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United Empire
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12 years ago
Dec 13, 2012, 7:59:42 PM
The Emperor's New Palace

Faction Event: United Empire / Sheredyn

Flavor Text: Across all known corners of the galaxy there are two undeniable truths. First, an oppressive regime such as ours must provide its leader with an estate befitting his status and authority. And second, this house isn't nearly big enough, you fools! Build me another one, three times as big. With elephants. And a hedge maze! I don't care where you get the money from, make it happen.

Effect: Tax rate is set to 80% for five turns and cannot be changed.
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12 years ago
Dec 8, 2012, 6:56:06 PM
Not that I can think of one myself but Id love to see more about pirates for sure. Maybe even see them on planets as the rulers.
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12 years ago
Dec 8, 2012, 7:23:56 PM
Faction Event:

A derelict ship appears suddenly in orbit around one of your planets. It is not broadcasting any signals or responding to any communications, and looks nothing like any known ship in the galaxy.


A) Board it and take control: Gain +10% Science for 10 turns but take -5% food as the boarders contract and spread a new disease.

B) Blow it up: No effect

C) Make Propaganda: Say that the Endless sent this ship specifically for your empire. +10% approval on a all systems for 10 turns, but reduced relations with other factions.

Global Interactive:

Supernova: Sensors have detected that the wash from a nearby supernova will soon hit our empire's borders. If we don't prepare for it this could wreak havoc on our systems for decades. What shall we do? (This would occur only in the mid to late game)

A) Planetary Shields: Set up radiation shielding and extra precautions, we can predict when this will hit each planet. Costs 3000 dust and leads to a progressive -5% FIDS penalty on the system (think of a wave, it starts somewhere, hits certain systems, and moves on, applying the penalty as it goes)

B) Genetic Modification: We can make our people more resistant to this and our technology as well. Costs 1000 dust but leads to a -5% FIDS penalty wave and a -10% approval penalty.

C) Do Nothing: Screw this, we'll just ride out the storm. -15% FIDS penalty in a wave same as the previous two, and -15% approval empire-wide as well.
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12 years ago
Dec 8, 2012, 8:48:07 PM
Endless Warning

An Endless Artifact has warned you about an upcoming cataclysmic event. A corrupted Endless Entity will attack in twenty turns. (A single uber-powerful Warship will begin attacking colonies until defeated)

Selfish Prepare your own defenses, provides a 6CP fleet on every colony (Not outpost) and a bonus 10% Industry for twenty turns.

Helpful Warn everyone about the impending doom. Costs 10% to Dust and Industry while businesses focus on spreading the word, but gain 4CP fleet on every colony (Not outpost) for all empires.

Hostile Hide your empire from the enemy. Costs 10% to Dust, Science and Industry, but will prevent your empire from being attacked by the entity.
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12 years ago
Dec 9, 2012, 11:34:51 AM
Sorry, some more ideas! Please tell me to stop if I am braking some rules, my dear DEVs. smiley: embarassement

Global Interactive Event: Sleeping War Machines

Explorers have found an frozen Exoplanet full of weird machines from an unknown origin. While it is hard to tell if these are tools of the Endless or another, absolutely alien civilisation, Scientists are pretty sure that the machines purpose is destruction. Since the planetary Body is not part of any claimed system (and seems not worth colonizing), every faction hast a claim on it.

Option 1 (neutral/selfish): Try to extract as many Warmachines as you can for your Empire. + 20 % Science; + 100% invasionbonus for your empire.

Option 2 (good): By spending more ressources of you into collective research, every empire can profit from the new findings. - 20% dust for your empire, + 30% science for every

empire (including yours).

Option 3 (evil): You found a way to activate some of the machines. Since they are earthbound to the Exoplanet, the only victims can be scientists...but at least this slows down enemy research. - 20% science for every other Empire.

Faction Event: Synth Religion (Pilgrims, Sophons, Horatio, UE and Sheredyn)

Discoverd and published Data from the Endless has led to new cultural hype of futurism. Unfortunately some extremists favore a more virtual agenda, and see the only way for evolution in loosing their week, biological shell and embrace a life in a sythetic shell. This leads to a escalating debate and a furious riot between diffrent religious and scientific groups all over your worlds.

- 10 happiness, - 5% Industry and Food for 5 turns.

Global Interactive Event: Pangalactic Virtual Games

The Galaxy is celebrating the first pangalactic virual games for all species and factions. The games contain of diffrent digital disciplines representing diffrent programmin codes and aesthetic preferences. Mathematical problemsolving for Sowers, Battlesimulations for Humans, Craver and Hissho, as well as strategy and research-games for Sophons and Amoebea. Anyone can participate

Option 1 (neutral/selfish): Participate and do your best! Your athletes are the best of your empire, but not very fair and charismatic. + 5 happiness + 5% dust for your Empire for 5 turns.

