rumored to have evolved to sentience from an abandoned Endless interstellar probe or an early Sophons communications satellite. This race of artificial constructs identifies itself as the Inorganics since much of the galaxy's inhabitants are composed of organic life forms. From their origins as a single unit the Inorganics are driven to understand their role in the galaxy as much as the roles of other life forms, to this end they seed colonies in other star systems to not only observe other life but to also function as additional nodes, since they require raw materials planets provide just as much as any other space faring species. Although not inherently hostile due to their nature as observers and data collectors their innate understanding of technology however makes their capability to defend themselves something to be feared. The Inorganics however have best a minimal understanding of economics and they suffer for this yet this is offset by their mastery of technology and research capabilities.

Visual Style:

Von Neumann probes gone intelligent! The Inorganics have no central visual appearance and "build" units accordingly to what is required, such as star system seeding units, defense units & facilities (autonomous). The race as a whole and all individual units have a "central" guidance matrix that dictates their actions, this matrix is a combination of facilities on each and every colonized star system and the software in individual units, the Inorganics are in fact a collective intelligence where each and every member of the race is intimately linked with each other. Communication with other races results in the display of a data feed rather then a central figure of authority.

At the start of the game the Inorganics have just completed their first extra solar seeding unit.


Due to the nature of the collective intelligence individuals do not exist within the Inorganics racial structure. For those units who become individuals, such as being able to think for itself & function outside of it's role become the target for deletion thus the Inorganics cannot have any Inorganic heroes since they see individual units of their race as defective. Although Inorganic heroes for other races do exist, they are however all outcasts who have fled from their own kind due to the desire for self preservation.

Empire Traits:

1. Efficient Workers: +10% Industry to Inorganic Star Systems.

2. Data collectors & researchers: +1 Science per population in Inorganic Star Systems.

3. Master Technologists: +50hp to Inorganic Space Craft.

4. Efficient Designs: +15 Weight Limit to Inorganic Space Craft.

5. Bio Organic Energy: Ability to use Food for population expansion.

6. Space Production: Population expansion uses industry on planets/asteroids that have 0 Food.

7. Collective Intelligence: No disapproval from overcrowded planets.

8. Utterly Alien Economics: -5 Dust per Star System.

9. Artificial In-hospitability: Cannot colonize Lava.

10. No Oxygen Required: Unlocks the Colonize Barren and Asteroid research.

Diplomatic Alignment: Neutral

Gameplay: Explore, Colonize.

Main Victory Type: Scientific.
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13 years ago
May 12, 2012, 7:54:21 AM
The Vindicators


The vindicators were originality a series of Strategic analysis and self managing war AI’s designed by the Virtuals to assist in the micro-management of the ongoing war. As the progression of these AI's grew and their ability's expanded, so did their ability to actually start fighting the war in many insidious ways. By the time of the Splintering the Vindicators were disconnected and disorganised, spirited away by groups of the Virtuials for many a righteous and unsanitary purposes, and outright destroyed by most of the Concretes, it was the Dudes who took possession of the most powerful of the AI's (Either by luck, chance or simple misfortune for the Dudes), over the course of of many years, and the collection of Neural Links from the groups of Scientists and Researchers, A commune of the Dudes connected their minds with one of the most powerful programs.

The rush was incredible for mere moments before the Dude settled down, insisting that others try the same, what they didn’t know was that that had just connected to an AI specialised in the CNC of the Virtuals ships who was adept at understanding the Constructs of a Virtuals mind, the mind of your average Concrete, let alone a drug infused Dude was very easy to scan and even 'pilot'. Although after a few minutes when the majority of the drugs had faded the ability to properly control the complex emotions and body language of a concrete was reduced to simple monotone responses, still the apparent 'thrill' of the original Concrete was enough to convince up to 30 people to connect to the machine.

Over the years, the AI was able to establish contact with others on the same world and soon had thousands under its control, basic control, but it was a start. soon it wouldn’t be long before it would be possible to control the entire planets population, however Concrete officials had caught on to the fact that the majority of the population had been subdued and ordered what warships they could to bombard areas that didn’t respond to their commands. But as soon as the first weapons were fired, were they silenced, and attempts to contact the ships were futile. People began to fill the streets, staggering along in rows with perfect synchronisation but with no emotions of their faces whatsoever, the battle was quick, and casualty's were high but the remaining vindicators had control of the planet, as well as a small fleet.

But by this point sensors were picking up an approaching Virtuals fleet, an as a known concrete planet with real life Concretes there would be no stopping them, so the Vindicators fled, and hid away for long enough for their internal chronometers to stop functioning.

Then, they were awoken by the signals of a Hissho Colony fleet entering their system. However the Vindicators ancient guns were still partially functional and they struck the fleet crippling the transports and destroying the defence ships, quickly they boarded with their century's old inbred subjects and captured the crews. Implantation was difficult for this new species but a pile of courses later and these new fresh subjects were taken by the AI and soon the vindicators would again begin the goal, re-evaluated and reassessed after escaping from a Virtual fleet. Eliminate or subdue or acquire all exterior Conciseness, by any and all methods.

Visual Style: While they originally acquire their people from the other races the Vindicators certainly do not share their flair for architecture and much prefer the use of asteroids to form the bulk of their ships, greatly adding to their resilience but compromising them in actual defensive ability.

Heroes: Hero’s for the Vindicators are indeed powerful AI's that use dust to massively accelerate their processors, some even to the extent of removing the A from AI evolving into a natural Intelligence, while uncommon the Melee ability for an AI translates into their ability to control their Slave forms or indeed possible mechanical forms.

