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Economy in Endless Space

Actually, they are meaner
Alderbranch is meaner, he doesn't like beer
Znork is meaner, he doesn't share his beer
Drekka mer
They are only mean to the Devs
Sharidann is mean for suggesting THEY are mean
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13 years ago
Mar 15, 2012, 3:52:41 AM
Should've read this before making my last post, sorry about that.

Either way, it looks like alot of practice time has been spent on some quality 4x's in the past, and it looks like you've got a firm handle on how this sort of thing should go.
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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 7:22:15 PM
SpaceTroll wrote:
We want the player to feel that there are a lot of things to do out there without there actually being that much to do.

There, I fixed it for you. smiley: wink
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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 7:17:12 PM
slkslk wrote:
[...] and i felt that science is too quick to archive. [...] Does anyone agrees with my opinion?

As it is now, everything in the game is very fast. I've been playing on huge galaxies with as few star connections as possible, but I still feel the game pace is very, very fast, especially since the way it is now that the one that manages to colonise most systems fastest will win the game.

Usually by turn 200 I have 30+ systems, am more than halfway through all the tech trees, I can colonise every planet type and I can make dreadnoughts.
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12 years ago
May 5, 2012, 5:22:11 PM
I played a little, about 80 turns, 2 games, 2 races, slow pace, and i felt that science is too quick to archive. Most discovers i ignored because production pace is slower... I like very long games, chess like style, where is needed several battles to conquer a system. Right now, i felt my games like counter-clock ones. Does anyone agrees with my opinion?
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13 years ago
Apr 3, 2012, 8:45:30 PM
Forgive me if this was asked before, but is economic management monolithic for all races? For example, would an economy work differently if a race had a hive mind, didn’t require food (e.g. robots), employs slavery, didn't use money, uses telepathy, uses caste structures, etc…
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13 years ago
Mar 31, 2012, 8:50:43 AM
Hi all,

During my reading of the posts of "Spacetroll", I have seen many times that the actions will take times (construction, colonization, invasion). Is it possible to have more info on this?

Will we really have to make choice due to the time required to construct ships?

For example in a really old game "SW rebellion", the construction time required for a star destroyer was really long and resources hungry. So from the start, we had to make a choice because this had a big impact on the development and tactics used by the empire. On the other hand, spying was here to help to make decision.

Will endless space be close to this kind of things?

In the future, will the dust cost vary in function of the ship constructed?
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13 years ago
Mar 29, 2012, 8:30:42 AM
aReclusiveMind wrote:
I haven't played Shogun 2, but I've never been that impressed with the Total War series on the diplomatic side.

I've never been impressed with the Total War series' AI not only on the diplomatic side but on all sides.
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13 years ago
Mar 29, 2012, 3:10:49 AM
Ashbery76 wrote:
I dislike this happening as it is artificial and ruins game stories.Shogun2 had a similar system called realm divide and it generally pissed people off because you had vassels and alliances you made in the whole game just suddenly change due to a game factor and it ruined your personal game story.I would prefer other ways to penalise aggressive or expansive players like stablity,internal issues and general empire inefficiency

I don't think they intend for your allies to suddenly up and drop their relationship with you. That would be pretty unrealistic unless you were a complete tyrant or changed your politics wildly. Of course, if your allies race was known to be the backstabbing or selfish type it should be expected as well. In that situation, I'd say you are making a deal with the devil and should expect to get burned, sooner or later. I think the intent is for individual races that maybe are neutral or enemies of yours to start conversations with one another and realize that while they keep bickering with one another, they are letting you dominate the galaxy. If you look at ancient wars in world history, it is not uncommon for people from different nations and backgrounds to come together to form a combined defense. I don't think it is a stretch to think that alien races could do the same. That is assuming of course they can communicate with one another.

Being able to manipulate the AI diplomatically without consequence makes the mid to end game very boring in 4x games. Maybe allow that in the easiest modes, but harder modes should allow the AI to realize what is going on. If my power rate compared to them has grown exponentially, they should get concerned. I haven't played Shogun 2, but I've never been that impressed with the Total War series on the diplomatic side.
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13 years ago
Mar 28, 2012, 11:12:18 PM
Ashbery76 wrote:
I dislike this happening as it is artificial and ruins game stories.Shogun2 had a similar system called realm divide and it generally pissed people off because you had vassels and alliances you made in the whole game just suddenly change due to a game factor and it ruined your personal game story.I would prefer other ways to penalise aggressive or expansive players like stablity,internal issues and general empire inefficiency

We are not sure how Fear is generated, so for example to avoid what you said, Fear level could increase more slowly for allies compared to neutrals. This could ensure that you will not be fighting against everybody, at least not at the same time. You will have enough time to deal with some of the enemies, before your allies go to war against you.
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13 years ago
Mar 28, 2012, 8:54:31 PM
aReclusiveMind wrote:
From Overcolonization:

"An alliance with most of the remaining Factions would form against that player

In case that wouldn’t be enough, we can play on existing factors"