Option 2 (good): Representation is everything! You play for fun. And you help keeping the games fair and sportsmanlike. Everyone benefits from it. + 10 Happiness, +10% Dust and Industry for all Empiresfor 5 turns.

Option 3 (evil): You need to win at any price! Cheat and bribe the judges. Show them you are the best empire! - 10 happiness for other empires. - 5% science and +5 happiness for your empire for 5 turns.
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12 years ago
Dec 9, 2012, 12:08:51 PM
Romeo wrote:
Endless Warning

An Endless Artifact has warned you about an upcoming cataclysmic event. A corrupted Endless Entity will attack in twenty turns. (A single uber-powerful Warship will begin attacking colonies until defeated)

Selfish Prepare your own defenses, provides a 6CP fleet on every colony (Not outpost) and a bonus 10% Industry for twenty turns.

Helpful Warn everyone about the impending doom. Costs 10% to Dust and Industry while businesses focus on spreading the word, but gain 4CP fleet on every colony (Not outpost) for all empires.

Hostile Hide your empire from the enemy. Costs 10% to Dust, Science and Industry, but will prevent your empire from being attacked by the entity.

Hey Romeo, why not call it "Endless Prophecy"? Making it a bit more mythical and dramatic. smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Dec 9, 2012, 7:38:36 PM
Hmmm... I also like very much:

-Global Interactive Event: Remnants of Tor ( and I think it would be nice if at the same time it would activate a Dust Plague or something to spice up the game some more).

-Global Interactive Event: Supernova ( It would be nice to also affect the sensors in the area of the nova, the closer the sistem to the nova bigger effects and hmmm... some damage to fleets that are not in a gravity well, or in transit or something)

Just a thought.
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12 years ago
Dec 9, 2012, 11:53:54 PM
Faction specific events (i.e. events that only occur if you are playing as a certain faction - working with said faction's affinity) or diplomatic events (in- or decreasing a certain faction's opinion towards you, SP only) would be nice. Like finding another faction's fleet engaged in battle with pirates, you can interfere and help either side or finish off the weakened winner.
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12 years ago
Dec 10, 2012, 12:14:39 AM
Alien Refugees (faction event)

A group of peaceful aliens fleeing from their homeworld wracked by war approaches your borders requesting a world of their own.

Good: Let them find a home. Colonizes a random world among systems you control.

Selfish: Put them to work on one of our worlds. +1 population, -10 happiness to a random system.

Evil: We don't want them make them go somewhere else. Another faction will encounter this event next turn.
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12 years ago
Dec 10, 2012, 6:33:00 AM
Global Event : Science Fair

An independant organisation is trying to organise a big science fair for all the galaxy, What kind of person will you send there

Selfish :

You will send a spy : you might not be able to make big discoveries, but you will be able to get some usefull information

2 of the lowest technologies available are discovered

Helpful :

You will send your top scientist : after all, it's the point of this fair, so may be other faction will be able to get information on yours projects, but you will gain the most

the highest technology available is discoverd, every other faction discover the lowest technologie available

Hostile :

You will send an assassin/terrorist : it will be sad if an 'accident' occurs during the fair

- 10% science for 20 turns for other factions

Faction event

You find a very badly shaped terraforming ark , how will you use the last of it's power :

- You will use the terraforming engine to terraform the two most difficult (telluric) planet to the your homeworld environment.

- You will turn on all the computer to try to learn the more information possible : you will discover the highest technology avalaible in the 'bottom' quadrant.

- You will search the navigation log for information about the galaxy : you learn the location of every wonder

(if I want to put the choice in the Selfish, helpful, hostile model, the first one will be helpfull, the second one selfish, and the last one hostile, but i'm not convinced).
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12 years ago
Dec 11, 2012, 4:29:22 PM
Azhrey wrote:
Hmmm... I also like very much:

-Global Interactive Event: Remnants of Tor ( and I think it would be nice if at the same time it would activate a Dust Plague or something to spice up the game some more).

-Global Interactive Event: Supernova ( It would be nice to also affect the sensors in the area of the nova, the closer the sistem to the nova bigger effects and hmmm... some damage to fleets that are not in a gravity well, or in transit or something)

Just a thought.

That is a good point... a very good point. That would certainly "spice" it up in a nice way, not only could it be a whole new planet/system but an event like that could make it very interesting, harder to take ie. dust plague makes it harder to hold fleets and colonization in general. A lot of good ideas are cropping up now.
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12 years ago
Dec 12, 2012, 8:16:57 PM

Situation: Island Star Cluster - Scouts have discovered and island cluster of stars isolated outside the galactic cluster.


