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Suggestions and Minor bugs.

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12 years ago
May 15, 2012, 1:41:16 AM
After a nice half day playthrough yesterday, I have come up with a few unique suggestions that are not being tracked, and a couple of minor bugs that I have not seen reported. Lets start with the suggestions.

1) Naming Planets.

We already have the ability to name systems, but I think it would be nice to be able to name the individual planets we have something different that System I, System II, so on and so on. The names would only have to be unique in system, not between system. At its base form, when you are looking at having to overhaul a new system with lots of similar planets, it would be nice to be able to name each planet Forge I and II, Farm I, Market I, and Lab I. At is best, players would be able to RP a lot better by having more control. Maybe we want to name the home system Sol and the surrounding planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars.

2) Goldilocks zone.

One of the tracked ideas was in line with this, but it was more towards getting the planets in orbit around the suns. This idea would leave them as they are, but arrange them in order from the star. There would be three basic zones, and the different terraforms would be harder to do in harder zones. First is the near zone. Obviously Lava, Desert, and Arid planets would be common here. Next would be the Goldilocks zone, or Life zone. Jungle, Ocean, and Terran planets would be common here. Last would be the Far zone. As you would expect, Tundra and Arctic would be common here. Barren planets, gas giants, and asteroids would be random on any zone. That being said, the Life planets could be found in the Near or Far Zones, and vice versa. It would be rare to find near planets in the far zones, but not impossible. Terraforming planets out of zone costs an extra production %.

3) Rebellion.

As far as I can tell, Happiness only has a complete negative when the whole empire hates you. So as long as you have some nice happy colonies, it will even out. I suggest when a colony sits at Revolt for a certain period of time (a notification should pop up saying x system is in Revolt) with out rectification, they will enter a state of Rebellion. This rebellion acts as if there is a fleet over the system, slowly taking it over. The combined FIDS counts as the MP of that fleet. At this point, just lowering taxes will not stop the revolt, and until it is quelled, you can not produce in the system. To combat it, you have to send a fleet to the rebelling system. You can occupy the system like an enemy system, in which an MP l less than the combined FIDS will slow the rebellion, equal to stops the decline, and greater than builds the bar back up. Once the bar is returned, the rebellion is over, and you can remedy the happiness problem. If the rebellion succeeds, it creates a new AI player of your faction. Needless to say, this faction will be at war with the original faction. Any other rebelled systems add to that player, meaning separate star systems of each end of the empire and any that happen after the initial rebellion will be under the same AI player. During the rebellion and after a successful rebellion, the systems connected by string will have a negative happiness bonus.

Separate Rebellion idea: This could bring some fun game play ideas in post-espionage-expansion game play. Perhaps the spies could seed the ideas of rebellion in certain systems. Or, maybe the spies of one nation could start the rebellion, and if it succeeds, the newly rebelled system would not be under control of an AI player, but under the spying player. In this way, players could subvert systems, and them use them to attack the enemy without even declaring war. Of course, there would be safeguards; techs and buildings that would be able to catch possible spies. This could lead to military intrigue and war.

On to the minor bugs:

1) Modifying the resources at game creation does not seem to affect luxury resources, only strategic ones.

2) When playing with multiple screens, the mouse is not bound to the screen. If you move off screen and click, it minimizes the game. This is not an overall bad thing, as it allows to access to the desktop during game play. However, it can get annoying when you are trying to click things on the edge of the screen and you minimize the game. Not to mention, the heart attack it cause the first time it happened during my very first play though on about the 100th round. I thought it crashed, and I never saved, and didn't know about the auto saved. As it is, it is just a little annoying.

So far so good though. If a half finished game with the few flaws and bugs (including the AI currently cheating) it has now can keep me interested, then its gonna be awesome when its finished.
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12 years ago
May 15, 2012, 6:33:27 AM
1. Is needless fluff, but nothing to be against.

2.Is a good idea that is used in SotS, if I'm not mistaken. Good idea, would add extra immersion since it is how it really works in our universe.

3. Is simply an industry standard, SotSs' AI rebellions are the stuff of nightmares, changes everything in an instant.
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12 years ago
May 15, 2012, 8:04:30 AM
I play on huge (bigest) map. Half of the galaxy is mein. From a certain time become the end turn perion 10 minutes. I do not think it is normal.
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12 years ago
May 15, 2012, 5:49:51 PM
Some or all of your suggestion have already been suggested and added to the summary list linked on signature panel below. If you feel their this has not been addressed then create a thread and link it to discussion thread also linked on my signature pane, to add to them to the list
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12 years ago
May 15, 2012, 9:27:21 PM
Gargomaxthalus wrote:
1. Is needless fluff, but nothing to be against.

2.Is a good idea that is used in SotS, if I'm not mistaken. Good idea, would add extra immersion since it is how it really works in our universe.

3. Is simply an industry standard, SotSs' AI rebellions are the stuff of nightmares, changes everything in an instant.

It's more like that fluff ideas, i.e. those easier to implement, will have greater chances of being implemented in game, and since I did not see it suggested, I put it forth.
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