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12 years ago
Dec 7, 2012, 7:00:39 PM
I think it is important that the event not be too drastic.

As it is, this game is very intimidating to newcomers. The last thing they need is a Mass Effect Reaper-Style invasion of the galaxy by the Virtual "Anti Sowers" or for their faction to erupt in civil war.....

With that, I present my ideas:

Global Interactive Event: Dust Schism

Throughout the galaxy, stockpiles of Dust and Dust-based electronics are destroying themselves or decaying. Although the galactic factions hadn't realized it, they were freely mixing the Dust produced by the Concrete Endless with the Dust from the Virtual Endless. Something has reactivated the martial nature of the nano machines. As far as experts can tell, the two forms of Dust are now trying to annihilate each other, causing significant collateral damage to any nearby materials as well. Until scientists find a way to pacify the Dust or at least separate the two types from each other. least has caused significant financial and industrial disruptions.

Base effect: -10% of Total Dust on Empire/turn for 10 turns. -5% industry for all systems for 10 turns.

Neutral: Launch a domestic effort to separate Virtual Dust from Concrete Dust. (dust/industry lost on your Empire reduced by 20%)

Good: Collaborate on a joint initiative on identifying the triggers of these inter-Dust conflicts. (dust/industry lost for all factions reduced by 10%)

Evil: Instruct all diplomats and agents to discreetly sprinkle unsorted dust into any machines while abroad. (Dust lost by your Empire increased by 10%, industry lost by other factions increased by 20%)

Sophon Faction Event: "oops"

A group of scientists were conducting large-scale, high risk tests with experimental weaponry on (planet you control.) "Unfortunately," the report reads," "one of the tests went awry, the facility underwent a rapid energetic disasembly, and the planet has been partially uncolonized by the effects." On the bright side, though, the scientists gained valuable data for further research.

effect: Random, non-homeworld planet instantly "terraformed" into lava/barren world, and suffers a -1 population drop. (if the population was 1 to begin with, no drop occurs) 20% research boost for next 5 turns.
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12 years ago
Dec 7, 2012, 7:27:57 PM

  • Pirates - A pirate faction demands a cash payoff. If you fail to pay, they will invade one of your newest colonies - A pirate fleet appears, flying toward your colony, invades and sets itself up as a new power if you can't obliterate them.
  • Crime Syndicate Variant - Similar to the pirate event, a crime syndicate has invested in ships. They launch over one of your planets and demand money - if paid they fly off into other systems, if refused they attack the colony and attempt to seize it.
  • Terrorists - Terrorists demand a payoff. If you fail to pay, they will release a virus and depopulate one of your colonies.
  • Treasure Map - An explorer is on the trail of a lost treasure and needs funding to mount an expedition. Several turns later a random treasure is discovered - failed expedition and no payback, a lost high-tech ship, dust, a technology.
  • Hallucinogens - A viral hallucinogen has been released. Initiate medical research and inoculations or some of your ships will fire on their own fleet instead of the enemy for several turns next time their are battles.
  • Inventor - An inventor approaches your government asking for funding. If paid, a random result occurs - no payback, a research bonus, or a free random tech.
  • Sensor malfunction - a meteor shower disables a systems' sensor platforms - that systems sensor zone collapses for several turns.
  • Rescue the Princess - Pirates have captured the heir of one of your officials. A pirate fleet appears - catch it and win the fight to rescue the heir. Get the reward.
  • Traveling merchant - A traveling merchant offers to sell you information on another faction - current information on their colonies.
  • Pleasure Palace! - Aliens arrive, specializing in amusements and pleasure, and offer to set up a pleasure park on a system of your choice. Invest some money for a significant approval bonus in one system.
  • Meteor Incoming! - A meteor is headed for one of your colonies! It appears on the galaxy map. Engage and destroy it with your fleet or suffer serious damages (loss of population and improvements).
  • Mining resources discovered - A prospector claims to have found a massive mineral supply on a planet - pay to have it developed. Random result - no payback, minor industry bonus on that planet, large industry bonus on that planet.


