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Endless Space faction creation - Poll 5

Irie: The Memoriam
Alucard1986: The Amiri
Rijjka: Grand Design Data Systems Incorporated
SomethingBlue: The Kyne
Durandal4532: The Pax
Bugg: The Hiders
Isom505: The Sons Of Tor
reaganfan93: reaganfan93
KNC: Nexara
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13 years ago
Jun 28, 2012, 12:34:22 PM
Jawohl meine Freunde! Poll number 5: same rules. smiley: smile

Once the voting in done, we will pick the winner of each polls and we will choose our winner(s).

You can read the submissions in this thread:

Fifth poll:

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13 years ago
Jun 29, 2012, 1:50:56 PM
There seems to be a little link error, here.

The memoriam and amiri links go to the same post (the memoriam), the Rijjka goes to the amiri and the kyne to the kyne (finally correct), so that the link to the rijjka seems to have been omitted. smiley: wink
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13 years ago
Jun 30, 2012, 3:58:30 PM
Oh nice to finally see this going somewhere, and my link's in here as well. Though it doesn't look like I'm anywhere close to winning...

Well it's not over yet, can't wait to see the winners.
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