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[Composite suggestion - poll] Putting Heroes to other uses! A listing of ideas.

Diplomatically Deployable Heroes on Assignment
Assignable Heroes that you lose for x turns for chance to solve/fail an issue
Consumable Heroes that grant a benefit when they 'retire'
Other idea, listed below
System works fine as it is
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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 9:56:58 AM
Love the idea of people ascending from the chain of command to become new heroes, minor or major; you could also end up having random events (perhaps tied to FIDS production?) that mention legendary resource-harvesters, corporocrats, what have you. A nice way to flesh out the people of your faction besides just heroes and 'important' people. smiley: smile
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12 years ago
May 14, 2012, 7:29:47 PM
Updated with some great ideas. In particular, the idea from randall, I feel, could add some real flavour, and this could give a further incentive to 'breed up' Heroes, via the transfer of 'traits' via the academy.
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12 years ago
May 14, 2012, 3:14:49 AM
Personally, I like the current 'basic' system.

By biggest complaints with it are things like using 'governor' duty to level your fleet admirals, and being stuck with fleet heroes when I want colony heroes.

What I'd like to see is a more distinct admiral/colony split between them, with governers ONLY being assigned to systems, and admirals ONLY being assigned to fleets.

From there, their unique 'types' could determine what abilities they can take -- and please, LIST that requirement in the ability itself!
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12 years ago
May 8, 2012, 3:18:16 AM
I'm very excited about the possibility of creating my own race and all the customization options that will come with that. I love personalizing my games and look forward to being able to do that with Endless Space.

As an addition/part of the race creation feature I'd love to be able to create custom hero's for that race.

With something like these options for control of creation.

Choose/create each Heroes

    Bio and backstory

    Traits, skills and class.

    Portrait, name and faction (including my own created custom faction)!

It would also be nice to have an option where only your created heroes would be available for your custom race as I feel this would add even more personal flavor to my created race/faction.

I love customization!

Yeah I think this would be great! What does everyone else think?
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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 7:48:30 PM
Similar to the idea of a ship developing its own hero based on its success: What about heroes that bring along their own unique ships? I appreciate the difficulty of these unique ships being useful due to the level of ship customization in the game, but who wouldn't want a Han Solo-alike saving the day? smiley: smile
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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 11:50:14 AM
I summarized my ideas from previous post:

You start with new reclutes: 3 or other number, x new every x turns

1. assign to academy / 2. discard / 3. keep in queue

(queue has a max value, maybe increased by influence, research, mentors, or race?)


academy > assign to: pilots / administration / corporate / scientific?

After x turns, the recruit assigned becomes rank 1 officer in that area, and returns to the queue with the recruits, from there can receive further training or be assigned to a fleet (if pilot), system (if administration/corporate), etc...

With further training, you get better bonus, with experience, you get abilities/better bonus (but you've an upkeep cost). You can reassign officers to academy to get new trainings once your academy becomes better.

Once certain rank or random event is achieved, that officer becomes a veteran and you can buy the "hero" ability, transforming him; he would be very good in one area, and the "hero" ability can allow to select another area for that veteran, now a hero (science, pilot, corporate, spy, etc...). It should look like the level 1 hero from he current alpha, maybe slightly better.

If the veteran doesn't take the "hero" route, he can gain new levels (veteran1/veteran2/...) until he gets retired. Veterans should be able to be assigned to new fleets/system. To make it more interesting, maybe veterans and other pre-hero officers could suffer from permanent death (or investigate a way to convert them onto a cyborg, AI or brain-in-a-jar!)

After some hero or veteran levels, you could be able to retire that character back to academy, to convert him in instructor, teach the abilities he has to new recruits or other veterans, or reduce training times.

Also, I see that there are some spionage suggestions, maybe it could be another usage for veterans, train them as spies and make spy things.
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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 10:17:05 AM
kahn_bloodbane wrote:
the lesser heroes idea is nice, have you ever seen the duty officer system in star trek online? it's brilliant and it could provide an extra management section where you keep notable persons with missions (related even to the current happenings in the galaxy) to give you small advantages.

To be honest, without the DOFF system, STO would be boring and frankly half-broken. Being able to accumulate Heroes and take pride in their accomplishments is one of the things that has made it so successful. For those that do not know what we are talking about, here is a pic --> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v47/captainkronos/Star%20Trek%20Online/DOffOddity-2.jpg

While I don't expect to see the whole massive 'collectable DOFF' craze.. It sure would add some depth - especially if some of your Heroes added special 'card' bonus's during play that were hard to get.

Now imagine being able to take over ONE hero from your last game straight into your next. Bingo! Instantly hooked on playing AGAIN and AGAIN - Think android game Kairosoft - the racing manager one, which does this...
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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 10:16:16 AM
Dubb wrote:
I'd like to see "Lesser heroes" in the game. For example you have a ship that survives many battles and it develops a minor hero called "Captain Random Name" or "Gifted Engineer blah" who gives a bonus to defence/repair/etc (small compared to normal heroes). It would be enough to get me attached to a ship/fleet though a minor touch of flavour.

It's already done on planets through planetary anomalies, though I'd like to see minor heroes for planets too.


Throw in quality of major and minor heroes too. Low, medium, high and rare qualities with bonuses reflecting this.

+1 i like the idea of it with the ship maybe even if ship get destryed and tyhe capitan survived he will be a hero ?
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12 years ago
May 6, 2012, 2:54:43 AM
Heroes are great. We all agree. What are some options that might add depth, immersion and enjoyment to an already brilliant game?

