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Hero Creation Competition - the Pilgrims

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12 years ago
Jun 18, 2012, 11:47:21 PM
Hope this still arrives on time smiley: smile

Faction: Pilgrim

Hero Name: D.A.V.E (Diagnostical Automanagement Viral Entity)

Hero Biography:

When a pilgrim exploration team, discovered D.A.V.E In the remains of an ancient abandoned derelict ship in the outer arm of the galaxy, they never expected what they found. When the bulky black box was conected to the exploration ship's computer, first analyzed the new enviroment, and then replicated itself in the databanks taking control of the vessel. After the first alarm, the team soon noticed the alien entity had optimized the eficiency of every system on board, allmost doubling its performance. When D.A.V.E. was deeply analyzed by scientist, they discovered behavior patterns that showed some kind of inteligence and autoconsciousness, so it was clasiffied as a mineral based biological entity. When conected to any system D.AV.E allways behaves the same way, taking its control and doubling its performance, that makes "him" an invaluable ally to any industrial society.

Hero Image: As an entity, D.A.V.E. has no body, i though on him like some kind of bulky computer tower, full of plugs and sockets, with an inteligent looking electronic eye on his front, something inspired in the 9000 series computers from space odyssey movies, color blue or red, or maybe green to give him more biological appearance:

Hero Classes


Hero Stats (each measured 0-9; max of 18 total):

Labor - 8

Wit - 7

Melee - 0

Offense - 1

Defense - 2

When designing the character I thought why an hero couldnt be an inteligent entity trapped in a computer (too many "human" like heroes around) so I squeezed my brains and this was the outcome, hope u guys like it. smiley: redface
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12 years ago
Jun 19, 2012, 4:24:36 PM
Competition is over - thanks everyone. smiley: smile

Steph'nie wrote:
As is traditional, once the time is up we lock the team into a very small room with three baseball bats, and whoever emerges gets to choose the finalists. That is followed by the traditional G2G poll to choose the winner(s).

We'll have fun tomorrow (tomorrow? Probably).
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12 years ago
Jun 21, 2012, 9:07:39 AM
Congrats to everyone and especially: Kairyu, Raptor (gnehehehe), Dysensious, Gamer_Sharkie, Aureus, and Transhumannuker! smiley: smile

Now vote for your favourite: go go go!
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12 years ago
Jun 7, 2012, 8:17:26 PM
Hero Name: Arthur Dent

Hero Biography: Unwittingly tricked into drinking dust (he thought it was tea), he quickly found his mental faculties ballooning until he was a genius amongst the Pilgrims. Although incredibly inexperienced at combat (his first taste of it was when he used an androids' arm as a pretend weapon) he's grown very good at managing things.

Hero Image (NOT MINE):

Hero Classes: Corporate/Administrator

Hero Stats:

Labour: 9

Wit: 9

Melee: 0

Offence: 0

Defence: 0
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12 years ago
Jun 7, 2012, 1:49:29 PM
Faction: Pilgrim

Hero Name: James Pierce

Hero Biography: A former agent of the United Empire's Ministry of Security, Pierce served with distinction, ending several plots and conspiracies that threatened the Empire. When he discovered a plot to frame the Pilgrims for an attack on a Hissho civilian colony, he had to stop it. He was then forced to flee Imperial space as a wanted traitor...with enough intelligence and Dust to earn safe haven with the Pilgrims.

Hero Image: Pretty much this: Click

Hero Classes: Commander/Corporate

Hero Stats:

--Labor: 0

--Wit: 7

--Melee: 1

--Offense: 4

--Defense: 3

Forgive the uncreative name and image, I just couldn't help myself after seeing the Judi Dench Hero. I may edit in something more original later, and of course, the devs may change or edit anything that they wish to as well.
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12 years ago
Jun 7, 2012, 2:27:12 PM
Hero Name

Orion Augustín

Hero Biography

Seeking beauty in all things was frowned upon in the United Empire. It brought Augustín very close to his demise many times. When he couldn't bear it any more, he just left, and nobody cared for what they called "that flower-talking-lunatic". Too bad they never saw the full possibilities of that scientist capable of extracting the last drop of potential in any plant.

Hero Image

The guy on the left on this is pretty cool. Especially the high collar style.

