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[Suggestion] Dynamic Events

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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 5:26:10 PM
I've seen around the forums of some minor suggestions for random events and I've seen some random events in the game, which aren't really that special (just a 10+ to dust or production and so on), so here is my suggestion for Dynamic Events.

Dynamic events are random events that can happen any time during the game. These can range from small to huge events. There will be a lot of variation in what type of events happen and what the consequence of that event is. Some of these events will have positive effects on you, while others will have a negative impact on your empire, planets, ships and so on. Take these few examples so you have an idea of what I'm talking about;

A black hole has began to form near your star system, you have " number of turns to evacuate the colonies of their population, resources and equipment. You need to prioritize which you will do first. Each type of evacuation will take a certain amount of terms depending on how big they are.

If you don't evacuate on time then the black hole "sucks" the planets into them, everyone and everything on the colonies is destroyed, along with any ships that were station in the star system. This would cause the star system to no long be used and alternate routes to connecting start systems would be automatically generated.

There could be some technology that can be research that can slow down the formation of the black hole or disable it completely.

Another dynamic event could be:

Solar flare activity from your star system's star has exploded due to "Insert viable scientific reason here". Waves of radiation are going to hit "Star system's planets" in " number of turns.

This could be where you would need to scramble to build shelter for your population or research a type of radiation shielding to protect your colony.

Last example:

During one of your fleet's travels, they spot on their scanner a fleet of ships fighting in a start system, your fleet can choose either to help one opponent or the other. Depending on who they help, it would yield different effects. For example, if you stumble upon a group of pirates fighting a group of miners from a corporation and choose to help the pirates, they could thank you with some dust, or maybe join your fleet as mercenary ships. If you helped the miners, the corporation could thank you be giving you a buffed effect when mining certain resources, allow you to earn more dust from your colony's mining exploits because the corporation spread a good word about you to other companies. This can be said for factions who you encountered during a event, help one and your relationship with that faction increases, while it decreases with the other faction you fought.

There would be permanent consequences to helping one faction and not the other. Helping the miners could have the pirates concentrate their fleets more on raiding your colonies and attacking your fleets. Whiling helping the pirates could make the mining corporation lower the amount of resources you mine, make it more expensive to build mining improvements and such.

I know that these examples would have a lot of balancing issues, but as said before, they are just examples of pretty big ones. But they can range from tiny events (such as maybe a earthquake, or other sci-fi natural disaster will slow production down for 2 turns), medium events (one of your planets are rioting because whatever reason, either send the military in the beat them down, or solve the matter peacefully, which could mean a lower tax rate or whatever) and finally big events, like the ones I was talking about earlier.

I feel that dynamic events would really spice up the game play and make it a lot more exciting and unpredictable. Having to life with certain consequences and benefits for your empire because of the actions you took.

There should be a option to turn the dynamic events off, along with the option to scale the occurrence of dynamic events (scale to 0 for no events, scale to 10 for events to happen very often).

What do you think?
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 5:38:36 PM
Also, how would you evacuate a system? The game doesn't support abandoning planets/systems.
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 5:47:44 PM
Draco18s wrote:
Also, how would you evacuate a system? The game doesn't support abandoning planets/systems.

Possibly a option will appear next to the planet, when you click it a menu comes up asking what do you want to evacuate first (Population, production, food or science and so on). The amount of turns it would take to evacuate that resource would depending on how much of it there is, 50 units could take 3-4 turns while 100 units could take up to 10-12. The player could set up a queue in the order that they would want the resource evacuated in. Saving their most desired resource first.

jetkar wrote:
Interesting but someone has already suggested something similar

Might I possibly get a link so I could read up on it?
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 6:20:14 PM
MrDemonic wrote:
Possibly a option will appear next to the planet, when you click it a menu comes up asking what do you want to evacuate first (Population, production, food or science and so on). The amount of turns it would take to evacuate that resource would depending on how much of it there is, 50 units could take 3-4 turns while 100 units could take up to 10-12. The player could set up a queue in the order that they would want the resource evacuated in. Saving their most desired resource first.

I think this would be great (and I'm kind of hoping for the option to abandon a planet in the vanilla game anyway -- I made far too many mistakes and my people are unhappy on understandably shoddy planets). I love your ideas. Isn't this already implemented in the game to some extent already, though? Such as when a 'dice' symbol pops up with some random event?

I think the idea of adjustable sliders is definitely fantastic. I love tailoring my games and being able to prep the possibility of random events would be great. I think also adding a 'randomize' feature at the beginning would also be fun (for example, when creating a new game, being able to 'randomize' how frequent or infrequent the dynamic events are).
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 6:30:58 PM
Space things like a black hole doesn't appear in one year I think. A really disturbing black hole could be more a system anomaly like I already proposed (there are planet anomalies so why not system ones). An enormous event I could see could be the explosion of asuper giant star.