Uncategorised Fascinating Hero Ideas

* Refine the academy, with more interactivity, assign old veteran heroes as 'Instructors' for chance at rarer, more special heroes.

* Refresh Academy screen to find Heroes by governors, pilots

* Enhance system with 'mini heroes', who can perhaps pick up attributes of instructors, and later become heroes themselves (more building needed on this amazing concept) (randall)

* Flesh out random events to include heroes, special bonuses and tragedies that build them over time

* Crippled / Heroic heroes that survive invasions / fleet destructions

* One hero can be carried from your last game to the next, providing great replayability

* Capacity to design own heroes in custom game / perhaps from a restricted build possibilities to balance fairness? (JMLOng)

* Random events that hint at special heroes to be found (PolytheistGoat), or certain achievements enable special heroes (different each game?)

* Option to 'assign hero to academy' to either the scientific, admin / corporate sector (randall) (perhaps, best attribute of that hero generates a 'bonus' for new recruits, or better yet, develop 'traits' in new recruits (allowing for special / unique heroes that are less rigid/fixed!)

* Buyable Hero by transforming him once he reaches a certain level (randall) (finally a use for dust?) (It does seem odd that they are just all automatically hero, odd background or not - this system would allow character growth and development, which a few people crave, and add some depth via a minigame)

* Permadeath for 'Veterans' that have not taken the Hero path and are assignable to fleets etc..

* Custom Hero creation (JMLOng)

* Create a real difference between Admiral/Colony heroes)

Galactic Deployable Hero

* Loan to another Civ for X turns to help with some crisis

* Give to another empire in return for certain benefits

* Deploy 'minor' heroes to spy on other races (PyroMancer2k) this has also been covered in a recent espionage thread, which listed more ideas.

'Locally' Assignable / Assigned Hero

* Assign to diplomatic or military missions, with a chance of success (I love the whole DOFF (Duty Officer) assignment system in STO - It could work to some degree here too, and make an amazing addition to the game.

* Lesser Heroes, attached to specific fleets / planets in return for special achievements with that world / fleet (Dubb)

* Assign to minor planet for chance to bring into civilisation with tied in benefit (for instance, wit to join faster, perhaps offense skill to reduce morale and make invasion easier, defense to buff ability vs. invasion from another power, etc..)

Consumable / Sacrificable Hero

* Grant a permanent relationship bonus with an empire the leader feels an affinity for

* Used to save a fleet from a battle and provide a 'retreat' card (Idea from here https://www.games2gether.com/endless-space/forum/28-game-design/thread/11058-discussion-retreat-card)

* Permadeath

I will keep updating this as ideas come in, including adding more categories as I am able to maintain it. I will add credits as I can. Please clarify if I misrepresent your idea via PM.
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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 9:47:03 AM
the lesser heroes idea is nice, have you ever seen the duty officer system in star trek online? it's brilliant and it could provide an extra management section where you keep notable persons with missions (related even to the current happenings in the galaxy) to give you small advantages.
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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 9:40:40 AM
I like the Hero feature, but I think I'd like more with some refinements to the whole "academy" idea.

For example, the academy could be a place where you can get a lot of people, divided in the area of use: governors, pilot, etc, it can use the same existing areas. Maybe every race has an initial lack for some areas, or some bonus area. But in general you should have a governor's academy and a commander's academy, and these "mini-heros" should only be assigned either to systems or to fleets.

As they get experienced, they can become veterans and be able to buy abilities. And with more training they can become heroes, adding another area of usage, and the current usage. And then you can retire your heroes to become instructors or mentors in the academy.

This can coexists with the improvised heroes you get from the academy every 50 turns or so, and the academy could be use to provide extra training to your non-heroes pilots, spies and officers.
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12 years ago
May 6, 2012, 7:45:49 AM
Jethro wrote:
And could such minor heroes develop into something more, given time and tender care?

Oooh, I like this idea
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12 years ago
May 6, 2012, 5:33:17 AM
So, perhaps Heroes join after deeds, not just randomly via elapsed time? And could such minor heroes develop into something more, given time and tender care?
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12 years ago
May 6, 2012, 5:28:15 AM
Dubb wrote:
I'd like to see "Lesser heroes" in the game. For example you have a ship that survives many battles and it develops a minor hero called "Captain Random Name" or "Gifted Engineer blah" who gives a bonus to defence/repair/etc (small compared to normal heroes). It would be enough to get me attached to a ship/fleet though a minor touch of flavour.

It's already done on planets through planetary anomalies, though I'd like to see minor heroes for planets too.


Throw in quality of major and minor heroes too. Low, medium, high and rare qualities with bonuses reflecting this.

Id love to see "minor" heros after a fleet has been in several battles
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12 years ago
May 6, 2012, 3:39:27 AM
As for minor heroes or consumable heroes how about calling them something like agents. They can do the more spy oriented type stuff which would fit well with the name.
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12 years ago
May 6, 2012, 3:25:47 AM
I'd like to see "Lesser heroes" in the game. For example you have a ship that survives many battles and it develops a minor hero called "Captain Random Name" or "Gifted Engineer blah" who gives a bonus to defence/repair/etc (small compared to normal heroes). It would be enough to get me attached to a ship/fleet though a minor touch of flavour.

It's already done on planets through planetary anomalies, though I'd like to see minor heroes for planets too.


Throw in quality of major and minor heroes too. Low, medium, high and rare qualities with bonuses reflecting this.
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