Empire Traits:

Affinity: Selective breeding: Every 5 units of excess food produced in a system gives +1 Industry,science,dust per population

Alternative: +5 food for 1 turn in all systems per CP destroyed.

Growth plan: +30% (45)

Scientists: -20% (-16)

Tolerant: 25% (20)

Militarists: -20% (16)

Strong Alloys: 30% (20)

Optimal Defence: -15% (-10)

Fearless warriors: -2 (-6)

Rebellion: 80% (10)

Diplomats: -50% (-15)

Diplomatic Alignment: Evil

Gameplay:Colonise And Exterminate

Main Victory Type: Expansion.
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13 years ago
May 12, 2012, 9:00:34 AM
The Vindicators

More Data:

Approval: Due to the necessity for AI to manage the populations of entire planets, problems requiring larger efforts of micromanagement really tick off the AI Admins, after all you cant send slaves/drones 5 miles to work if there is a lava stream in the way, that stuff needs to be manage to prevent massive casualty’s just because the AI set it to 'Auto Walk'. Improvements for Approval generally decreases the amount the AI needs to micromanage and thus boosts relations.

Competing Vindicators: Additional empires of this race are known to appear, conflicts over Proper resource management and general stress (That most AI's don’t know how to deal with) can quite frequently prevent two Vindicator empires from forming and can even cause civil wars to occur. There is even the slight possibility of other Vindicator AI's who survived from the Splintering and who took up the same path of civilisation, Although very very unlikely, such a divide of time would likely prevent any sort of re-integration and would likely lead to a war of total annihilation.

The life of a Human drone!

Its 5:00am and the Planetary AI wakes the eastern planet side population for today’s work.

Drones that require decontamination for specific jobs like (Diplomat, scientist and such delicate jobs) do so, all others precede to Feeding grounds for morning food.

Once morning feed is complete, all drones head to work. (Drones that work jobs like farming, Factory working and most types of scientific work do not require clothing and as such spend their lives with out clothing unless their living quarters or role requires such like diplomats a power-plant workers.)

Once 15hour work day is complete, drones head for night time feeding and then head for sleeping quarters at 23:00pm

Crippled, expired or damaged drones are sent to recycling to be processed for Agriculture Fertilisation or possible emergency rations.

Breeder human males are work two roles, one in unskilled labour, the second in breeding and fertilize applicable females per day in-order to increase population levels (Low population levels on a planet and the AI will Have every Female (Or of species appropriate) impregnated in order to super speed growth rate (Technically the AI can rebuild a population of billions for just one male and female, its not a good sight after several generations and is not without consequences but it can be done.) Once appropriate levels have been reached selective breeding programs will be enacted in-order to create stronger genomes of drones for duty’s like industrial working or scientific research.)

Agreeably diplomatic meetings with the Vindicators always had a level of awkwardness until a trooper pointed out that it is irregular for diplomatic party’s to arrive completely naked.
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13 years ago
May 13, 2012, 8:21:11 PM
The Ayr


Towards the end of the Dust Wars a severely damaged Concrete Small Worlder's starship made a violent crash landing on a planet outside known space. Only 5 of the original crew of hundreds survived the crash. Scavenging what they could find, the surviving Endless set out to explore the planet they had been marooned on. Using what dust they had they were able to discern that there was as of yet no sentient life on the planet. There were several indigenous species to the planet with the potential to ascend, in particular there was a small, social, raptor like mammal that seemed to thrive in the dusty plains near the crash site of the Endless vessel.

Worried about what would happen to the planet if left to chance, that the native life would destroy their world or worse the Virtuals would utilize the planet for experiments because no sentient life had evolved on the planet, the Small Worlders utilized their dust to accelerate evolution of the social raptors. Even with the manipulations of dust it took almost a century for the first of the creatures to evolve to a sentient state. After their success the eldest of the five allowed their soul to pass on, as he had become more dust than Torian. The remaining 4 chose to take a step back from their creations and watch how they fared.


Little is known about the dark ages. Legend states that we were molded from the lower creatures by the Gods and charged to go forth and protect their creation. For centuries all was right. We followed the Gods' example and cared for our world. They had taught us to take only what we needed and to make an offering back to the planet when we did take. All was well, and then one of the Gods, Ortarrra, came to our largest city and began whispering in the High Matriarch's ear. Powerless before a God she came under his control. A shadow fell across our beloved world. Kindred fought Kindred and the world suffered for it. With a God at her back the High Matriarch and her Kindreds swept across the world nearly unchallenged.

At our Darkest hour, three elderly beings appeared at the last camp of the free Kindreds. They revealed themselves to be Gods opposed to Ortarra; Karlock, Elyshar & Surrai. Over the next 3 years the Free Kindreds were able to finally make a stand against the High Matriarch and even push her back to her capital. During the final battle countless Ayr fell. The battle between the Gods raged across the High Matriarch's Palace. Many of the details of this last battle have been lost to the sands of time but what is known is that Ortarra utilized his power to reduce Karlock to dust. In a rage at her spouse's death Elyshar sacrificed herself to destroy Ortarra, consuming her with the dust left from her sacrifice. With Ortarra's death the High Matriarch was freed from his control and ceased all aggressions against the Free Kindreds. After the Great Battle, the last of our Gods, Surrai, left us to mourn the loss of her siblings.

