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[Suggestion] Add to Queue buttons on 'Needed Tech to Unliock" tool-tips

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12 years ago
May 15, 2012, 3:45:10 AM
Greetings from another "Emperor" pre-order smiley: smile

I'd suggest that any place in the UI where it lists a technology needed to colonize a planet, exploit some resource, explore a moon etc include a button to add that technology to the current research queue. This concept could be expanded in a number of ways most notable of which is in combat reports. The after battle report could include buttons to queue up technolgy that would improve the listed statistic. For instance, if I was not pleased with the performance of my kinetic weapons, pressing the button would add the next available technology to the queue that included a superior kinetic weapon. Ideally each of these buttons would actually be two - one adding to the end of the queue and the second prioritizing the technology by making it next in the queue.

When the game detects that the next item in the queue is not directly researchable (eg the player requested a technology deep down the tree), a pop up informs the leader that the scientists think this project is out of reach and would require them to first research (beeline list to technology) and take an estimated number of turns. Options are to Abandon the project (goes to the next in queue), Confirm the plan (places the beeline list at the top of the queue) or Evaluate the current priorites (pops up the tech interface).

Aside and frankly the current tech tree is a mess. Although it looks neat and has lots of flavor text, it really is a nightmare to use given that other than the "4 broad categories/techs further out are more powerful there really is no unifying concept". It seems literally quite randomly thrown together. This does however, simulate real scientific development a little more realistically than prior titles. But I think you'd be better served by following a more traditional approach like GalCiv's long lines of specific trait techs or using MOO's (the original) approach of semi-random options that slowly push up the "level" of technology in an area and open new possibilities. I think is this respect SotS (the original) got the idea right and emulating them (only in that regard) might be the best option.
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12 years ago
May 15, 2012, 4:57:08 PM
To be honest, I'm suprised that this very sensible suggestion didn't come up sooner than it has. I must have spent ages and ages trying to figure out find out where the correct colonization research button is, how on earth to unlock bigger ships (the research icon really could have been a little clearer - maybe a blue hull showing?).

It's a good idea, and the linking to a research technology (including the que's to get there) would create some sanity among many players that struggled, as I did, in finding the correct technologies.
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