Situation: Merchant Offer - An arms merchant has made all the necessary deals and established an extensive network. He offers his services to the factions of the galaxy.


  • Sell him some of your ships for a quick cash infusion. He'll buy whole fleets or individual ships.
  • Alien ships - he'll sale you ships currently being produced by other factions.
  • Imprison him for arms sales - random result: either he escapes, or; he escapes and sicks a fleet of pirates on you, or; you imprison him and seize many of his assets for a dust infusion.

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12 years ago
Dec 7, 2012, 9:05:46 PM
Triggered when exploring a previously undiscovered system

MERCANTILE CULTURE: Your ships have discovered a new sentient species whom have themselves just developed interstellar travel. Luckily for you First Contact with the Galtar went rather well, but it is obvious that they will aid another faction if it suits them if you do not be the first to seal relations. The Galtar's anatomy makes for pitiful warriors, but their culture centered around acquisition and trading makes for excellent businessmen.

A: Pillage: These 4-foot tall, 4-foot wide things don't really need all that wealth and resources; you're a growing empire, you need it! Get down there and take the food from their mouths.

+1,250smiley: dust, The lowest available technology is discovered, -15 Empiresmiley: approval for 15 turns

B: Protectorate: Bringing up the existence of other, perhaps more hostile factions in the galaxy has got The Galtar worried about their future. A deal is made and they agree to offer their economic expertise in exchange for military protection and new trading opportunities.

Gain the system with 3smiley: stickouttongueopulation: on the most habitable planet, +1smiley: dust per Population on system, +5% Dust on empire, +1 Trade route on system, +10% Trade route bonus on empire. All bonuses permanently lost if system is conquered.

C: Aid: For whatever moral or tactical reason, your faction has decided to uplift them and leave their civilization and culture alone to go along its own path. They are greatly humbled and wish to repay you with some manipulation of the Galactic markets..

+250 Dust, +10% Dust on empire for 20 turns, +20% to trade-route bonuses on empire for 20 turns, -20% trade-route bonuses on empire for all other factions for 20 turns.
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12 years ago
Dec 7, 2012, 11:29:32 PM
A faction event: Endless Time Dilation Chamber (Sophons)

"You have uncovered an unusual Endless artifact on one of your planets. The artifact is a large container partitioned off into rooms. Initial examination has determined that large container is a Time Dilation Chamber. Lacking a sufficient power source this artifact could only be used once and for a limited amount of time before damaging it irreparably. There is no other option but to allow our brightest minds to make use of this artifact and further our understanding dust while we can."

-15%smiley: dust and +30% smiley: science for 25 turns

A global interactive event: Unusual Dust Behaviour

"The dust have been emitting unusual signals from them lately. Our scientists have determined that we could slightly manipulate the signals to our own ends. Initial tests have shown that the manipulations persist in the test altered dust afterwords. Astonishingly enough it appears that all dust has in fact been altered as well, similar to quantum entanglement effect. There is not time to delay The signal is fading and a decision must be made!"

  • +15% chance of a positive anomaly on each planet without an anomaly in controlled systems of empire.
  • +10% smiley: fids on empire for 20 turns

  • +5% chance of a positive anomaly on each planet without an anomaly in controlled systems of empire for allies
  • +5% chance of a positive anomaly on each planet without an anomaly in controlled systems of empire for allies

  • -5% chance of a positive anomaly on each planet without an anomaly in controlled systems of other empires
  • +10% chance of a negative anomaly on each planet without an anomaly in controlled systems of other empires
  • -5% smiley: fids for other empires for 20 turns

[EDIT]: formatting
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12 years ago
Dec 8, 2012, 7:52:14 AM
As to an event that only affects your faction, I would like to see choices here too. Specifically, I would like to see stackable events like were seen in Castles 2: Siege and Conquest, or a choose your own adventure book. These events would really add a personal feel rarely felt in 4x games, and could work for any species. Afterall, we really are choosing our own adventure anyway, are we not?

I have a couple examples that create an ongoing story in the following manner:

EVENT: The New Religion:

Turn X: Your lead advisor approaches you with a decision. A new religious sect has begun to gain influence in a number of key systems, and their newly appointed leader wishes to meet with you. Do you:

Option 1: Choose to meet with the Leader of This Sect.