Centuries more passed, the Ayr advanced into the industrial age. In our arrogance we had forgotten to care for our homeworld. In return it had begun to stop caring for us. Pollution had begun to poison our environments. Instead of scaling back our continued industrialization we turned to more and more scientific methods to try and correct the negative side effects of our industrial age. At this time Surrai returned and revealed herself to our greatest leaders among the Alliance of Free Kindreds, the largest and most powerful nation of our world. She explained the history of her own world and how not taking proper care of our world would result in a similar fate for us as them. She gave us the gift of clean energy. Instead of strip mining our world of its tiny coal and natural gas deposits we began to set up Solar collection plants and wind farms. We learned again to try and preserve what our world had given us and live in harmony with it instead of using it for our selfish desires. In her final moments Surrai charged us again with protecting our world from the same fate as hers. She then passed from this world and all that was left was dust. This was to be her greatest gift to us.

Being the most important religious relic we have ever had her dust was carefully interned into a sacred urn and kept at our holiest of temples. It was another two centuries before we understood the significance of what she left us. Science advanced in great leaps at that point and scientists from all over the world had made requests for the last century to examine the remains of Surrai. At the time a very forward thinking Matriarch, Melora, was head of the Temple and she granted permission for the renowned researcher and devoted follower of the Surrai, Lysanth, to be allowed to test a few grains of the dust left behind by Surrai. What he discovered was amazing, her remains weren't dust at all but inert microscopic machines. The discovery rocked the very foundations of our culture. Our God had been a machine? What happened next though, was just as astounding. As he continued to study the Surrai dust, or just dust, one of his experiments activated the nanites. It is believed that they somehow integrated with his mind, though no one really knows what happened. Doctor Lysanth changed after the dust experiments, as they were commonly called. He claimed to see visions and began making plans for an expedition south to the Qualii Desert. He claimed that Surrai had spoke to him and was leading him somewhere. Every major temple in the Alliance sent him funds and support hoping his find would rekindle faith in the old Gods.

The expedition endured the extreme heat and poor conditions for almost a year as Lysanth led them across the great Desert. After a year of searching, Lysanth finally found the site. It was an ancient space craft. Incredibly sophisticated, it had been buried underneath the sand for countless centuries. The technology Lysanth unearthed in the Qualii desert launched us into the space age. It catapulted our knowledge of the sciences centuries ahead of where we were. Within a decade we launched our first unmanned space craft. We will continue to expand and search for as much information as we can find on the “Gods” who lifted us up and gave us the tools to not repeat their mistakes.

- From the Oral History of our People as told by Lyandri, First Mother of the Order of Surrai

Modern Culture/Society:

Traditionally the Ayr live in large apartment style buildings or compounds. Each compound or building generally houses an entire Kindred though sometimes several are required to house all of members of a larger Kindred. All Ayr Settlements and Cities attempt to work the local environment into their design.

The Ayr are a matriarchal society, it is their belief that females make more rational decisions and are better suited at managing and advancing their society while males are better suited for hunting, military and labor intensive occupations. This does not preclude males from being extremely successful as a scientist or diplomat or a female from excelling as a soldier or something that is traditionally a male occupation. Ayr young are trained from an early age to work for the common good of Ayr society and their environment.

The Ayr are a cautious race and do not make friends quickly. But once they do they treat them like family.

Family lines are traced through the female though some Kindreds also trace lineages through the male.

Visual Style:

The Ayr are a tall and slender race due to their evolution on a low density world. Males stand between 2.6 and 2.8 meters tall, females stand slightly shorter at 2.5 meters tall on average. They evolved from small raptor like scavengers into a race that would look like a cross between a Turian (Mass Effect) and a Protoss (Starcraft) only taller and thinner like the Kaminoans from Star Wars. Females have colorful, feathery like hair while males have small ridges along the top of their heads.

Their starships are generally long and sleek hulls covered with solar panels and generally at least one solar collector sail if not several.

Gameplay: Economic/Territoy

Diplomatic Alignment: Good

Homeworld: Small Arid

Unique Traits:

Low Gravity Evolution – reduced population cap for large planets. Penalty to industry produced by large planets due to increase injuries and discomfort of living on much higher gravity worlds. Also reduced ground combat effectiveness on large planets.

Harmonious Living – Due to the sustainable and healthy lifestyle promoted among the Ayr they are less likely to have their approval rating drop during difficult times.

Affinity Traits:

Recycled economy – Due to the emphasis on sustainable designs and recycled process the Ayr have lower upkeep costs on all planetary & system improvements as well as for starships.
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13 years ago
May 13, 2012, 8:22:23 PM
The Ayr (Continued)


(-8) Businessmen -10% Dust Per Star System – Due to the Ayrs semi-religious views on dust they are less likely to trade it or utilized than other races.

(8) Terraformed Planet C – Guarantee of a positive Anomaly on starting planet. - The Ayr have tended their homeworld and helped it grow and prosper as they have.

(20) Tolerant 25% - Having been genetically modified and adapted to excel in the harsh environment of their own home world has made colonizing new worlds much less of a challenge for the Ayr than for other races.

(5) Fast Travelers +1

(-5) Weak Alloys -15% - Not being a terribly warlike race Ayr vessels are not designed for the rigors of combat like other races.

(8) Builders -10% - The Ayr as a people are industrious and innovative often finding ways to do more with less.

(10) Dust Recyclers +20

(5) Snipers +5% - Ayr warriors have extremely keen eyesight granting them unparalleled marksmanship compared to other races.

