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Free Weekend Rewards - Community Competition

United Empire
Minor Faction
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12 years ago
Dec 14, 2012, 8:37:32 PM
Now some story of what real politicians do.

Simple politics

News agencies widely emphasize the life of orphan young girl - today she reunions with her finally found family. While fools stick to the screen of infovisors, you have the time to push unpopular law . .

1) Selfish: Call the emergency meeting and increase energy taxes. (+10% Dust, -5% Industry, 10 turns)

2) Friendly: Following people, prepare a speech and take a word in the end of the show. (+10 Happiness on 5 turns)

3) Hostile: Rewrite "Government health low" (-10% Food, +10% Industry while ship building)

That's about EU building.

All equal - all different

Your Empire consists of many systems and planets, each - with own culture and behaviour. Can you melt people into a solid race?

1) Friendly: Encourage intercultural communication (-400 Dust, +10% Science in next 25 turns)

2) Selfish: Heat nationalistic movements (-200 Dust, +10% Industry, -5% Science in next 10 turns)

3) Hostile: Ally people against xenos (+20% Invasion power)
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12 years ago
Dec 15, 2012, 2:43:09 AM
Faction Event: Horatio

Horatio Intelligence has infiltrated a Pirate facility and dismantled their operations, and one of the windfalls from this accomplishment is that several captured Pirate leaders happen to be optimal candidates for cloning and Dust enhancement.

Option 1:

Blackjack, level 10

Pilot/Commander, United Empire-style picture

A former debt-slave of a United Empire corporation, the man known only as "Blackjack" founded a Pirate cartel on only a stolen shipment of Dust and a modified transport ship. Within a few years, his Dust-enhanced intellect had earned him several captured systems and dozens of ships under his command before he was brought down by Horatio Intelligence and cloned into service.

Option 2:

Mariel, level 10

Administrator/Corporate, Pilgrim-style picture of a pale blonde woman with a icy stare

Known as "The Butcher of Bushir", her illegal experiments with Dust and living beings made her name an epitaph in dozens of systems. Captured by Pirates as she was fleeing Pilgrim-space, they offered her a home and unlimited test subjects if she would work as the governor of one of their captured systems and share her forbidden scientific achievements.

Her clones have also shown remarkable organizational and leadership skills, and so have been pressed into service by Horatio.

Option 3:

Hunter AI-4372, level 10

Pilot/Adventurer, original picture of a glossy black box with a single red sensor like an eye

The Hunter AI was an Automaton experiment in organic-based AI gone horribly wrong when it hacked into automated ship production facilities and built a fearsome battleship to house it's intelligence. After being defeated in a titanic battle with Automaton forces, a Pirate ship salvaged the AI and housed what remained of the thing in it's current form to leverage its tactical brilliance, an idea that Horatio Prime also found interesting.

Global Event: AI Singularity

Rogue AIs have infested the planetary networks of all factions and are trying to take control of automated machinery all over the galaxy to produce organic bodies for themselves as they try to carve out their own empire.

Option 1: Helpful

By spending an obscene amount of Dust, it's possible to corrupt the AI manufacturing processes and produce AI citizens no more rebellious than your own citizens.

-1000 Dust

+3 Population added to four of your systems each

Option 2: Selfish

Fight the rogue AIs directly in their physical forms and loot their valuable tech.

+3 Discoveries in lowest tech, -15 Approval on all systems for ten turns

Option 3: Hostile

Smuggle Dust to the rogue AI and watch as it blossoms into a threat big enough to annoy even veteran empires.

-500 Dust

One Pirate fleet attacks each homeworld.

(This is cumulative, so each empire choosing this option is +1 fleet on each homeworld.)
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12 years ago
Dec 16, 2012, 3:30:58 AM
Global Event: Dust Tribe

You find a planet with sentient species at a stone age technology level, however you find out that there are ancient dust storage centers just beneath their settlements.