Immediate Effect: None.

Option 2: Ignore the request to meet with you, you have more important things to do. (Note: This is the default option if no option is selected.)

Immediate Effect: None.

Option 3: Have the man secretly poisoned, and takes steps to ensure the plot is covered up. This will take some secret financing.

Immediate Effect: -5 Dust.

If Option 1 is selected:

Turn X+1: The religious leader comes to your office with a proposal. He suggests that more funding should be devoted away from applied research and more into spiritual research. As such, he proposes that 10% of your research budget be sent to his organization. In exchange, he will proudly support your rule, and will work to reduce unrest across all your colonies.

Option 1A: Accept his proposal.

Immediate Effect: -10% Research Empire Wide for 10 turns, +5% Morale Empire Wide for 10 turns.

Option 1B: Refuse his proposal. (Note: This is the default Option if no other is selected.)

Immediate Effect: None.

Option 1C: Offer him support with a moderate contribution of dust. (Note: If this option is selected, no further options will appear.)

Immediate Effect: -15 dust.

If Option 1A is selected:

Turn X+11: The religious leader comes to you to ask for additional funding for his religious works, explaining that his support is beginning to wain.

Option 1A-1: Agree to give him additional support in the form of Dust: (Note: If this option is selected, no further options will appear.)

Immediate Effect: -20 dust (one time only), +5% Morale for 4 turns.

Option 1A-2: Agree to give him addition support through the science fund. (Note: If this option is selected, no further options will appear.)

Immediate Effect: -10% Science for 10 turns, + 3% Morale for 10 turns.

Option 1A-3: Tell him while you appreciate the work he has performed, you are are not in a position to continue funding at this time. (Note: this is default if no other is selected; If this option is selected, no further options will appear.)

Immediate Effect: None.

If Option 1B is selected:

Turn X+3: Riots have erupted across numerous worlds, apparently driven in part by the unbalanced religious leader. While your aides and supporters have done their best to suppress and spin these event in the media, there can be no avoiding the fact that these events will have an effect on the society. What shall we do?

Option 1B-1: Crack down on these religious extremists, and ensure that anyone who follows this religion is prosecuted under severe laws and penalties. We must maintain order at all costs, we have bigger issues to deal with than a few rebellious religious extremists!

Immediate Effect: None.

Option 1B-2: Allow the protesters the freedom to do just that: protest. However, ensure that all other laws, including those preventing violence or destruction of property are fully enforced to the maximum extent of the law. (Note: this is default if no other option is selected; If this option is selected, no further options will appear.)

Immediate Effect: -2% Empire Wide Production for 5 turns, -2% Empire Wide Dust for 5 turns, -2% Empire Wide Science for 5 turns.

Option 1B-3: Announce to the Empire that you have converted to this religion, and in exchange the religious leader will announce that you should be an example of spiritual enlightenment that all others should attempt to follow.

Immediate Effect: -5% Science Empire Wide Permanently, +10% Moral Empire Wide for 10 turns. (Note: If this option is selected, no further options will appear.)

If Option 1B-1 is selected:

Turn X+7: The crackdown on the religious extremists seems to have worked for the most part, and riots have been eliminated in most areas. Unfortunately, the opposite effect has occurred on one of our colonies, and it is on the verge of Rebellion, what shall we do?

Option 1B-1-A: We must maintain order at all costs. Send in the military to maintain order. (Note: If this option is selected, no further options will appear.)

Immediate Effect: -75 Dust, -10% Morale on "_____" (the one with the lowest morale in your empire) for 5 turns, Two fleets of ships (Pirate Hunters?) appear on "_____" (to defend the system).

Option 1B-1-B: We don't have the resources to deal with this right now, we have bigger issues to deal with. (Note: this is default if no other is selected; If this option is selected, no further options will appear.)

Immediate Effect: The system "_____" (the one with the lowest morale in your empire) rebels and forms an independent nation. (Note: If two worlds have equally low morale, one is randomly selected. If this option is selected, no further options will appear.)