(12) Stellar Guardians +4

(6) Symbiosis +15%
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13 years ago
May 14, 2012, 6:26:13 AM
Gone for a few days, and SO MUCH new and amazing stuff has been posted! More insecticide races, more reptilian races, more Jovian races... An AI construct! Empire businessmen (IN SPACE) - it is safe to say at this point that, as tears of appreciation and love fall from mine eyes, I am deeply in approval. After I've had a few cups of coffee, maybe I'll try to get some thoughts together in this. There are so many good ideas here, and I know feedback is something we Craver. Er, crave. Keep at it, excellent people!
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13 years ago
May 14, 2012, 8:49:13 AM
PolytheistGoat wrote:
Gone for a few days, and SO MUCH new and amazing stuff has been posted! (...) it is safe to say at this point that, as tears of appreciation and love fall from mine eyes, I am deeply in approval (...) Keep at it, excellent people!

Absence diminishes small loves and increases great ones, as the wind blows out the candle and blows up the bonfire.

Francois de la Rochefoucauld
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13 years ago
May 14, 2012, 9:17:51 AM
The Sisshirz (pronounced Sischirz)

let me know if some of the terms are not correct I'll change them, my english vocabulary is far to be perfect

Creation :

- The home planet of the Sisshirz was fully recovered with clouds until very recently. full of clouds; the sun, the sky, the stars where inexistant concept.

The desire to fly, explore the universe was inexistant. How could you desire something that don't even exist ?

This planet, and more precisely their thick clouds where a perfect hiding place for some endless concretes : a group of Esthetes and Experientialists.

The war was raging, and, who want war when you can have ... hum... multiple experiences with a lots of interlaced sweating bodies ? Certainly not these ones.

With their science, they stayed in the clouds, profiting of the life, and watching the surface of this curious planet.

For their own future ... hum ... particular center of attention... they used their knowledge, technology and even dust on the planet, to help the evolution of a certain race.

and, to help it to evolve in the way they wanted.

- The Sisshirz where born. This race could be the description of the humans about "Nagas", their bottom is like a snake, it makes them move with grace and elegance, without noise.

A pleasure to the eye, and the ears. their body is more human like, with some fine scales. some specimens have interresting color motifs due to some scales strange colors.

Their hands are fines, with four long fingers. Their head is quite like human-like too, without hairs, without ears. Those are imperfections.

Some fine scales follow the back of the neck to recover the top of the head, sometimes with color motifs like on the body.

Their Eyes are like snakes eyes, yellow, green, sometimes brown, with this savage look only reptile are capable of.

- The Sisshirz evolved, without seeing their creator. The Endless stayed there, hidden, even after the war. This little group of endless where not enough to perpetuate, but they only wanted to live their lives to the fullest, in their own way.

They eventually decided to live together the most interressant and beautiful of all the physical experiences in life... The death. (In their opinion)

Until recently the Sisshirz didn't know a single thing about space. Their technology and industry on their own floor is exceptionnal, but no planes.

Some years ago, the endless installations in the clouds ran out of energy due to some technical problems because of the lack of maintenance.

The installations that didn't fell exploded. And the Sisshirz saw the sky, and something going through it, for the first time. A New world is now open before their eyes.

Extremely quicly, all countries formed the Sisshirz Council to put efforts in common and see what is above.

a brief History about the Sisshirz :

- At the begining the Sisshirz "organisation" was clanic. A Hunter to lead the tribe, a Shaman as an advisor for the leader.

With the time, the shaman had the duty to learn and teach history, in a pure oral tradition. The clans evolved, grow and eventually became sedentary.

The clans disapeared with time, but the system of casts stayed. In the Sisshirz society the casts are simple, and not due to blood, but to the motifs of your scales.

- Shamans cast still exist, and have still have a duty to advise corporations leaders, or political people.

On the body of a Shaman, the motif of the scales is the endless symbol for Wisdom. It is said that some very rare shaman can have the symbol of "Vision", on the head, and this shamans could see the Future

- Supervisor is the modern cast of leaders, they are chairman of corporation, kings and presidents. The Shisshirz ancestral rules for heirs is very complex and strict, because inheritance of a country is about scales mark, and not due to blood.

The Shisshirz history has (pratically) never known usurpators, rebellion and so on.

On the body of a Supervisor, the motif is the endless symbol for Reign. In the Shisshirz history, some with this mark and the mark of "Conquest" on the head have a big importance, like Alexandre le grand in humanity history.

- Warmaster is the modern cast for Elite soldier and commander. This motif of scale is the most common of all, a Sisshirz marked with this sign can be General or Higly trained commando or Elite guards and actually, Elite pilots.

On the Warmaster body, the motif can be different endless symbol : Strenght, Honor, Courage. Sometimes a second mark appear on the head, representing other moral values like "Persistance", "Vengence", "Victory"

- Tons of other marks exists, and will be described in next chapter.

Culture and daily life in brief :

- Sisshirz are born from eggs, and they reproduce like snakes.

When the Sisshirz where tribes, all the eggs of the tribes were brood together and under the watch of females of the tribe. The children where not thoses of some couple or individuals, they were the children of the tribe.

After the birth, in the old times, the shaman looked for the marks on the baby and decided what will be his life, what he will learn. In present days Eggs are still brood together, in incubators.

When the children are born, they are selected pratically as in the old times. The children are still educated by the community, the ones with marks are educated appart from the other, depending on their marks.