A) You choose to simply open the dust vaults and find out that this strain of dust has gone rogue, you leave before the dust can do any real damage, but it consumes the settlements and its inhabitants

Effects: +50 Dust when colonizing system, -25 Approval on system

B)You choose to open the dust vaults but you discover that the dust strain has gone rogue, you leave but not before you take some of the settlement inhabitants with you

Effects: +25 Dust when colonizing system, +2 population when colonizing system, -5 Approval on system

C)You realize that this strain of dust has gone rogue and prefer to leave it alone and start teaching the inhabitants of the planet your culture.

Effects: -5 Dust when colonizing system, +5 population when colonizing system, +15 Approval on system

PS: Sorry for my bad english
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12 years ago
Dec 18, 2012, 10:52:44 AM
A global interactive event: Traveller, Inc.

"As you enter a wormhole for the first time, you activate an ancient Endless artifact."

Selfish: You can create two wormholes, all other wormholes in the galaxy randomly connect other systems together.

Helpful: You leave the wormholes as they are, each faction receives a +3 movement bonus for the next 20 turns.

Hostile: All wormholes disappear in the Galaxy. Each faction receives a 20% Science Boost for 20 turns.
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12 years ago
Dec 7, 2012, 4:09:22 PM
After a player discovered more than 50% of all systems the following event can occur: (maybe: first player to discover more than 50% gets the event: )

A faction event

Black Hole Sun

Experiments caused one of your Systems sun to collapse a become a black hole. The entire system is crumbled to dust.

Random system of player vanishes completely*. +500 smiley: dust for player.

* Can not affect the home system or a system that is the only connection for an other system.

A global interactive event

Seeing Stone of the Endless

A strange energy source was discovered. It seems to be some kind of tele-vision-device of the Endless. You may use it to either reveal this whole galaxy for yourself which will destroy the other stones to dust, help befriended empires to find the other seeing stones to share the discovered area with eachother or send an interfering signal into the seeing stone that spreads through the other stones and corrupts the stardatabases of your enemies at the expense of scientific resources.

Selfish: Full map is revealed for the player. +250 smiley: dust for other players.

Cooperative: The player and befriended players share all of their so far discovered systems. (and share sight for ~40 rounds? (latter only if this isn't yet the case, don't know yet ^^ )) +250 smiley: dust for remaining players

Aggressive: Not befriended players "undiscover" all systems where they have no colony or fleet. -20% smiley: science for 20 rounds
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12 years ago
Dec 7, 2012, 11:47:22 AM
Would love some minor factions / pirates / races who aren't part of the massive struggle, but can still bring something unique storywise to the Game
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12 years ago
Dec 7, 2012, 11:49:55 AM
Jupp, I would really love to see more minor-races and pirate-themed ones. Those add a lot of variety and are a great starting point for a more unique experience - and I love the ones (especially the Saurian) from "Echoes of the Endless".
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12 years ago
Dec 7, 2012, 11:57:45 AM
A quite simple faction random event I'd like to see would be a kind of 'lost fleet' type thing, for instance one ship/ fleet would be pulled into a black hole or other such anomaly and pulled to the other side of the galaxy, in the early game it would make it extremely hard to return these people home, but if you achieved it maybe a happiness boost to your empire could be brought into effect for a few turns, to celebrate the return of these ships, or maybe a random tech could unlock, something their discovered along the way home perhaps

Another I'd like to see is if a fleet is orbiting a planet that has really low approval they may try to hijack any ships orbiting and turn it into a pirate fleet using your own ships against you, I'd like this because late game the pirates get annihilated and stop spawning but they make it necessary to keep a home guard to deal with them. It could really stop a war in its tracks if your home guard suddenly turned on you
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12 years ago
Dec 7, 2012, 12:05:22 PM
Global Interactive Event

An Endless stasis pod is discovered but badly damaged, within is found one of the legendary race but with the damage to the pod he is not strong enough to survive for long.

Option A : Learn from him, he'll tell you wise words that will help guide your people to new discovories (+20% Science for 20 turns)

Option B : Salvage what you can from the stasis pod, while this will hurry his demise the technology found will allow you to optimise your own production (+20% Production for 20 turns)

Option C : Spread the word of his existence, asking for a small fee for visits to see the legendary Endless (+20% income for 20 turns)
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12 years ago
Dec 7, 2012, 12:23:17 PM
A faction event: Craver Regicide (Activates only after you conquer half of a maps stars)

"After a failed attempt to assassinate you and your queen, the dissidents have decided to go all in and have commandeered half the fleet and half of your territory. There is to be no negotiation, as that is not the Craver way, the only acceptable outcome is the complete elimination or the other."

