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[Suggestion] After Cards Are Selected, Skip Combat

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12 years ago
May 15, 2012, 7:58:49 PM
Listen, your cinematic are awesome, but after the combat is setup, it would be great for an option to skip to the end. I usually pick all three of my cards during the prologue and then just sit there kind of bored (how many times can I be amazed by seeing ships shoot at one another? hehe).

Thanks again for a great game.
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12 years ago
May 15, 2012, 9:18:41 PM
Don't see why the option shouldn't be added in terms of negatives if it were included, however not sure why people would use it all that often as tactic cards and adapting your selection based on the outcomes of the current and/or previous phases is rather critical to peak fleet performance.

Just picking the same 3 and sticking with them regardless to what happens such as any of the tactics being countered, or the AI sneaking in some new designs that use completely different weapons and defenses might work 6 times out of 10 against the AI if you're using more advanced technology ships or tech rushed up tonnage to try and brute force victories until the AI changes design trends (As AI ship trends do indeed change)... but I doubt it will ever be practical in multiplayer and once the AI is polished and improved to hopefully adapt better to fleet compositions, just blindly using tactic cards will likely be ineffective altogether.

Not to mention that it seems tactic cards are intended to have a dust cost tied to them to use, but currently have place holder figures of 0 assigned for now... once it starts costing you dust to use them, very likely you'll want to ensure the most effective choice for the actual combat situation is being used for the price. smiley: smile
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12 years ago
May 15, 2012, 11:42:07 PM
There are only some specific cards that cost Dust, the cards that you get from heroes. As for you suggestion, I actually like it for a simple reason:

Easy fights: You can simply select auto and you won't take any damage at all.

Hard fights: You should select manual so you can adapt the fleet tactics.

But there is something in between.

Medium fights: Sometimes a fight is somewhat easy but you are sure to take some damage without at least some tactics. I encountered this many times in the game, where I had a fight where I knew that auto would result in damage and manual in pre-deciding all cards and looking, though without damage. Being able to select cards and skip the rest would definitely help here. It also likely wouldn't be a feature for multiplayer games, so better just ignore that aspect altogether.
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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 2:34:50 AM
I hope that combat in multiplayer skips the cinematic and simply gives a few seconds between phases.
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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 2:53:23 AM
I suppose I wouldn't mind a skip button, just to get to the phases faster if you're in a war and are dealing with battles every turn, but I think the set-up now works just fine. Or even just speed up the cinematic.

This might just be me, but I rather enjoy seeing my fleet of Dreadnought's unless a massive missile salvo that wipe out most, if not all, of my opponent's fleet right in the first phase. I really only even use Auto anymore if it is a pointless or obviously one-sided match-up.
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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 10:25:51 PM
The option to speed up or skip phases would make the game more enjoyable. Although, the cut scenes are only particularly intolerable for me because of the horrible cutting and camera views.

How about this, an option to set cards before you press Auto, then calculate the battle based on that. I often pick my cards based on what me and my opponent are fielding and VERY rarely based on what happens in the actual battle.

Neither need to be removed from multiplayer either. If you auto in multi the other person can still view the battle with more precise card choices. and the battle can be sped up or skipped based in the battle view based on the slowest persons choice (if one player wants default and the other wants 2x then it plays at default). If someone skips the battle it can just use the card choices they have and boot them back to the galaxy screen...they get a battle review popup per normal after the fight they skipped. Everyone wins.
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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 10:31:43 PM
It would be good to be able to skip certain phases. Like the opening one after a few seconds after i've seen what i need to see (enemy weapons and defenses). So I can pick a card fo the next one, skip and then again pick one for the next one and skip. Sometimes a little boring otherwise
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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 10:45:44 PM
Adding the option to speed up the combat by 2x would probably be fine. Really, this game's battles are some of the shortest I have ever seen that doesn't involve outright auto-resolving.

Alternately, perhaps some more interaction could be built in? I'm not really sure how to do it, but I don't want to see quick time events. Perhaps occasional observations by your hero and a choice to do something like +5% damage dealt, +5% damage received.
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12 years ago
May 17, 2012, 1:55:27 AM
I think this is a idea worth looking into. Skipping Cinematics (for the 20th one sided pirate fight) is nice and that is what Auto lets you do. However, I don't see much done with tactics using Auto if at all. That gets me thinking.

Suppose you set Auto for the fight but wish to have more say in tactics. You could load your set of tactics into the fight for the game to run the simulation/algorithm/engine.

This actually brings up some questions for me though.........when we set a battle to Auto, does the computer randomly choose tactics or does it skip this part outright when running the numbers? I'm inclined to say they are not even considered when you hit Auto. Someone is bound to have noticed if nano-repair went off during the fight when they see the report.

If I assume Auto doesn't consider tactics in the combat engine then.........

I think the combat system using Auto should consider tactics to give them more variation. In addition, let a player able to pre-load tactics and include what cards were played in the end report. Knowing nothing about the underlying components of the game, is this feasible with the current design?
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12 years ago
May 17, 2012, 2:53:58 AM
Tinker wrote:
The option to speed up or skip phases would make the game more enjoyable. Although, the cut scenes are only particularly intolerable for me because of the horrible cutting and camera views.

How about this, an option to set cards before you press Auto, then calculate the battle based on that. I often pick my cards based on what me and my opponent are fielding and VERY rarely based on what happens in the actual battle.

Neither need to be removed from multiplayer either. If you auto in multi the other person can still view the battle with more precise card choices. and the battle can be sped up or skipped based in the battle view based on the slowest persons choice (if one player wants default and the other wants 2x then it plays at default). If someone skips the battle it can just use the card choices they have and boot them back to the galaxy screen...they get a battle review popup per normal after the fight they skipped. Everyone wins.

The angles, the shaking, the fast switches, too give me nausea.
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