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Endless Space faction creation - Poll 4

Duk: The Yoza
justathoughtor2: The Crones
Lord_Asmodeus: The Ashen Colonies
kokonite: Pandora
messej: The Makers
Astaerus: Eaurothirius Nostorea
GismoTerminator: The Guardians
Sanguinius: The Dire Initiative
wright8387: The Gladius
FreeMarket: The Nimbi
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13 years ago
Jun 28, 2012, 10:54:28 AM
YES! Poll number 4: same rules.

Once the voting in done, we will pick the winner of each polls and we will choose our winner(s).

You can read the submissions in this thread:

Fourth poll:

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13 years ago
Jun 29, 2012, 8:33:29 AM
kokonite wrote:
Hi Steph'nie! Is it too late to upload the entire story?

Yeah, I'm sorry. smiley: alder The competition ended a month ago or so.
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13 years ago
Jun 30, 2012, 4:49:44 AM
Vote for The Dire Initiative please, if i win i might be motivated to make my short story into long story smiley: biggrin and thanks for the Chance & inspiration Amplitude
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13 years ago
Jun 30, 2012, 4:12:23 PM
It wasn't easy to decide between the Dire Initiative and the Makers, though in the end the Dire Initiative won by an inch, even though I'm reluctant to vote for any normal human factions since we already have 3 out of 8 in the game. It's just written in a nice way and I like the lore.
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