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[Composite suggestion] improving the UI, whole game and more comfortable gameplay

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12 years ago
May 14, 2012, 6:05:45 PM
I spent some time playing and I want to publish my impressions and suggestions. Most of them require very little to implement. I very much hope that the developers read this forum and really interested in the opinion of users, and that it is possible for me to affect on result.

  • UI: Add map with planet location to identify planet instead only name (on mouse over or near planet name)
    When player observe finished improvements in FINISHED CONSTRUCTION window he can't identify planet anything other than name, but if we have many planets this is not enough to do that. Will be very useful to have galaxy map to the left of the list and highlight appropriate planet on map when mouse hover list item. This is true for EMPIRE MANAGEMENT and in any place when it comes to mention planets or systems.

  • UI: Return to finished construction window on close system view when called from it
    When player click on item on in FINISHED CONSTRUCTION window that opens SYSTEM VIEW, but when player close SYSTEM VIEW, FINISHED CONSTRUCTION window are closed and player need to open it again to see next item. I think will be better to stay FINISHED CONSTRUCTION opened when player return from SYSTEM VIEW.

  • UI: Add systems with empty queue to finished construction window each turn to avoid forgotten systems
    In FINISHED CONSTRUCTION window we can see only systems that complete improvement. But from time to time appear systems with empty queue (conquered systems or system where player forget to add new improvements to queue). I think these systems must appear in FINISHED CONSTRUCTION window to remind about this.

  • UI: Allow to queue planet exploitation when colonize planet
    Problem with queuing planet exploitation. When I add COLONIZE PLANET to queue I can't queue other actions like select new planet exploitations. That increase rate of appearance systems in FINISHED CONSTRUCTION window that distracts. I think exploitations buttons must always be in planet window (if system are occupied by player) but must be only active when planet are colonized or have colonization order in queue.

  • UI: Allow to change planet exploitation, survey or remove issue from system view
    Most actions with queue player do in SYSTEM VIEW, and only few actions (colonize, exploitation, discovery) he can do in PLANET VIEW, may be better to allow player to make this actions from system view. AND MORE IMPORTANT: Must be indication that planet has special action (like moon discover) in SYSTEM VIEW. Very uncomfortable to examine each planet in search of undone actions.

  • UI: Redesign system view ship & improvement management (combine relative sections, use empty screen space)
    In SYSTEM VIEW player often need to switch from ship management to improve management and vice versa. To do that player need make to actions - switch from SYSTEM to SHIP in DEVELOPMENT section and from HANGAR to IMPROVEMENTS in RESERVE section. This is very very uncomfortable. I think this must be accessible in one click. And more - on resolution 1600+ we have enough space to make all this sections visible.
  • UI: Dim meaningless system improvements when choose to build
    When player chooses improvement to queue he has a fairly wide range of improvements and I think that it is necessary to dim meaningless improvements (by the way, AI is building them for some reason) like ENDOTHERMIC STRUCTURES in systems without tiny and small planets.

  • UI: Additional color code (or sub-icon) to differentiate improvements by class
    Will be beautiful to differentiate improvement icons (by sub-icon or color code) for different classes of improvements. Partially we have this now (green triangle for food, yellow for money) but still have many improvements without that. That is protection, trade, influence and endless improvements.

  • UI: Remove scroll bars from resources window in system view
    In SYSTEM VIEW we have RESOURCES section with too small width. Often we have scrollbars for resources icons, this looks ugly.

  • UI: Makes drag & drop population more easy (difficult due zooming effects)
    When we need to drag and drop population from one planet to another it is not so easy because planets have selection transformations. I think developers should do something about it.

  • UI: Add additional information (dust income, current research icon, ...) on galaxy view, can use more space
    In GALAXY VIEW we have not enough information about state of affairs. For example I often interesting in income state, but have only total amount of money. Under research icon I will be happy to find icon of what now researching, etc.

  • UI: Add dock to allow player to attach most used fleets and quick access (orders, state)
    Will be very good to have place on the screen, where player can attach most used fleets to make faster action or get state.

  • UI: Make system grow indicator more noticeable
    I found them only after comment in this thread.

  • General: Avoid situation when one little sheep block entire system
    Very often opponents send scouts to explore my empire. All this scouts are blocking my systems and very annoying to manually intercept them. And it is absolutely ridiculous when one little scout blocking the whole system. May be need to impose additional conditions when systems are blocked. May be fleet size or something like that.

  • General: Make defensive structures to destroy little ships
    Alternative resolution of previous - some kind of protective structures in systems to intercept weak fleets and support player's fleet.

  • General: Remove situation when too many food and dust and nothing to spend for
    Food and gold - very often I have tons of these. I very rare use food improvements and never needed in trade.

  • General: Make situation when trade impossible or useless (techs, relations or too many dust)
    Very often I can't trade with opponents. In first turns I can't due to technical issues and after - we haven't good relations. Only neutrality and war.

  • General: Make surveys more undetermined (increasing opportunity to complete survey each turn)
    Moon investigations. Its strange that we always do this in specific number of turns. There is no intrigue. Why not to do make opportunity to complete survey in one turn and increase this each turn. This guarantee that process ends and make it less predictable.

  • General: Add more survey outcomes (found cool ship, resources or technologies)
    Survey has only one type of outcome. This not so good as it can be. As outcome could be detection of the cool sheep or technology or something like that.

  • Battles: More depth for battles through ship roles (defense, attack, support)
    Make ship roles, some can defend fleet, other can attack or support. This will adds additional depth to battles and not too difficult to implement.

  • Battles: Make all ship classes usable in later game period
    In later game many players use only huge ships.

  • Battles: Instead full card blocking reduce card effects (more logical, more interesting)
    May be formations that can determine order of battle. I do not like that my card can be completely blocked. It's not very logical, especially in combination with certain actions. Mitigate the blocking of cards. May be block half of effect, not card effect at all.

  • [/LIST]

    Sorry for my English, it's not perfect, sometimes used the automatic translation.
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    12 years ago
    May 15, 2012, 10:17:10 AM
    Some or all your suggestions have already been suggested and are listed summary list linked on my signature. Please amend your list to those that are not added and request to add them on the discussion thread listed again on my signature panel.
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    12 years ago
    May 15, 2012, 10:26:32 AM
    For a wall of text it isn't so bad, you even use caps to help us out. I agree the tiny scroll bars are very annoying, and are probably my most hated UI piece.
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    12 years ago
    May 15, 2012, 3:42:09 PM
    I generally agree with the propositions written except clearly 22. I prefer the cards are blocked. It shows a real use of this card. Only reduce could be very annoying I think.

    If you know your opponent wants to heal its ship, I counter engineer. I prefer they have no heal than some. Of course, I agree that my cards are blocked also. It's my fault if I couldn't see what's coming. smiley: smile

    17) It already exists. There is an indicator in the system view to tell you how many turn before the next pop. The only problem is when You move population from a planet to another, the indicator turn to 1(so next turn) even it should be 2 or 3. I have to change system and come back to see the good number.

    20 and 21. I agree. Even I don't use only huge ships smiley: wink
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    12 years ago
    May 15, 2012, 3:49:49 PM
    Thanks. I found grow indicator after you comment. Well, I change request to make it more noticeable.

    And about card blocking - you can't anticipate what opponent wants to do. This is too much random. And if you try to defend, why you can't reach something in it? I think if card receive bonus in case it block another card, then another card can receive negative bonus if blocked, not full ignore.
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    12 years ago
    May 15, 2012, 3:55:52 PM
    Thanks Qeas however it will take me time to go through it so please be patient... smiley: smile
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