Hero Classes



Hero Stats

Labor 8

Wit 9

Melee 1

Offense 0

Defense 0
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12 years ago
Jun 7, 2012, 2:29:50 PM
Hero Name: Mars

Hero Biography: Child born unto the pilgrims during their period of running from the Empire, his parents were killed by the Empire which sparked a fiery quest for vengeance, as he grew up he figured his specialty for tactics and management, he took great fondness to texts such as the art of war and war cultures, his tools are religion, science and logic, though his weakness is his popularity, due to his insatiable lust for revenge he picked his name Mars as a symbol of his aptitude for aggressive war, his aggression makes him a poor choice for defensive wars.

Hero Image: http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/232/1/1/warhammer_40k___tau_by_nanya-d47a7k8.jpg (essentially a human with white hair and orange eyes tribal painting and blue tau like armor slightly more curved to suit the art scheme of pilgrims holding his helmet and a data pad)

Hero Class: Wit/Offence

Hero Stats:

--Labor: 3

--Wit: 7

--Melee: 2

--Offence: 7

--Defense :0
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12 years ago
Jun 7, 2012, 4:04:06 PM
Hero name:

The Prophet

Hero bio:

Found by an errant scouting party in a abandoned Pilgrim colony, this grey haired man, eyes white with apparent blindness talks in nothing but riddles and has been dubbed "The Prophet" by his brethren. Although some of his cryptic rants have been deciphered, resulting in marvellous scientific breakthroughs, others predict disturbing events for the galaxy if the Endless homeworld is not rediscovered.

Hero Image

something along the lines of http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_WPxoi2KvV8Y/SnBYWYh68oI/AAAAAAAABc4/yeV4dLcWHC0/s400/saa+wise+old+man.jpg

Hero classes :

Commander / Corporate

Hero Stats :

Labor - 5

Wit - 9

Melee - 0

Offense - 0

Defense - 3
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12 years ago
Jun 7, 2012, 4:39:22 PM
Hero name: Saro Kell

Hero bio:

Saro Kell was a valuable scientist for the United Empire. His work strengthened the Empires rapid growth and expansion but unlike the Empire his ideals were different. Where the empire sought to destroy and conquer Saro wanted to discover links to the Endless. He escaped and joined the Pilgrim where he began to work as a lead scientist on new theories and research in a hope to open the door to the Endless.

Hero classes : Commander / Corporate

Hero Stats :

Labor - 1

Wit - 9

Melee - 2

Offense - 1

Defense - 5
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12 years ago
Jun 7, 2012, 6:38:14 PM
Hero name : Paul Leto

Hero bio :

Along with fate, Paul Leto was the one who helped the Pilgrims to meet the Sophons. Dust scientist for the UE, an accident when he was working in his laboratory made him ingest the mighty powder. Since, a new world opened up to him. Prescient, he "felt" the rebellion and led the Pilgrims when they fled.

Now the Pilgrims are safe, he follows another "feeling", wandering in the Endless Universe.

Hero image : Let me draw you a little something... click on the picture for a bigger version.

Hero classes : Commander / Corporate

Hero stats :

Labor - 0

Wit - 4

Melee - 7

Offense - 2

Defense - 4
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12 years ago
Jun 7, 2012, 6:44:50 PM
Hero Name: Ser Hardin

Hero Bio:

Despite being a shrewd businessman and diplomat, Ser Hardin's true passion lay in science, and uncovering the unknown. Stifled by the Empire's bureaucracy and drive for pure profit, he struck out on his own to join the Pilgrims. Living by the words "Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent", Hardin relies on his wits and foresight to avert conflict, using his enemy's own strength against them.

Hero Image: Whatever else, he's got to have some epic side-burns.

Hero Classes: Adventurer/Corporate

Hero Stats:

Labor - 6

Wit - 9

Melee - 0

Offense - 0

Defense - 3
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12 years ago
Jun 7, 2012, 6:47:08 PM
Hero Name: Olga Reisling

Hero Bio: Once a member of the original resistance movement that later became the Pilgrims, Olga apparently owes her longevity to extreme Dust infiltration suffered while working as a researcher at the remains of a Concrete Endless lab. Rejecting the mysticism of her younger brethren, she is none the less driven to continue hunting for information about the Endless in an effort to understand her own condition.