Half of your weakest fleets and half of your systems (Not Homeworld) become a new empire who cannot be at peace with you.

A global interactive event: Virtual destiny

"On the edge of know space bleeding from the void they come, vicious Anti-Sowers designed by the Virtual's to end all life, one and for all.

Prepare your empires, as they strike from the darkness."

Selfish: 2 15CP Fleets head to your home world, 5 to other players home worlds.

Helpful: 3 15CP fleets head to each players home world.

Hostile: Spawns 30 15CP fleets to come from off the map, heading to the nearest system, they will attempt to conquer the map.
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12 years ago
Dec 7, 2012, 1:23:58 PM
Igncom1 wrote:

"On the edge of know space bleeding from the void they come, vicious Anti-Sowers designed by the Virtual's to end all life, one and for all.

Prepare your empires, as they strike from the darkness."

Spawns 30 15CP fleets to come from off the map, heading to the nearest system, they will attempt to conquer the map.[/QUOTE]

I second this one! A threat from outside the galaxy in the late game would be epic, a fleet that is stronger than it is possible to get for the players would force warring factions to work together to try whittle such a threat down, say if a fleet with a strength of 200,000 showed up, my strongest fleet I've ever had was only about 102,000 so that would be a major threat. Would be nice because it would be possible to actually lose a game smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Dec 7, 2012, 2:17:15 PM
Since I have so many ideas, I am going to presend my favorite 2 first, and than some more below. If I may just propose 2 ideas at all, than please decide which 2 are your favorites or take the first two by default. (I am not sure if this is balanced enough, since I am not very good with numbers, so if someone thinks this is not balanced, let me know via pm! DEVS are allowed naturaly, to change effects as well!)

EDIT: I changed my mind about favorites: Pangalactic Virtual (second entry: page 2) Games and Defective Update are my favorites!

Faction Event: Hypercorp Wars (Sheredyn or UE)

Inner Conflicts between Mega- and Hypercorps escalated to a full scale war. While the autorities try everything to keep the massive corporations from interfering with faction matters or civilian life, the participants seem to be ready to to take any casualties needed, to win the war. Corporation Mercenaries, Security Forces and Imperial Soldiers fight for superiority over each other and the dominance over several colonies. And then someone pushes the red button...

Nuklear strikes, genocide and annihilation of whole colonies shaken the Empire for 5 Turns. - 40% Food, Industry, Dust and - 10 happyness on Empireduring this time.

50% possibility for one of the following consequences: #Anomaly: Toxicity on a randoom settled Planet without anomaly; # - 1 Population on 3 Planets; # Destruction of 1 ship in any home system.

Global Interactive Event: The ultimate Weapon

The virtual world of the Factions has been infected by an unknown entity. While most blame each other factions scientist for beeing careless with Artifacts of the Virtuals, others desperately try to find a grip on the virus, which seems to be able to control dust and thus take influence even on an biological level. Devastating failure of security-Systems, robotic processes going crazy and attacking all kind of life, uncontrolled mutations and pandemics shake all empires at the same time. Even though the physical and virtual attacks seem to have no specific target (except destuction!), they appear and dissapear very quickly, almost impossible to anticipate or to track. The military has a hard time to clean up the mess, the entity leaves, like aggressive nano-swarms, strange war machines or colonies of mutated colonists. The Hypervirus seems out of control and even the best programmers and bio-engineers are barely able to condemn the catasrophe.

Option 1 (neutral/selfish): A complete shutdown of any system and quarantine is the only way to survive! The Production, Population Growth and Scientific Reasreach stop for 5 full turns! You loose -2 population per Planet and your fleets get 20% damage.