  • Invest funds and manpower searching for a stable wormhole between your colonies and the new cluster - random result, either no connection or a stable wormhole.
  • Invest funds disrupting other factions search for a stable wormhole - reduce the chance of other factions getting direct access to the new cluster.
  • Scout the galaxy for stable wormholes reaching the new cluster, giving every empire a small boost to its chances for finding a local wormhole directed at the new cluster.

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12 years ago
Dec 12, 2012, 9:28:12 PM
Skyles wrote:

Situation: Island Star Cluster - Scouts have discovered and island cluster of stars isolated outside the galactic cluster.


  • Invest funds and manpower searching for a stable wormhole between your colonies and the new cluster - random result, either no connection or a stable wormhole.
  • Invest funds disrupting other factions search for a stable wormhole - reduce the chance of other factions getting direct access to the new cluster.
  • Scout the galaxy for stable wormholes reaching the new cluster, giving every empire a small boost to its chances for finding a local wormhole directed at the new cluster.

Could be very fun if it is done right, very fun indeed.
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12 years ago
Dec 8, 2012, 5:38:09 PM
I've got a few... not so much as in story writing depth as others but hey. Why not.

Faction Event: All Factions are viable

Endless Cargo: A massive Endless ship is found drifting through one of your systems and is extraordinarily found to be intact. Many of the rooms are locked and unfortunately you do not possess the tools to open them or cut you way through the strange metal that the ship is made out of. You do however have access to some of the space hulk's cargo holds and the bridge. There is a rumor amongst the expedition team that the ship may contain a "cryo" room somewhere on board which could contain living Endless! Further analysis of the ship could prove very useful to various groups, especially ship builders and scientific teams.

A *wonder* is added much like an anomaly event to one of the planets in a system you own. Which could result in a double wonder planet, could be rather interesting. At first it will provide some FIDS bonuses for the system if the said planet is colonized, 10% FIDS sounds fair but it would require some balancing.

Finally you would have to have unlocked required technologies such as Quantum Substrates (Adamantian) or something of equally "hard-to-getness" to unlock its full potential like the other wonders. Since you find living Endless it would make sense that you get some unusual and rare bonuses, ill leave that to someone else to make fair. Since the ship was a cargo ship; you would get some tonnage bonuses on ships, maybe 5% or so so you might have room for that extra rail-gun on smaller ships or a few more on dreadnoughts. The bonus would apply to the basic tonnage you get after racial bonuses etc but not to after tonnage modules are applied... because that could prove fatal.

Global Interactive Event: Remnants of Tor


All in the galaxy are held in a state of awe. An Endless world, held in the clutches of the galaxy has re-emerged into existence again. Expedition teams all across the galaxy scrambled to the site and found it to be quite desolate but covered with vast Endless structures and the remnants of a long lost colony. Everyone is sure to scramble to claim the massive planet but you do have a chance to take what you can before your teams are "evicted".

Creates a system in the galactic center containing only this planet, it is connected by 2 wormholes to two of the closest systems. Or it just adds the planet to an existing system in the galactic center, whatever is better. The planet is a Terran world which has moon with a random temple, a random wonder, and a random positive anomaly.

Option A: Selfish - Your team makes leaps and bounds with the little time they have and gather what they can before they leave but take care to keep the Endless Hive City in its state. Basically get 2 random easy techs and a FIDS bonus. But diplomatic relations are dampened.

Option B: Helpful - Your team works with the other teams temporarly to maximise finds. More rewarding. Simply a random easy techs for you and your allies and a FIDS bonus for you and your allies. Diplomatic relations improve. So if you both go helpful you get 2 techs each 2 stacked FIDS bonuses for a while.

Option C: Hostile - Your team grabs anything they can get their hands on with no heed to preserving or being careful with the Endless tech and damaging some of it on the way out. 3 random easy techs and a greater than the others FIDS bonus but diplomatic relations go WAY down with everyone else. Some negative approval and negative trade bonuses. After all you did just damage a lot when leaving the shop!
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12 years ago
Dec 13, 2012, 8:20:07 PM
A Call to Arms

Faction Event: Hissho

Flavor Text: The stars have aligned and our ancestors call for war. Over the past few cycles, high priests across the empire have been experiencing visions of a great crusade. Glory awaits those who heed the call, an eternity of dishonor for those who don't.

Effect: Ship cost is reduced by 25% for ten turns. If the event concludes without a space battle victory, suffer a -15% penalty to FIDs on all sytems for ten turns.
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12 years ago
Dec 13, 2012, 8:37:30 PM
Just Another Holy Land

Faction Event: Pilgrims

Flavor Text: After centuries of searching, the Endless homeworld may have finally been found! Artifacts uncovered by our science division suggest its location, and although the tablet inscriptions still need to be fully translated, Pilgrims from across the sector are flooding to the planet in the belief that our journey is truly over.

