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[Suggestion] Event Depth

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12 years ago
May 19, 2012, 3:48:43 PM
I don't know if this has been posted elsewhere, so forgive me if it has.

Basically, I feel the event system needs a major overhaul, along these lines:

A) More events

B) Tell me the time duration of good/bad effects

C) Tell me where and what is effected by those effects

And, most importantly:


I feel every event, whether good or bad, should have ways to respond. So, for example:

Corruption and Nepotism Scandal!

Choice A: Crack down hard: 10 Less turns till next hero (government jobs open up), +10 Happy (approval of actions), -10% Dust (for court costs and legal fees), +10% probability of pirate attacks (these men had connection). Duration: 20 turns

Choice B: Make an example of one of them, +5 Happy, +5% pirate attacks, Duration: 20 turns

Choice C: After careful investigation, nothing untoward was found. +1000 Dust immediately (just found it somewheresmiley: smile), -5 happy (some smell something fishy), -10% FIDS (corruption continues), +10 turns till next hero (no job openings). Duration (corruption continues): 20 turns

This way, when an event occurs, I feel invested, and I feel like, even if it is only damage control, I have a say as to what happens. Right now, I almost ignore the events as irrelovant (partly due to the scarcity of details). I feel if this was implemented, it would radically add to the depth of the game.
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12 years ago
May 19, 2012, 5:40:54 PM
B,C are listed in the suggestions thread linked in my sig. But choices is a good point. Total War Shogun 2 has events and linked followup events. I wanted to mod TWS2 to add more, but it was a huge pain. It would be nice if event chains followed your heroes. That is, a hero has to make a choice as you list; but then what happens to *that hero* is affected by his choice.
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12 years ago
May 19, 2012, 6:12:53 PM
Hearts of Iron 3 event system was a good model also. Scripted and modded alot of custom ones myself. I think your choice should give you a chance of your indended outcome. Good intentions and all that don't always have good results.
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12 years ago
May 19, 2012, 6:16:39 PM
I haven't played Total War Shogun 2, but I have played the Europa Universalis series, and this was one of my favorite parts of the game. Also, if nothing else, if the system is in place, then we the community can add tons and tons of events through mods. When I first got Europa Universalis back in the day, I added a ton of events because it was so simple to do. Thus even if the devteam can put alot of events in, please give us the ability to make events with choices (even if the default ones in the game don't have choices) so that we can mod the game and add any type of event we want. Thus, if nothing else, I'm asking for a robust, XML event system, so that it is easy to add as many events and of many different types as you want.
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12 years ago
May 19, 2012, 6:21:13 PM
Intel_4_Life wrote:
Hearts of Iron 3 event system was a good model also. Scripted and modded alot of custom ones myself. I think your choice should give you a chance of your indended outcome. Good intentions and all that don't always have good results.

You beat me to the punch, since EUIII is very similar to HoI3. I like the idea of randomness. Perhaps it could be something like +2-6 Happy, where a die roll would determine if it was 2 through 6, in this example. Otherwise, have a percentage would be nice too (40% chance of +5 Happy). It would be nice to have both options, if for no other reason than modders. I can do C++ coding and such, but it is just soooo much easier if the stuff is already in place and all I have to do is XML.

As long as I am mentioning that, I would love to see the Races be very modable as well, with a ton of different options in the XML so we can create really unique races. Just a thought.
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12 years ago
May 19, 2012, 6:24:47 PM
Tbh I would see the Endless Space going along these lines anyway, the game developers favourite games are some of the ones said above, and you can see the influence they had on Endless Space, But developing the events would probably be a more last minute thing to tweak. But would be appreciated greatly if they overhauled it ^__^
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