Option 2 (good): Using and loosing your best scientists, programmers and hackers you seem attrackt the primary focus of the Hypervirus effects. But other Empires get less damaged. - 1 population every 2 turns for 6 turns. -10% hull for all ships you own for 6 turns (already damaged ships can be destroyed that way!). + 20% science bonus for you and +50% science bonus for all other empires, not choosing this option. - 50% food, industry and dust for 6 turns. All other factions will like you more after those 6 turns ("neutral" switching to "good", "good" to "very good" and so on....).

Option 3 (evil): Since you are convinced, that this is someone others fault anyway, you try to damage other empires as good as you can by opening up all communication-lines or sending corrupt data. Somehow you will strike the right culprit. - 2 population per Planet and your fleets get 50% damage. Other factions get additional - 30% food, science, industry and dust for 8 turns (means +2 turns for other factions having 6 turns). Factions choosing the "neutral option" are not affected by this. Other factions diplomatic status towards you will worsen two levels (max. hatred) after those 8 turns.

Other Events:

Faction Event: Alien Horror (Any Faction with a "Hostile Natives" anomaly or Sheredyn)

"Nothing seems to scare those nasty beasts!" The alien lifeform on one of your planets is extremly viable and likes to travel. It takes several special forces raids to just condem the threat to a acceptable degree. While the creatures seem to be far less intelligent than your species, they are very, very hard to kill and like to nest in ships and stations as well as on planets of every type. With a chitin-like skin and accid-like juices even dead they pose a thread to life and environment. Their preditory nature and habit to hunt in small to massive packs, the vast reproduction process, the chameleon skin particles and physical flexibility makes them the absolute horror for any station or colony. The extermination of this species will take a while.

- 10 to Empire happiness for 20 rounds, because of overall Infestation-fear. + 5% science and - 10% dust during this time.

Global Interactive Event: New Contact

A new species of spacefaering nations has been detected in a unknown system. They are living on colony-ships without a home and have a very diffrent biology. Very peacefull and mostly interested in scienece and trade, the flying colony is heavily fortified and well armed. Since communication with them is very complicated and they show no interest in colonizing any planet at all no one really knows how to act.

Option 1 (neutral/selfish): "Give them permission to trade!" + 10 happiness, + 10% dust, + 10% science, + 10% industry for 10 Turns.

Option 2 (good): "Share your wisdom" Showing them where to obtain exactly what they need, you distribute the wealth to other empires as well. + 5 overall happiness, + 5 % industry, science and dust for 20 turns.

Option 3 (evil): "Paranoia is a terrible weapon!" Use the limmited communication to discredit other factions and lure the New Contact in a promissing contract, using them as unaware spies and false informants. + 20 % dust from other empires, - 10% science and industry for enemy empires.

Faction Event: Whitch Hunt (Horatio)

Experimenting with advanced biotechniques and craver gene-codes to create optimised soldiers and spies, a gene-lab has accidently created a inner threat that stalkes Horatios perfect society. Combination of human genes with alien preditory skills led to a pschological reaction which turned almost all test subjects mad and suiccidal except a small number. This small numbers however turned against the scientists and fled the facility. Now they walk under Horatios children, unseen and unknown. With slightly developed psi-skills, almost invisibility thank's to chamelion-skin, strengh and dexterity of a highly trained super soldier and a craving lust for Horatio-blood, they hunt their own kind and vanish between their brethren without traces. Horatio has to invoke a empire-wide whitch hunt to ensure the safty of his children - making innocent victims a tolerable procedure.

- 15 happiness for 20 turns. - 10% dust + 10% science.

Global Interactive Event: Beauty within the Cosmos

Legends from the Endless tell of a place in the galaxy where the “Beauty within the Cosmos” can be found. Transcribed from the ancient language, Scientists are not quite sure if this is an object, a philosophical answer, a music piece…or just a nice view on our own galaxy. Never the less a collective of several independent scientists is sure to have found some kind of coordinates to travel to. And they are about to publish it.

Option 1 (neutral/selfish): Send in a deathsquad! The findings need to be secured for our faction only! + 20 happiness, + 5% science for 10 turns.

Option 2 (good): Support the scientists! Everyone in the galaxy has a right to see the outcome! + 10 happiness overall . + 10% science for all factions for 15 turns.