During all this pperiod, the children are in a sort of school, they live, eat, sleep here. Teachers are volonteer from the community or people marked for education.

- When the children are old enough, and depending on his mark, he will be placed. For people without mark, their general education with the community will continu and he will naturally found his place with others.

For people with a mark, if their talent have been found, they began a become apprentice of one (or more) people having the same talent.

- Tons of other marks exists, but they mostly are for "common" people, The mark trace your life. If your mark says "Art", you will learn music, painting, writing and so on until your true talent is found. It's your role.

After all "Sisshirz" means "children of the community", you are a part of this community, not doing what you are made for is a crime.

- Tons of legends and superstitions exists about the marks. Like the twisted marks for example. The marks can be of any color, except Purple, it is said that a purple mark is twisted.

Sisshirz believe, for example, if you have a purple mark of "Art", your art will be something like "the art of the torture", or the ability to write the twilight saga... don't take the twisted mark lightly !

At the opposite, a golden mark is the sign of a great future, of an advancement in your domain.

- Everything is about the community, a Sisshirz live and die with and for the community. Farmers feed the community, Soldiers protect the community, Dirigeant lead the community. In the eyes of a Sisshirz these are all tasks, they are all vitals and of importance.

There is no notion of superiority. Differences, yes, because each duty and task is different, but no notions of superiority.

- Sisshirz are evolved from snakes and reptilians, they are cold blooded, so, they love to stay, not in the sun because until recently they didn't even know what a "sun" was, but near thermal sources.

They love hot and humid places. Thanks to the Endless modifications, they don't need a high temperature to survive, but Sisshirz love comfort.

Gameplay factionnal traits

Factionnal Trait

United Empire. With the discovery of "the above" and all the possibility, the dirigeants united very quicly for the good of their community


Merchant (negative) -3 Notions of commerce and abrgain are quite strange for them.


Optimist (positive) +15 New world is open ! That's great ! when it's dark we can see beutiful little lights ! what can be sad there ?

During the day, heat come from above now !


Builder (Positive) +8 Taking care of grounds construction is what the community have always done.

Military (Negative) -4 Build a ... ship. ok. like a submarine... but for the Above ... ouch

Ships and fleet

Meticulous information analysis (positive) +3 A new world full of unknown has just open. Try to understand everything !

Space battle

Sniper (positive) +5 Our ground weapons are efficient in the above with only few modifications !

Optimal defense (positive) +5


Legendary Heroes (positive) +10 By the Above ! this guy got two marks ! and someone says one is golden


Soil xenobiologie (level 1) +10 feeding the community with our planet is an important task

N-way fusion plant (level 1) +10 energy to heat the community and for all needs is an important task

Isotope fabrication (level 1) +10

Advanced Machining (level 1) +10 Protecting the community is an important task

Total = 79 points
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13 years ago
May 14, 2012, 12:00:32 PM
Here is my faction !

Name : The Nahgeen's

Story :

The Endless Dilemma

As soon as the Endless started to be able to travel in the space, to reach other systems, colonize them, many problems occurred. Life in space was totally different than the life on a planet on a ground, directed by the gravity protected by multiple layer of an atmosphere, with natural resources more or less everywhere to live correctly. It became evident for the Endless a controlled evolution was necessary to adapt them to the space.

Many scientists were already categorizing, studying all the plants, animals they could find on other planets, often totally different than their home land, Tor.

Other were thinking, besides animals, they should use as guinea-pigs species with traces of intelligence. To study people like them but not them, the Endless.

Later, Tor destroyed, a big part of the scientifically population started also to think about more drastic kind of experiment including intelligent species. With no more home land, they should adapt fast or die. But all didn't agree and after years of diplomatic and political fights, the senator Kepl, defenser of all the creation of Mother Nature, obtain the non-intervention on potential intelligent species, who could acquire this title after a decade of peaceful observation.

Marräüs Hexea was the best neuro-ophtalmo-geneticist of this century. His Eaür wife did survive to the disaster on Tor but died from the harsh living conditions in space for the Ones from the ocean. Since this moment, Marräüs was a fervent adept of the fast adaptation researches and became the first one to contest and refuse this new law about intelligent species. Condemned to stop his work on deadly radiations, one of the cause of the death of his wife, he preferred to leave the Science High Institute with some Endless who believed in his theory.

One day, he will come back and prove everyone his studies were the keys to help them survive and live among the stars. But right now he was chased.

He formed many groups including scientists, workers, everyone needed to live in small self-sufficient community while they could continue their researches.

The Discovery of Humans

Marräüs Hexea searched a long time a life form close to what they are, to start again his researches. Finally he found in one of the corner of the Universe a humanoid race perfect for his purpose. Their were cavemen, living with wooden spears to hunt animals, just smart enough to start communication with some kind of noises. They will become the United Empire but now, it was the perfect new "guinea-pigs" necessary for Marräüs.

He kidnapped hundreds of these cavemen. Better than studied few of them, now he was free, he preferred study an entire future civilization. He took these poor humans and transported them far away from their home.

The Cruel Star

Named 45class-Mag 12 by the Endless, 45 for the laziest, the Cruel Star or Atron later by the Nahgeen's, the light emitted by this sun was part of these anomalies you find sometimes in the universe. More than a normal light, maybe 8 different spectrum of photons were coming from it, burning everything close enough or drying it instantly.

Marräüs chose 45 to lead his experiments on radiations. The death rays coming from this star would be perfect to work on the adaptation of humanoid view. Many of his new human-tests died before he found the right genetic manipulation to apply allowing them to live, or start to survive on one of the planet circling the merciless star.