EVENT: The Mad Scientist!

Turn X: Your Advisor approaches you with a decision; a leading and formerly well respected scientist has been taken into custody and accused of a number of crimes, including using experimental techniques on unsuspecting citizens of your empire, creating dangerous chemical weapons, and experimental applications for dust. He has outraged a huge body of lawmakers, distinguished citizens, and wealthy donors, but his research, if pursued, could prove useful. What should we do with him?

Option 1: It is too dangerous to keep him around, too many things could go wrong. Prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law.

Immediate Effect: +10% System Empire Wide Happiness for 2 turns. (Note: this is default if no other is selected; If this option is selected, no further options will appear.)

Option 2: Publicly condemn what he has done, but allow him to experiment in secret in a government run and highly secret facility.

Immediate Effect: None.

Option 3: Pardon him, give him massive government grants for his "innovative" scientific techniques, and encourage others to follow in his footsteps.

Immediate Effect: -5% Morale Empire Wide for 5 turns, +10% Research Empire Wide for 5 turns.

If Option 2 is selected:

Turn X+3: It appears that the mad scientist is nearing a breakthrough, but the use of this new technology will surely alert the public that he has been continuing his research for some time. What should we do?

Option 2-A: Have his research confiscated, have him executed, and then use the technology. The public won't suspect that we were working with him if they find out he has been "convicted" and sentenced to death. (Note: If this option is selected, no further options will appear.)

Immediate Effect: Cheapest Technology is Researched.

Option 2-B: Use the technology, and keep him working.

Immediate Effect: Cheapest Technology is Researched.

Option 2-C: Cover up the entire operation, it was wrong before, and it is wrong now, we must dispose of all evidence relating to this madness now. (Note: this is default if no other is selected; If this option is selected, no further options will appear.)

Immediate Effect: Nothing.

If Option 2-B is selected:

Turn X+6: It appears the mad scientist is coming in useful after all, it appears he is on the verge of another breakthrough, but with each technology we use from his research, the greater the likelihood of exposure. What should we do?

Option 2-B-1: Have his research confiscated, have him executed, and then use the technology. The public won't suspect that we were working with him if they find out he has been "convicted" and sentenced to death.

Immediate Effect: Cheapest Technology is Researched.

Option 2-B-2: Use the technology, and keep him working.

Immediate Effect: Cheapest Technology is Researched.

Option 2-B-3: Cover up the entire operation, it was wrong before, and it is wrong now, we must dispose of all evidence relating to this madness now. (Note: this is default if no other is selected; If this option is selected, no further options will appear.)

Immediate Effect: Nothing.
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12 years ago
Dec 8, 2012, 7:54:43 AM
Continuing from my previous post:

If Option 2-B-1 is selected:

Turn X+8: Unfortunately, it appears that someone from inside the government has been leaking classified information, some of which may contain information about our work with the scientist. If this gets out, it could be a PR nightmare. What should we do?

Option 2-B-1A: We don't know what he is going to leak, or even if anything will be leaked. there is no point in worrying about something that hasn't happened. (Note: this is default if no other option is selected)

Immediate Effect: Nothing.

Option 2-B-1B: Find the rat, and get rid of him, permanently.

Immediate Effect: Nothing

Option 2-B-1C: Find the rat, and buy him off. Everyone has their price. (Note: If this option is selected, no further options will appear.)

Immediate Effect: -10 Dust.

If Option 2-B-1A is selected:

Turn X+9: Sir, classified government secrets have been released to the public, including our work with the mad scientist, as well as the content of much of his research during his time with us. This is something we are not going to be able to spin, there will be serious consequences to morale across the empire for some time. (No further options will appear.)

Immediate Effect: -15% Morale Empire Wide for 4 turns.

If Option 2-B-1B is selected:

Turn X+9: We found the rat, and we have made sure he won't be talking ever again. Everything should be adequately covered up. Now, about payment for our operatives... (No further options will appear.)

Immediate Effect: -5 Dust.