Hero Image: Similar to the female image from the Pilgrims announcement

Hero Class: Adventurer, Administrator

Hero Stats:

Labor - 0

Wit - 9

Melee - 0

Offense - 5

Defense - 4
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12 years ago
Jun 7, 2012, 7:18:39 PM
Hero Name: Chen Ruch

Hero Biography: Former military commander, Chen found the payoff from exploring and looting alien and endless derelicts could be way more profitable to him if he could skip proper navy protocol. He has amassed considerable hands on knowledge of many alien vessels and technologies, and just as much experience fighting off hostile alien defenders.

Hero Image:

just a quick idea of the kind of character I have in mind smiley: wink, space suits and heavy munitions.

Hero Classes:Commander/Adventurer

Hero Stats::

Labor - 0

Wit - 2

Melee - 4

Offense - 6

Defense - 4
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12 years ago
Jun 7, 2012, 7:33:45 PM
Hero Name: Exile

Hero Bio: At age 17, Matt Roy graduated from MIT with highest honors. Within a year, he and his team became the force behind the Empire’s military contractors. At age 20, he attended the Sophon Science Academy, earning dual PhD in Particle Science and Xenomorphology. The Pilgrims secretly recruited him as Senior Scientist with priority access to Endless data. Upon reactivating one of the old caches, he was consumed. A half-man half-robot remained. Blood and death follows its wake. Exile remembered Matt Roy, but in his core, a strange Calling drove him…

Hero Image: A human with robotic left arm chests and left leg. A pulsing red crystal protrudes where his heart once was. Blood stain is visible on his face. The backdrop is a smoking ruin with torn Pilgrims flag.

Hero Classes: Adventurer/Corporate

Hero Stats:

Labor: 0

Wit: 9

Melee: 0

Offense: 5

Defense: 4
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12 years ago
Jun 7, 2012, 7:49:38 PM
Hero Name: Nikolai Starn

Hero Biography: The scientist to end all scientists. The govenor to end all govenors. This man is the apex of evolution. He is brilliant beyond all peers, even without the influence of Dust, and great with dealing with those around him. One of the first to join the Pilgim cause and always wiling to speak out, he garnered the wrath of the United Empire. Through his great skill as a leader of men he was able to escape with the staff of an entire Empire research section. He has since become a focal point of making the Pilgrims an empire equal to all.

Hero Image: I am bad with art. So a tasteful composition of these three charcters. Use your imagination. smiley: smile



Hero Classes: Corporate/Administrator

Hero Stats:

Labour: 6

Wit: 6

Melee: 1

Offence: 2

Defence: 2
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12 years ago
Jun 7, 2012, 1:23:33 PM
Don't weep! Don't burst into tears! Don't run down the street wailing and ripping your hair out because of this awful, terrible, horrible, news:

Announcing the final Hero Bio competition for Endless Space:

The Pilgrims!

Now that the last faction has been announced, it is time to launch our last contest. As in the previous competitions, the goal is to create the best Endless Space Heroes; those fearless freebooters foraging on the frontiers and fronting far-flung future factions!

The format is the same as in previous competitions where you create your own hero bios, and once again the winner(s) will be included in the game. So run, don't walk, to the Pilgrim faction announcement page and sharpen those pencils! Or... uh... wax those keyboards... or something...


1. Read the example below

2. Check out the Pilgrim faction announcement here: www.amplitude-studios.com.

3. Write up your own proposal with the necessary elements (Hero Name, Hero Biography, Hero Image (if you have one), Hero Classes (Two), Hero Stats [Labor,Wit,Melee,Offense,Defense]).

4. Post it on this thread.

5. <<= New and Special Guideline! =>>

If you have already been a winner, please refrain from entering this competition. We, like the Hissho, want fresh blood for our digital sacrifices!

As is traditional, once the time is up we lock the team into a very small room with three baseball bats, and whoever emerges gets to choose the finalists. That is followed by the traditional G2G poll to choose the winner(s).

Note: As always, we also reserve the right (with the creator’s consent) to change and tweak some of them so they fit better with the game background story. The winners will be awarded with a special forum reward/achievement at the end of the competition.