45 had a four planets system. While the three first planets, too close from their sun were fireballs in the space, 45-4 was only an endless desert with a tiny atmosphere protecting the few living things in this chaos of sand and rocks. A red sky was showing the eternal fight of the atmosphere to not let enter all the radiations of 45.

So, 45-4 welcomed new forms of life. First the Endless who created an underground colony called "Soul's-Perdition" protecting them from the outside light and from the Endless hunters chasing them, and secondly the humans, slightly improved to resist the power of the light radiations.

Years after years, decades after decades, Marräüs studied, transformed the genetic code of the humans to change their eyes and perceptions and adapt them to this particular conditions of light.

The Dust, Blessing...

When Marräüs thought the end of his life wasn't so far, one of the research team he sent many years ago, came back with the Dust and the promises along with it ! It wasn't necessary for Marräüs to think long to choose the Virtual way. Studies like he started would take more than an Endless life to be driven. Being immortal to observe his humans evolving was a dream come true. All the research team agreed, leading by the motivation of Marräüs. And the experiments continued.

The human survivors of the experiments named themselves the Nahgeen's. Even not knowing they were tested, studied, improved (or not), they built a society. The harsh climate gave them the will to survive and the power to work for it. The food was rare and the plants able to resist as much as them not a lot. Nevertheless, step by step, villages, towns and cities appeared. On a desertic rock like the now-called Nahg, or 45-4, they improved significantly the farming for it to endure the heat and the lack of water. The hundreds no-more-cavemen even formed a capital and a kind of government.

Physically, their view changed. Their eyes also. The Cruel Star and the genetic manipulation were showing results. The experimentation was becoming a total success. Marräüs had what he wanted. Having feedbacks from many other teams in the Universe, testing other way to improve the Endless according to their specialties, he could gather all of them. He could finally come back to his pairs as a hero with all these results.

...And Curse, the Nightmare


But his team this time disagreed. Why take the risk to be exterminated by the other Endless, the ones they left centuries before, while they are immortal now. Why even continuing to work on all these bodies improvements while they abandoned their own one. A cyber murder was committed and the spirit of the best neuro-ophtalmo-geneticist Marräüs Hexea disappeared...

With the disappearance of their leader, all the contacts between the scientific teams ends.

As they had no more goal, the ex-co-worker of Marräüs considered their immortality under a new light. Being still chased, they should stay underground indefinitely. A quick boredom came along with the will to use their new Dust powers. Then they started other kind of experiments on the human society they used to improve. With the help of the Dust they change the atmosphere of the planet according to their needs. From deadly radiations suddenly coming from the sky, and killing life, to mortal gas, from so hot days burning flesh and bones to apocalyptical tempests which could break the planet apart, the Nahgeen's lived suddenly a period of disasters.

All they built turned to ruins. All they managed to improve, erased. Some communities were canceled in few minutes while others died slowly during days of pain.

Lot of them hid in caves like their ancestors when the Endless found them.

Nevertheless the Nahgeen's refused to give up. Their planet taught them the will to survive. Life is hard. Now life was cruel, but already was their sun, Atron, the Cruel Star.

Scientists were very careful to not kill everybody and always keep people to continue their game. Cities were destroyed, the few seas disappeared and reappeared. The entire planet changed, screamed and complained, bowing in front of the power of the Dust used by the Endless.

This period stayed under the name of the Nightmare in the memory of all Nahgeen's for the millennium to come.

The End and the Beginning

Catr Hit, Warrior officer of the Concretes, cruising near of 45, a strange sun on the border of the universe, noticed immediately the surprising events happening on the fourth planet of the system. Hating the Virtuals and their deviant use of the Dust, he couldn't help to think this was again one of their experimentation.

A gigantic EMP unleashed in this systems erased suddenly the mind of all the Virtual "playing" on 45-4. This was also the end of the torture lived by the Nahgeen's surviving. They were finally grateful to be able to see once again their Cruel Sun. The light of Atron guiding their steps once again, they could rebuild for good everything.


So many years passed and the civilization of the human 45-4 started again to grow up. One day, someone discovered an underground forsaken colony. The technology they discovered inside allowed them to jump directly from the discovery of the steam-machine quickly to a post-industrial society. The biggest improvements came from the Dust found in the outpost. They launched a lot of studies about those nanomachines and they mainly learned a way to use it as a very good additive for machines. As the body is a kind of machine, it's use in surgery allowed the implantation of metallic/robotic part or member to a human body with an incredible efficiency and no rejection. The buildings they built then became also more robust. As far as they knew, everything could be improved with the Dust.

Finally they discovered also the role of "Soul's-Perdition". They, the Nahgeen's were studied by an extra-naghean life form. Tons of researches mentioned their Cruel Star as the key of their existence, as their purpose. Unfortunately, every notes stopped just before the Nightmare and the Nahgeen's supposed the inhabitants of the "Soul's-Perdition" died also during the apocalyptic century.

Long years were spent to get the maximum from this outpost and faster than they expected, the nahgean civilization had their first foot in the space.
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13 years ago
May 14, 2012, 12:01:03 PM

Visual style and society:

Physically, they are humans with one major difference : their eyes. The iris is like exploded in the eye. This particularity doesn't avoid them to see normally. They see in fact on a larger spectrum. Except this, they are generally tanned and have black hair due to their strange sun. The common dress code is to wear very simple and useful clothes mainly sand color as the sand and the light degrade any sophisticated colorations. Their history taught them to be as efficient as possible. Even actual society allow them more, distractions are not common occupations. Life is hard and cruel, never forget it.

