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Fighters & Bombers Archetypes - Community Contest

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11 years ago
Apr 27, 2013, 7:09:18 PM
T41 wrote:
Yes, they weren't very effective back then were they? Maybe with AI intelligence or advanced targeting computers they would become more efficient.
Not too sure it would work. Because both the attacker/defender could use A.I. to counter one another.. hmm, did I just think up a fighter/bomber combat card? but seriously, the bombers would be too slow to escape the fighters. The end! Modern scenario would have a carrier all by itself trying to fight off smaller ships. Not going to happen.

Same as it ever was.
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11 years ago
Apr 27, 2013, 7:06:31 PM
Yes, they weren't very effective back then were they? Maybe with AI intelligence or advanced targeting computers they would become more efficient.
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11 years ago
Apr 27, 2013, 7:00:00 PM
T41 wrote:
How could I be so forgetful smiley: sarcastic? Yeah, I just didn't want to take up the entire screen with pictures of giant, machine gun loaded bombers. smiley: smile
Don't forget that bombers at best shoot down the occasional fighter, at worst they are the proverbial sittings ducks. Think of WWII as an example of their survival rates when they didn't have fighter escorts.
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11 years ago
Apr 25, 2013, 9:23:23 AM
Hi everyone,

We introduced you to Fighters and Bombers a little while ago with the publication of our Game Design Document, as well as a previous Games2Gether vote on their design orientation; the choice that won was:

“Fighters and bombers should be predefined archetypes with a specialization slot to increase one of the stats. This may slightly increase micro-management and add a part of 'unknown' regarding the interpretation of the opponent’s fleet”


We already have a few archetypes in mind, but would like you guys to submit your own archetype ideas as well (GAMES2GETHER FTW!). Here are a few examples, inspired by a submission made by Nosferatiel – we edited it a bit: smiley: smile


Rational: The rationale behind this fighter is to have something with a definite swarm-ability, that wins by the numbers, but can only shoot every now and then a rather weak shot. Not the best against bombers, though, as they'll typically have a thick hide.

  • Name: Mosquito
  • Evade: 95%
  • Health: 1
  • Shot Per Round: 1
  • Damage Per Shot: 4
  • Accuracy: 95%
  • Tonnage: 15
  • Industry cost: 40
  • Quantity: 5 Quantity restricted between 1 and 7
  • Invasion Strength: 1
  • State bonus: +1 shot per round when chasing Can affect: evasion, health, shot/damage per round, and accuracy
  • There are 3 main states for fighters:

  • Melee: they are fighting other fighters
  • Chasing: they are firing on a bomber
  • OnShip: they are leading an assault against an enemy ship



Rational: This big guy is, if anything, a nightmare for any destroyer crew. It slowly closes in, nigh unstoppable, just to shoot one big mean shipkiller torpedo at its target. Packing this bomber into any ship costs a lot, but the effect could determine a whole battle... if it reaches its target, that is. I'd like to think of this ship as an easily counterable Ender's game style of weapon.

  • Bomber name: End of all Hope
  • Evade: 0%
  • Health: 500
  • Shot Per Round: 1 integer
  • Damage per Shot: 500
  • Accuracy: 100%
  • Tonnage: 100
  • Industry cost: 200
  • Invasion Strength: 100
  • State bonus: +50% evade when Moving to Ship
  • There are 2 main states for bombers:

  • Moving to Ship: they are moving to their target
  • Chasing: they are firing their target


We will only pick the best three (feel free to comment and give feedback) for a GAMES2GETHER vote. And of course, the final winner will get their idea implemented in the game. smiley: cool


Submit as many ideas as you want until May 2nd, 12pm CET.


Please, check the game design document on Fighters and Bombers (here):

  • Fighters & Bombers are a new kind of armament which are treated as ships during a manual battle. They bring a new strategic dimension, and can be used to launch an instantaneous invasion on systems.
  • Bombers are meant to deal heavy damage to the opponent’s fleet, whereas Fighters are both the first defence against Bombers as well as their primary protection.

Good luck to everyone! smiley: approval

Edit - April 29th: smiley: warning Just a little reminder, as some of you seem to be going in the wrong direction. In the Game Design Document on Fighters and Bombers we mention that: Bombers DO NOT attack fighters. Their state can be defined as: moving or bombarding. Note that they bombard the fleet, not the fighters.

Feel free to edit your submissions if you think you did not respect this. We will get back to this thread to pick the best three on Thursday!
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11 years ago
Apr 27, 2013, 5:47:28 PM
Nasarog wrote:
Ah, I see how it works now. I think I'd rather comment on others' ideas then present my own for the moment.

I'm with you lol

btw I hope that bombers can fire on fighters in the chasing round.