The competition starts right now and will end June 19th.

The Rules:

1. All posts must be in somewhat comprehensible English.

2. Keep it clean; if the word “Pilgrim” brings images of sex and violence to your mind I would suggest that you need more help than a video game can give you…

3. Please limit yourselves to one submission per member. If you want to change or improve your proposal, either edit or delete your first post or put up the new profile.

4. Please fill in the following info per hero biography:

Faction: Pilgrim

Hero Name: Normal first and last names.

Hero Biography (max 400 characters* See below)

Hero Image: Any ideas are welcome! You can also tell us what would be your inspirations, etc.

Hero Classes (pick 2** See below):






Hero Stats (each measured 0-9; max of 18 total):

Labor - bonus for agriculture (Food) and Industry

Wit - bonus for Science and Dust

Melee - bonus in ground warfare offense/defense

Offense - bonus in offense

Defense - bonus in defense

*The 400-character limit should include spaces; if it slides over a bit no one is going to call the byte-count police.

**Every Hero has two classes, and the five Hero Classes all have different trees and abilities. Because of that, there is no point in having Pilot/Pilot, for instance, as you would not get twice the Pilot 'power'. You are free, of course, to only spend points in the Pilot tree if they are Pilot/Administrator and you want them to be a fleet admiral (or vice versa).


Hero name: Oyita Nilfey

Hero bio:

"Nobody touches my orbital and gets away with it." A gritty, scarred warrior who stands out in a race of seekers and explorers, $Last uttered these famous words when a United Empire scouting party attempted to forcibly re-integrate $Last's 2,000-person habitat back into the empire. When the Dust finally cleared, the Empire's task force had been defeated, looted, and covered with insulting graffiti.

Hero classes : Commander / Adventurer

Hero Stats :

Labor - 0

Wit - 0

Melee - 3

Offense - 5

Defense - 7
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12 years ago
Jun 7, 2012, 9:22:59 PM
Faction: Pilgrim

Hero Name: Tarl Helgund

Hero Biography:

A young navigator on a ship that crashed into an Endless Dust Laboratory, he emerged changed. He had the ability to find dust on instinct, which led to many adventures, and his growth into a scoundrel, a renegade, but above all, the one man you want on your side. He is most famous among the Pilgrims, and wanted by the empire for laser etching graffiti on the emperor's personal barge, "The first lady is really a guy."

Hero Image: Young man in a space suit, blaster at his hip. Face scarred and marked by embedded dust. Hair black with a white band from 1 temple.

Hero Classes : Pilot/Adventurer

Hero Stats:

Labor - 0

Wit - 4

Melee - 5

Offense - 8

Defense - 2
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12 years ago
Jun 7, 2012, 10:48:38 PM
Faction: Pilgrim

Hero Name: Nathaniel Locke

Hero Biography: During a Craver attack, an explosion caused a piece of shrapnel to fly into Locke's eye. Despite this grievous injury, he rallied the survivors into a sturdy defense, fortifying themselves in his father's Dust laboratory. When help finally arrived, everyone credited their survival to his leadership. His father killed in the attack, Locke took control of the company and gave it a stronger military focus, intent of preventing such atrocities from happening again.

Hero Image: Young man (early 20s-ish), brown hair (Caesar-like cut), blue Pilgrim tattooing around his right eye, scarring around prosthetic left eye.

Hero Classes: Corporate/Commander

Hero Stats:

Labor - 0

Wit - 9

Melee - 3

Offense - 3

Defense - 3
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12 years ago
Jun 8, 2012, 12:00:13 AM
Faction: Pilgrim

Hero Name: Urizen Rex

Hero Biography:Some time ago, a mistranslation into real space saw Urizen cast into the center a dust-laden Endless Temple. The Pilgrims found him and he rewarded his liberators with fealty. His brilliance is matched only by his aggression. Able to move the hearts men with a simple thought, he seeks to unify the galaxy under the enlightenment of the Endless; worlds either fall to their knees, or burn at his feet.

Hero Image: light skin, maybe a hint of light like a halo, blue cold eyes

Hero Classes: administrator/ commander

Hero Stats:

Labor - 9

Wit - 0

Melee - 9

Offense - 0

Defense - 0
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