They are not so interest about aesthetic. Their buildings have to be strong, their clothes, useful.

There is a big use of robotic implants. Lots of accident happen in a difficult planet like Nahg and nobody can stay useless a long time. The discovery of the Dust allowed a safer surgery practice and cybernetic enhancments became usual. Once again, they don't feel the need to cover those metallic part of their body. Being efficient is the only thing which matters.


Atron is the main responsible of the hard life of the Nahgeen. Nevertheless, after the century called the Nightmare, living under the light of Atron was seen as a blessing and deification of the Cruel Star started. « It may be difficult but we know we'll live, thank You, Atron ». Moreover, the notes found in the "Soul's-Perdition" showed an even narrower relation between the nahgeen's and their sun as it was the only reason they exist. The nahgean ships shows this admiration they have with the Cruel Star and most of them can look like a representation of Atron.

This is an exemple of how could look the Class Dreadnought. I read someone say he was building this type of ships because they look sooo beautiful. I propose then the visual type of this kind of ship, representing Atron, their sun. The color of the ship doesn't have to be grey of course. I only wanted to show some shadows.

The nahgean society is built around a unique capital. The life being so difficult, the Nahgeen's always thought more about fight to survive than fight between them. Above everything sieges a council of ancestors in charge of the preservation of the nahgean culture. They protect, share and teach the lesson of the nahgean history, in particular the Nightmare to never forget. Their political role is limited to the supervision of the equality of the Nahgeen's under the nahgean laws.

The most important thing to learn at school is about all the known methods to survive on their desertic planet. Farming, building, protection of people, food stocks, materials, producing, nahgean economy and preservation are the keys of the educational system. Of course, mathematic, nahgean and history are taught but the value of a Nahgeen is based on his knowledge to survive in a hostile environment.

Each year, the five best students of the last class in the nahgean school system are welcome to take the place in the government of Nahg as the administrator of Nahg. Of course they are helped in their huge tasks by previous administrator who chose to stay in the political system.

Fresh minds every years allow a non-stop development of the the nahgean society and a fast improvment of the their culture.

After a year, new students take place and the previous can choose their path, with the guarantee to have a high place no matter which field they choose.

This way, all the Nahgeen's are devoted to improve everyday's life.

The discovery of "Soul's-Perdition" gave them another goal they can start to focus on now they are able to start space travelling. Being a guinea-pig species modified their way to see around them. Not willing to interfere in the life or genetic of what or who they observe, they will always act with a far curiosity. Understand without changing. Learn by watching.

As other intelligent race could be the ones who "created" them, they will act suspicious with every other civilization.

The case of the United Empire will not be different. Even they are both human, the deep change in their way to think as well as this disturbing sight the Nahgeen's have will not push each other to naturally bond, more than with other race.

Explorers always prepared to the worse, the Nahgeen's can now search for this people who spied them, studied them. More important, it is their turn to discover what is beyond their planet and their blessed sun. What is waiting for them ? The truth about the Endless ? Another fight to survive against powerful warrior race ?

One thing is sure. After the Nightmare, everything is possible for them. As long as Atron will shine, they will survive, they will live.

Traits :

Affinity trait : Lesson from the Nightmare.

As their planet changed during the century of the Nightmare, when many of them died, victims of the terrible climatic and living conditions, Nahgeen's swore to respect their desertic Homeland if any if this could end. Grateful to come back to, yes, difficult conditions after the Nightmare, they are now thraumatized as the idea to live like this again.

« Death is never an option when you can live, even hardly in the desert »

+20% FIDS and no disapproval on planet types II and III

-20% FIDS and +100% disapproval on planet types IV and V

Normal Traits :

Businessmen :

Since they found the Dust in the outpost of the Endless, the Nahgeen's made an important use of it and are consequently searching for it. Dust became quickly one of the pillar of the nahgean economy.

« Our Sun is our strengh, our history is our Shield. The Dust is our power, son. »

+20% Dust per star system (+30 points)


As they were the subject of studies from another race, they are more than suspicious towards other people who live in the universe. They always hesitated to share their ressources and trade since it can reveal their habit and history through the trades.

« Know the others before they know you. Trust someone who proved you his real intentions. »

-1 Trade Route per star system (-3 points)

Terraformed Planet C :

As they discovered "Soul's-Perdition", curiosity led a big part of the beginning investigation. After not a long time, due to some hazardous manipulations of Endless machinery, the nahgean scientists created an anomaly on their planet. Although the profit of the operation was undeniable, the idea of touching, changing Nahg was directly forbidden. Clearly the thought of a second Nightmare led this decision and even the anomaly was appreciated and exploited, no other manipulation were authorized.

« Enjoy what you have more than what you could have, it could always be worse »

Guarantee of a positive Anomaly on the starting Planet. (+8 points)

Militarists :

Already careful about their infrastructures on their planet, the Nahgeen's were much more concerned for their spaceships. Building one will never be a fast and easy task and they always verify and improve the safety in their fleet before risking them in the Universe.

« Dangers up there are like a permanent Nightmare waiting for one of your mistake to swallow you »

+20% Industry cost for Ships when being constructed. (-8 points)

Strong Alloys :

The use of Dust as an additive on every mechanical elements to improve its efficiency improved greatly the reliability and robustness of any vehicule, ship the Nahgeen's could build.