If Option 2-B-2 is selected:

Turn X+11: The Mad scientist is perhaps not so mad, he is on the verge of another breakthrough. Should we let him finish his research?

Option 2-B-2A: Yes. More Technology! (Note: this is default if no other option is selected) Immediate Effect: Cheapest Technology is Researched.

Option 2-B-2B: Sadly I think this must end, let him complete his research and then... "Retire" him.

Immediate Effect: Cheapest Technology is Researched.

If Option 2-B-2A is selected:

Turn X+15: The Mad scientist has come through for us again sir! He has invented a new technology!

Immediate Effect: Cheapest Technology is Researched.

Turn X+18: The Mad scientist has come through for us again sir! He has invented a new technology!

Immediate Effect: Cheapest Technology is Researched.

Turn X+20: Sir, the Mad scientist has done it again! He says he is on the verge of a major breakthrough that will cure aging! He says it will be ready for testing shortly. This could be the greatest scientific achievement yet!

Immediate Effect: None.

Turn X+21: Sir, I would like to inform you of an "event." It seems that the mad scientist had been working on an aging drug, but it wasn't one that cured aging, it does quite the reverse. Worse yet, the madman has released it upon our populace all across the empire. We are rushing to figure ou how he has managed to do this, but the damage is already done. The populace knows that he was never dealt with before, and worse still they have been aged overnight by decades. This will scar us for decades to come. (Concluded)

Immediate Effect: - 5% Happiness Empire Wide for 5 Turns, - 5% Happiness Empire Wide for 10 Turns -5% Production Empire Wide for 5 turns, -10% Production Empire Wide for 5 turns. (Note this has the net effect of -10% Happiness for the first 5 turns, then - 5% for then next 5 turns, and -15% production for the first 5 turns, and -5% percent for the next 5 turns.

If Option 2-B-2B is selected:

Turn X+12: Sir the mad scientist has been... "retired." Before we were able to stop him however, he managed to activate a remote sequence controlling a large number of thermonuclear devices which have somehow been imbedded throughout our fleet. (Concluded)

Immediate Effect: All Fleet Health -50%.

And if you actually read this far and understood what I wrote, you are a far better man (or woman) than I. I thank you from the bottom of my heart, and hope you will comment on my post, even if you think this is the worst idea you have ever heard. Thanks again.
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12 years ago
Dec 8, 2012, 2:11:38 PM
The two I like the most are:

Global Interactive Event: The ultimate Weapon or Global Interactive Event: New Contact... Not sure which one I like the most. smiley: biggrin

Faction Event: Defective Update (Sowers or Automatons). Definetly this one although this one is also quite nice: Faction Event: Alien Horror (Any Faction with a "Hostile Natives" anomaly or Sheredyn)

Great Ideas. Keep it up.

I like the second idea the most of Space_Krill. It would be nice if in combination with an Anomaly from a planet or a Endless Wonder if it would start Pandemic in the colonies of the Empire who has that Anomaly or Wonder. I think it would be more interesting. Like a Chain Reaction... I don't know just a thought.

Really nice twist KingJohnVI, I liked the hell out of your second Idea with the mad scientist... Damn great idea. I would really like to see it in the game.
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12 years ago
Dec 8, 2012, 3:11:34 PM
Azhrey wrote:
The two I like the most are:

Global Interactive Event: The ultimate Weapon or Global Interactive Event: New Contact... Not sure which one I like the most. smiley: biggrin

Faction Event: Defective Update (Sowers or Automatons). Definetly this one although this one is also quite nice: Faction Event: Alien Horror (Any Faction with a "Hostile Natives" anomaly or Sheredyn)

Great Ideas. Keep it up.

Thank you! smiley: wink Hope that one of my ideas get's into the game THIS time. smiley: money
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12 years ago
Dec 8, 2012, 4:06:08 PM
Azhrey wrote:
Really nice twist KingJohnVI, I liked the hell out of your second Idea with the mad scientist... Damn great idea. I would really like to see it in the game.

Thanks so much! Even if my specific ideas don't make it in, I would really like to see the multi-step event concept implemented. I really think it would add life to the game. Thanks again!!! smiley: biggrin
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