The screen turns to black and white with much more white and some black nuance. There is bad quality of view in galaxy, system an planet views and malus in FIDS. all this during one or two turns for every players. smiley: smile
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 6:35:11 PM
MrDemonic wrote:
Possibly a option will appear next to the planet, when you click it a menu comes up asking what do you want to evacuate first (Population, production, food or science and so on). The amount of turns it would take to evacuate that resource would depending on how much of it there is, 50 units could take 3-4 turns while 100 units could take up to 10-12. The player could set up a queue in the order that they would want the resource evacuated in. Saving their most desired resource first.

Might I possibly get a link so I could read up on it?

Its on my discussion thread 2nd or 3rd page (link on signature panel). As of yet not reviewed the suggestion will do shortly
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 6:51:43 PM
Astra wrote:
I think this would be great (and I'm kind of hoping for the option to abandon a planet in the vanilla game anyway -- I made far too many mistakes and my people are unhappy on understandably shoddy planets). I love your ideas. Isn't this already implemented in the game to some extent already, though? Such as when a 'dice' symbol pops up with some random event?

I think the idea of adjustable sliders is definitely fantastic. I love tailoring my games and being able to prep the possibility of random events would be great. I think also adding a 'randomize' feature at the beginning would also be fun (for example, when creating a new game, being able to 'randomize' how frequent or infrequent the dynamic events are).

To be honest, I've only played about six to eight hours of this game, I know that's next to nothing for a 4x game, the game may already have some sort of minor event system, I do remember seeing a popup that said something about trade routes (even if I wasn't allied with anybody) and that my production was up by 20. I just remember playing and suddenly thinking "Wouldn't it be amazing if "this" randomly happened without me doing anything to trigger it?"

Photon_Ventdesdunes wrote:
Space things like a black hole doesn't appear in one year I think. A really disturbing black hole could be more a system anomaly like I already proposed (there are planet anomalies so why not system ones). An enormous event I could see could be the explosion of asuper giant star.

The screen turns to black and white with much more white and some black nuance. There is bad quality of view in galaxy, system an planet views and malus in FIDS. all this durung one or two turns for every players.

Hmm, perhaps not a black whole, but maybe a large much of HUGE Meteorites could be detected by the colony's sensors, giving a rough damage report and recommending that everyone and thing be evacuated.

Also, loving the super nova explosion idea! You could have some abilities disabled, like fleet movements or food production because the super nova knocked out the systems! Added to this, it could be that it randomly chooses what star systems or planets should be destroyed along with it.
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 7:43:46 PM
ok, i might be nitpicking here, but how are these events "dynamic"? I fail to see how they are different from most of the already suggested events.... just has a shinier name. don't get me wrong, i love dynamic events and at least the last one you suggested sounds somewhat interesting (destroying entire star systems is a bit much). But as far as i know, the term fficial&client=firefox-a">"Dynamic Events" is almost exclusivly used by one game (which is Guild Wars 2, a MMO).

Anyway, BTT. Your third suggestion sounds interesting enough and i'm all for a more living universe. right now the game could use that, both playstyle and graphics wise.
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 8:03:30 PM
Calico wrote:
ok, i might be nitpicking here, but how are these events "dynamic"? I fail to see how they are different from most of the already suggested events.... just has a shinier name. don't get me wrong, i love dynamic events and at least the last one you suggested sounds somewhat interesting (destroying entire star systems is a bit much). But as far as i know, the term fficial&client=firefox-a">"Dynamic Events" is almost exclusivly used by one game (which is Guild Wars 2, a MMO).

Anyway, BTT. Your third suggestion sounds interesting enough and i'm all for a more living universe. right now the game could use that, both playstyle and graphics wise.

Well, I suppose in my excitement to post the suggestion I didn't really look through the forums properly to see if something similar already been posted, I just had seen small glimpses/posts on the forum that suggested random events, but they didn't seemed elaborated so I wanted to post my version of it.

Also, if by third suggestion you were talking about the "help the pirates or miners one" then I'm talking about the right one, events like those, no matter how small or big would make a more immersive game, the decision you make from that one event could lead to you losing or winning, I know that sounds a bit over the top. But when you can get enough Dust or are being swarmed by pirates and it's impacting your advancement, it would make you think "wow I really should of done "that" instead, it would have helped me in the long run."

A living universe would make the game a lot better, I feel that these sort of events would be a step into getting that immersion into a living (and running) universe.
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