Option 3(evil): Steal the findings and leave some falsified documents. – 20 happiness and -10 % science for other factions for 5 turns due to catastrophic scientific failures and warp-tests.

Faction Event: A Time of Peace (Hissho, UE and Sheredyn; only during peace/cold war with all other factions)

While the Fleets patrol the boarder territories and new Soldiers are trained, the Empire faces a time of exceptional peace and wealth. The citizens are united and more confident than ever. Science, Industry and Trade experience a never seen bevore boost and even the military is more relaxed than ever.

+ 20 happiness, + 20% FIDS as long as the faction doesn’t participate in a war. Unfortunately unperceptive soldiers can be surprised by an imminent attack. – 20% damage and damage reduction on ships for 3 turns after the start of a war!

Faction Event: Defective Update (Sowers or Automatons)

An empire-wide update of software during an unexpected plasmastorm on the home planet has experienced an enormous glitch. Several units have experienced an incomplete update with defective software, leading to damaged units with destructive parameters. While the military hard- and software is profiting from the glitch, civilian programs run opposing parameters. Fixing the problem takes more time than expected.

- 20 happiness, - 30% FIDS for 10 rounds. + 2 Speed on Empire, + 10% weapon damage
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12 years ago
Dec 7, 2012, 11:06:08 AM
Hey guys,

You all actively participated in the Steam free weekend Community Event (November 29th - December 3rd) and now it's time to think about your new exciting rewards! We started working on that special free update, but would like to start including you in the process: heroes and random events!


With your great dedication throughout the weekend, you have unlocked 6 new heroes. Our question is simple: out of the 12 factions (standard, pirates and minor ones), which one do you think we should work on? Pick your 6 in the poll attached to the thread.


Random events can be fun for some, and not so much for others... We would like to ask you guys to design:

  • A faction event: it will only affect your faction.
  • A global interactive event: it should have consequences on all factions in game. You need to design the situation and three choices available.


The poll will be closed on December 18th.

Random events submissions will be accepted until December 18th as well.
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12 years ago
Dec 7, 2012, 5:03:26 PM
Faction event:

The discovery of a highly endearing, but extremely reproductive sort of space guinea pig leads to an explosive outbreak of the little critters in several of your colonies. How to deal with the infestation:

A) KILL IT WITH FIRE – the resulting crusade against the cute buggers takes its toll on animal lovers across the empire, - smiley: approval on all systems for x-amount of turns

B) Increased Scientific Experimentation – what better use for an endless supply of space-guinea pigs than space-vivisection! Permanent + smiley: science on all systems at the cost of either food or dust

C) Pet Shop Empire – a shrewd businessman knows how to turn a bad situation into a profit deal: export the creatures to the other empires. Sure, they might devour an entire systems food supply, but at least you’re making some money from it. Permanently increased % smiley: dust per trade route, at the expense of a diplomatic penalty with all other factions

Global interactive event:

Vast cosmic strings of microscopic life forms have been sweeping through the galaxy. These life forms appear to be some form of ancient interstellar bacteria, possibly predating even the Endless. Propelled by solar winds, they feed of the dust, leaving behind a residue with impressive corrosive properties, which has caused an increase in ship maintenance. However, the activity of the bacteria strings seem to be subsiding, having our scientist believe the phenomenon will just be a temporary nuisance.

a) Do nothing – accept a dust and speed penalty for each active ship for x-amount of turns, disbanded ships receive no penalty. – possible outcome: the bacteria strings remain, the more factions choose this option, the more likely this outcome is.

b) Active cleanup – Have cleanup crews actively patrol the interstellar trade routes, reducing bacteria strings with contaminated dust, at the cost of x amount of dust - if more factions choose this option, its more likely the bacteria will disappear.

c) Hmmm, corrosive properties – have scientist study the bacteria for their offensive capabilities, costing more smiley: dust than option b) and resulting in an increased % in ship damage output. – if any faction chooses this option, the possibility exists the bacteria will mutate into an far more aggressive strain, doubling the penalties of option a) and cost of b) for all factions + extra cleanup cost penalty for the faction that caused it.
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