Effect: The next planet you colonize is settled with maximum population.
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12 years ago
Dec 13, 2012, 8:43:44 PM
Beep Boop, Give Us Your Stuff

Faction Event: Sowers

Flavor Text: 0001101101001011 01101 1010100101 100101010 1100110010001010001101010 1010101 010011011011110 101 100110 1 01101 1000101100110110 10101 01 0101010011 01101011101 10110111 01010 101010101001 01 0101 1001000100 01010 100101001 0101110110001 0010

Effect: Ship invasion strength is increased by 25% for fifteen turns.
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12 years ago
Dec 13, 2012, 8:58:48 PM
Does Anyone Else Hear That Buzzing Sound?

Faction Event: Cravers

Flavor Text: The hive is stirring and a great plague is about to sweep over the galaxy. In the hidden depths of vast underground factories, Craver technicians have whipped the populace into a frenzy of industrial overproduction, sacrificing their lives for the good of the swarm.

Effect: Across all systems, industry is increased by 25% for ten turns while food production is reduced by 50% for ten turns.
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12 years ago
Dec 13, 2012, 10:00:31 PM
Captain Gould's Revenge

Global Interactive Event: All factions

Flavor Text: He was stranded on an uninhabited moon for nearly thirty years, but now he has returned for vengeance! Amassing an unstoppable armada of the galaxy's most wretched criminals, Captain Thaddeus Gould is carving a swathe of destruction across your entire empire. Choose wisely how you wish to deal with such villainy, for he will offer no quarter to those who have wronged him.

Base Effect: For ten turns, the spawn chance of normal pirate fleets is tripled.

Option 1: Pistols at dawn, you blaggard! Gould's pirate fleet spawns on your home system and immediately starts invading. It has a combined military power of 10,000.

Option 2: They went that-a-way. Using guile and covert tactics, you attempt to lure the Captain towards one of your enemies. Of all the factions who select this option, one is chosen at random and Gould's fleet spawns on their home system and immediately starts invading. This much larger fleet has a combined military power of 20,000.

Option 3: What's that in my pocket? A big pile of rubies?. You bribe the Captain to ignore your faction. You lose 15,000 dust but suffer no other adverse effects. If you do not have the necessary funds you cannot select this option.

Design Notes: The idea behind this event is simple. First, we create a period of high pirate activity, meaning that a lot of the factions spend time protecting domestic systems far from their front lines. I think it will shake things up mid-late game, especially if some solid alliances have been forged, thus reducing overall warfare. Also, Gould's fleet should be supremely powerful. It has to be a real danger and something you want to avoid. I know that in the lategame a 20k fleet is more of a grind than a potent threat, but I put in those numbers as a guide. Gould's fleet should be hand crafted, perhaps even with a custom made dreadnought leading it, with a bespoke ship model or decals.

I don't want this to be a 'boss battle' as such, because that is out of place in a 4X game. But I do like the idea of an entire 'Pirate Event', that comprises not just a dangerous pirate leader but a sporadic wave of pirate attacks across the galaxy. It would mix up people's strategies and provide moments of panic if people are caught unprepared.

Pirates as they are in the game only ever present two extremes: they are either pitifully weak, more of an annoyance than anything else, or overwhelmingly powerful, amassing a ridiculous number of ships that crush everything. There should be a mid ground.
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12 years ago
Dec 13, 2012, 10:50:56 PM
Time For Change

Faction Event: Automatons

Flavor Text: Deep within the Automaton homeworld, the Great Clock chimes the beginning of a new era. Across the empire, mechanical devices are infused with a newfound sense of urgency, their internal components spinning faster than ever before. Who knows how long this will last, we must make the most of the time we have been afforded.

Effect: The interest rate on stacked industry is doubled for a random number of turns (no more than twelve).


Crossing The Line

Faction Event: Sophons

Flavor Text: There comes a time in every scientists life when she hits the brick wall known as ethics. But in times of war, what value can we afford to place on our principles when faced with total annihilation at the hands, or tentacles, of our enemies? We can only hope that the public never uncovers the truth.

Effect: Science bonus from system improvements is doubled for five turns. After the event finishes, approval bonus from system improvements is halved for ten turns.


I Can Offer You A Discount On Sponges

Faction Event: Amoeba

Flavor Text: Unsuited to the dusty plains of desert planets, the Amoeba science division has developed a new method for rapidly converting systems to a more habitable climate. Don't tell the inhabitants, but it involves crashing an alarmingly high number of icy comets into the planet's surface.

Effect: All arid and desert type planets currently under Amoeba control are inundated with water, instantly becoming terraformed to ocean type. In the process they are reduced to one population each and suffer a -50% FIDs penalty for twenty turns.
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