I dislike this happening as it is artificial and ruins game stories.Shogun2 had a similar system called realm divide and it generally pissed people off because you had vassels and alliances you made in the whole game just suddenly change due to a game factor and it ruined your personal game story.I would prefer other ways to penalise aggressive or expansive players like stablity,internal issues and general empire inefficiency
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13 years ago
Mar 28, 2012, 3:40:12 PM

When a construction is finished, any remaining Industry points are stored for the next construction (up to 1 or 2 turns worth of industry points).
I do love this. It avoids the fact than a non-construction oriented system can be able to build something big by waiting, which is unlogical.
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13 years ago
Mar 28, 2012, 7:07:54 AM
SpaceTroll wrote:
If the Invasion is a success, the planet’s population may still have local fights that affect the planet’s Approval factor. However, little by little the new owner’s population will replace the old one.

Will there be a way to get strong rebels ? Guerilla is a strong way to deny legitimity. There are some real world example of military victory that lead to defeat in the end because population never stop claiming they wouldn't accept the invaders.
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13 years ago
Mar 28, 2012, 1:16:11 AM
From Overcolonization:

"An alliance with most of the remaining Factions would form against that player

In case that wouldn’t be enough, we can play on existing factors"

"Fear: if a Faction has more solar systems than others, they will increase their Fear level. At a certain level, all the Empires with Fear toward the same player will try to make an Alliance against that Empire"

Those are my favorite lines in this whole discussion. Please make these happen! I would love to see the AI be smart enough to realize the player, or even another AI, is a legitimate threat.
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13 years ago
Mar 27, 2012, 3:17:05 AM
SpaceTroll wrote:

Temples are well-hidden; the player will have to organize a moon survey party on each moon to find out if it contains a Temple or not. A moon survey can’t fail: if no Temple has been found, there will never be one.

I got my survey party all prepped and ready to go sir!

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13 years ago
Mar 25, 2012, 12:00:42 AM
Not sure if this could be helpful or not, but perhaps you could make it so that you spend twice as much dust to rush-build anything that isn't at least 10% complete, meaning if it takes perhaps 20 weeks to build something but only 1 week has passed, the dust required to rush-build is greatly increased...maybe double or more of the exponential amount, but if it's at 3 weeks done, the cost reverts to the normal exponential cost.
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13 years ago
Mar 15, 2012, 4:28:38 AM
Sounds like this game is going to make me feel like God, but I don't mind that, I would love to control the lives of billions of people, and when the game is finished I'll finally be able to.
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13 years ago
Feb 28, 2012, 6:06:38 PM

From the planet to the galaxy, there can be a million things to manage. We want the player to feel that there are a lot of things to do out there without being overwhelmed by that potential.

The player should easily understand the impact of each decision they may take.

Star Empire’s economy system will be kept simple:

• A Planet has its production rates and population;

• A Solar System can increase all its Planets’ factors through System Improvements, Trade, and other bonuses;

• An Empire will have an impact on all its Solar Systems through its Tax Rate, Diplomacy and Luxuries.

Parameters and production

The most basic units of the economy are FIDS: Food, Industry, Dust and Science. Each planet produces all 4 of them. Bonuses and maluses (penalties) that affect these units include Anomalies and Strategic and Luxury Resources. Together these elements determine the Base production of the planet.

Next we take into account the population. To make it simple, each “population point” will produce that base FIDS, acting as a multiplier. The population capacity of a planet is determined by its Size.

Each planet will also have an Approval level that can be altered by some bonuses, but doesn′t depend on population number.

A planet’s production can be adjusted by making a Planetary Improvement that affects one of the basic units (F-I-D-S). This Improvement can be changed whenever the player needs it. However, only one FIDS type can be improved on a planet. If the FIDS type of the Planetary Improvement is changed (e.g. from Food to Industry), the previous Planetary Improvement is lost/removed.

There are also System Improvements which can boost all the planets at the same time, with a slight upkeep cost that will make the player choose to establish only the most useful improvements.

Moon Temples, Administrator Heroes, Trade routes and the population’s Approval may add some more system-scale bonuses:

• Moon temples are random and have to be discovered

• Administrators will have to be hired and gain experience

• Trade routes require knowledge about peaceful opponents' Solar Systems as well as certain System Improvements

• Approval bonuses depend on the base planet’s Approval, Improvements and Tax Rate

Finally, all the player’s Solar Systems can be boosted by Empire-scale bonuses like Luxury and the Empire Approval coming from Tax Rate.
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13 years ago
Mar 15, 2012, 3:46:59 AM
Speaking of Heroes... what is the time scale of this game?

It would seem flying between stars would take quite a while (or are we bucking Einstein w FTL speeds?)...

For the Human types at least it would seem it would take a while to take over an entire galaxy. Do Heroes age? Die of old age, disease, wife sticking a laser cutter in his neck cause of the blue-skinned mistress?
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13 years ago
Mar 14, 2012, 10:37:40 PM
It seems that after playing this game you would be able to run a small country merely from your experience. Is a Bachelor's Degree in Political Science necessary before purchase of the game?
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