Good example T41, but you left out the B-52's quad 50 caliber cannon lol
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11 years ago
Apr 27, 2013, 5:41:11 PM
Ah, I see how it works now. I think I'd rather comment on others' ideas then present my own for the moment.
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11 years ago
Apr 27, 2013, 5:10:17 PM
Nosferatiel wrote:
I'm not completely sure bombers can even fire on fighters. smiley: confused

Shouldn't they be able to though, at least with turrets.

a B 17 has a lot of guns... so does an AC-130. I hope they'll be able to defend against fighters.
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11 years ago
Apr 27, 2013, 1:07:44 PM
Tredecim wrote:
Unlikely, yeah smiley: biggrin But the other way round would be possible, no? smiley: smile

Since it is explicitly stated that fighters chase bombers, yes, although I'm still not 100% sure how the 50% of fighters work that accompany your bombers to the hostile main fleet.
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11 years ago
Apr 27, 2013, 1:01:35 PM
Nosferatiel wrote:
I'm not completely sure bombers can even fire on fighters. smiley: confused

Unlikely, yeah smiley: biggrin But the other way round would be possible, no? smiley: smile
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11 years ago
Apr 27, 2013, 12:16:19 PM
I'm not completely sure bombers can even fire on fighters. smiley: confused
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11 years ago
Apr 27, 2013, 12:13:13 PM

Name: Blackout Squadron

Purpose: The Blackout Squadron is a feared Fightersquad, which penetrates enemy defense with speed and deploys EMP-Bombs or small Ion-Torpedos. They have got only ONE attack per battle, but if they are able to reach the enemy battleships, they can weaken defensive or offensive modules. They should be able to reach enemy battleships at latest in Mid-range.

Evade: 75%

Health: 1

Shot Per Round: 1

Damage Per Shot: 1

Accuracy: 90%

Tonnage: 20

Industry cost: 70

Quantity: 4

Invasion Strength: 20

State bonus: + 10% Evasion when attacking OnShip

Name: Shield Squadron

Purpose: The Shield is a extended Anti-Missile defensive. By concentrationg on enemy missiles they loose evasion-power, but take down missiles carefully and give the battleships the opportunity, to concentrate on heavy weaponry, instead of Anti-Missile weapons. Invading Systems, they are not very usefull

Evade: 50%

Health: 4

Shot Per Round: 1

Damage Per Shot: 1 < shooting down enemy missiles>

Accuracy: 95%

Tonnage: 10

Industry cost: 60

Quantity: 6

Invasion Strength: 0

State bonus: -20% accuracy when in Melee with Fighters; +5% when chasing Bombers


Bomber name: RUSE-BOMBER

Purpose: The RUSE-Bombers are actually an Anti-Fighter Weapon, build to attrackt enemy fighters (easy prey) and than dish out with turrets and flaks, instead of torpedos! Because they can easily suck up much damage, and fire really quickly, they are more of a small canon-boat, than an actual bomber. As Invasors, they are more efficient against infantry by supporting with coverfire.

Evade: 50%

Health: 500

Shot Per Round: 4

Damage per Shot: 4

Accuracy: 100%

Tonnage: 50

Industry cost: 50

Invasion Strength: 30

State bonus: +50% Damage when fireing at fighters or other Bombers

Of course Bombers are able to fight back, as you have seen earlier in a post. From my experiences from good Space-flight simulaters, Bombers, Transporter and every other ship with turrets (expecially in the back) are pure horror for any fighterpilot, since it allows us just to fire some shots before beeing forced to evade counterfire. Bombers with Anti-Fighter tourrets in the back (and/or at the sides) are better defended than just with good shields or plating.

In game terms, that would not mean that the bombers are chasing fighters! It would mean, that they are still doing their job, flying to the enemy battleships in a more or less straight line. If the Defender decides to have his fighters attack the advancing bombers, that would mean, that the fighters get damaged during their attack phase against the bombers!

The Bombers however wouldn't do much damage against the enemy battleships, their sole purpose is to distract and damage the enemy fighters. Combining this tactic with my "Blackout Squadron", your fighters would do the "bomber work" while your bombers just distract enemy fighters to maximize the chance that your fighter reach the enemy battleships!

I am naturally not sure if that is complicated to programm or visualize, but I think it would be something like this:

(depending on the exact Evading and Accuracy Stats)

To visualize that: For every shot, the Fighter fires, the Bomber gives a countershot. Accuracy decides, if one hits the other.

DISCLAIMER: Feel free to critique (anyone) or change (DEVS) all stats as you see fit, since I am not that good with numbers and more creative with text and ideas.
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11 years ago
Apr 26, 2013, 12:26:18 PM
Nosferatiel wrote:
That said it would make more sense to have the fighters supporting their own bombers killing enemy fighters that try to down said bombers, instead of shooting at capital ships...

Totally agree smiley: biggrin
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