« The Dust will always help you. You know how to survive already. Learn to live, son. »

+30% HP max per ship (+20 points)

Optimal Structure :

All these improvments, following always new way to add the Dust as a booster of metallic structures led to better management of the spaces in the nahgean ships.

« Be prepared for any thing because everything can happen. Your reaction, its efficiency can be your savior »

+20% storage per ship (+20 points)

Fearless Warriors :

Surviving the Nightmare let a deep trace in the history of the Nahgeen's and also taught of lot of lesson about the way to stay alive and fight under the worst conditions. Never a Nahgeen could let his beloved planet he worked so hard to improve go into other hands.

« Where you gave from your time, from your sweat, and from your blood, this ground is yours and noone, no other power in the universe can pretend the opposite. »

+2 Ground Defense per star system (+12 points)

Suspicious (Naïve) :

The Nahgeen's were studied, and tested by another race of the Universe. With good or bad repercussions, this had an impact of their way to see other people. Who know what can go through the mind of the other races when they will meet them. Never sure about the intentions of other factions, they will always preferred to stay away and observe. It can't avoid some alliance but a Nahgeen will always be careful and suspicious toward the rest of the universe.

« Count on you as you are the only one able to find your path. »

-16 Approval per star system for each faction at peace or allied with (-6 points)

Power Masters :

Many Nahgeen's have now robotic arms, legs, ears or other parts of their body. The use of Dust into this kind of surgery greatly improved the relationship they have with this special material. Most talented people know how minimize the secondary effect when using the power of the Dust.

« They said he is the best. In fact he knows how to do, which is still a mystery for numbers of us. »

-25% Dust cost for Hero Abilities (+3 points)
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13 years ago
May 14, 2012, 12:01:37 PM

Heroic Medicine :

A bad effect of the use of Dust on a daily basis is its constant need in case of big trouble to reinforce organism of infrastructures. Great men and women in need of healing treatments require an important load of Dust in order to fully recover in their organic but also mechanical body parts.

« Dust has a cost. Higher it take us. From higher we can fall. »

+80% Dust cost for Hero healing (-6 points)

Starting technology : Arid Epigenetics

Living on a desertic planet helped the Nahgeen's to understand the behavior to have and the process to live in arid condition. Desert planet like their own will unfortunately need more informations to gather from their Homeland to unlock a fully efficent process of colonization.

« We know sand as our feet always walked on it. But not only. We understand it, we use it. »

Rank 1 technology (+10 points)

Total : +80 points

Settings :

Home Planet Type : Desertic

Nahg due to Atron, is a desert planet. Normally the Cruel Sun burn everything and it's only because Nahg is the fourth and last planet of the system that instead of burn continuously, it's only a giant dry desert.

Diplomatic Alignment :

As they are naturally suspicious but always curious about other races in the Universe, the Nahgeen's are neutral with everyone they meet. Only the time will tell who is trustworthy and who's not.

Gameplay : Survive by exploration and understanding.

The Nahgeen's, after the discovery of their origin, see the space differently than a place to conquer. They want to explore and find maybe some other answers about their way to be, their purpose and destiny.

Main Victory Type :

The Dust always interested the Nahgeen's since they discovered it. As a way to live and also to understand more about the race who study them. Enough Dust to go through the Endless origin will unlock the answers they search, or more other questions.

As they will never let someone else tell them what to do, who to be once again, the Nahgeen's are ready if necessary to vanquish the galaxy. If someone wants absolutly to rule, the Nahgeen's will always be the first, never again behind another race.

Heroes :
(examples of course)

Light Chantdusable :


Labor - 9

Wit - 0

Melee - 4

Offense - 0

Defense - 5

Every children will learn how to produce, how to use the sand as a valuable ground instead of a dry place. Light Chantdusable proved she had wonderful abilities to create a complex and liveable colony even in the worst conditions. Soon she proposed also brilliant new ideas and became one of the leader in the management of cities economy and power.

Swiatlo Poussièredétoile


Labor - 5

Wit - 8

Melee - 2

Offense - 0

Defense - 3

Swiatlo Poussièredétoile is one of the rare person who never needed surgery in order to get a robotic implant. Nevertheless, he enjoys this fact claiming this distant he has with the Dust allow him to be one of the most talented scientist studying it.

Photon Ventdesdunes (I know that's my pseudonym!)


Labor - 4

Wit - 0

Melee - 4

Offense - 7

Defense – 3

Very fast, Photon Ventdesdunes shows an immense talent in the art of the spacefight. Well aware like every young Nahgeen of the labor work and the use of the sand, he was permitted to focus only in the space science and became the youngest commander of a nahgean fleet.

Notes :

1) : The Nahgeen comes from an anagramm of Gehenna, synomym of Perdition.

And the "Soul's-Perdition", the name of the outpost come from the sentence : "Science without conscience is soul's perdition." from François Rabelais.

2) : I chose a human race even they are little different because I wanted to add a counterpart to an existing race of Endless Space. It doesn't have to be one race=one faction. Of course, any existing or not-existing race can be taken instead. i'm not against a change, just let me know what you are thinking of it.

3) : To talk about something else, I'm not from an english speaking country and I'm sure there are many mistakes in my texts. It can be horrible mistakes or only missing or different letters. Please report me all mistakes you could see. Thank you.

4) : Thank you also for reading, I hope you enjoyed and will not hesitate to give me your feedback of course even it's a bad one. I prefer to know what is bothering you to be able to correct.smiley: smile
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