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[Composite suggestion] Research and Random events

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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 12:36:56 PM
I think the research is pretty good already but i want more. Maybe I'm being greedy but research is my go to place in 4x games. I think having specific special/super projects that are revealed by temple discovery/events/planet anomalies. I've only had limited experience of events so far but they all seem to be permanent and empire spanning. This should be addressed:


* Expand research by upgrading existing items (level 1, 2 3 etc) allowing improvements without construction (mainly for ships?)

* Breakthroughs/overruns which can affect the time taken and/or the effectiveness of the final components

* Special projects to overcome some random events

* Super projects revealed by random events/temple discovery/planetary discovery

Random events

* Non-permanent effects - turn based or component/facility based.

* Localised effects - single system/planet

* Special events requiring special research to overcome.

* Centre on event option

* Some existing event effects are unclear from their description

* Super research projects available from random discoveries
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 3:53:22 PM
Hm, I don't think this has been posted either. There are some suggestions around for random events but as far as I know none that directly involve new research possibilities or fixing of negative effects.
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 4:01:06 PM
AtoningUnifex wrote:
Non-permanent effects - turn based or component/facility based.

There should definitely be a way to counter some of the seemingly permenant bad random events that occur though ive never noticed them stop or have a turn limit attached. i totally agree with the idea of a researchable solution to random events.
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 4:25:04 PM
It would be interesting to research something like a probability drive. A way of either increasing or decreasing the chances of recieveing a random event, should you wish to.
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 4:46:52 PM
My idea for research is really to try and make it a bit more interesting and varied. With a fixed research tree and no surprises I always end up researching the same things in the same order, every play through, which gets tedious and removes the fun. Events seem like a good way to add some variation.

My comments around non-permanent events relate to a specific event that caused me to lose speed from my ships due to 'corner cutting'. It seemed entirely unfair to make this permanent as in reality you could simply make new engines, so i thought that perhaps the event could be time based or have other fixes like retrofitting your ships/researching the next drive improvement. I'm sure the same idea applies to all events though!
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 5:29:16 PM
Great post, I've had similar thoughts and was getting ready to make a post about it, but then I saw this! I thought of a random event that could help get the creative juices going:

Reproductive disease: A disease has swiftly spread from colony to colony, rendering its inhabitants incapable of reproduction. A new research item has appeared (cure for disease).

Once the cure is researched, some long term benefit may be the final result: due to increased knowledge of your species' genetics, your population's birth rates are actually higher than before the disease struck, causing food production (the population limiter) to soar! +30% food production.

Alternatively, there could be a negative as well: Although researchers were able to counter the disease, some of the damage seems irreversible. -10% food production on all systems until 4 research projects are compete (or X amount of research FIDS generated). Once this requirement is met, another event could pop up saying something along the lines of: Top scientists have been working on repairing the long-term damage done by the disease, and have finally found something! Food production normalized.
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 5:33:36 PM
I like the idea, but, I think, Felix, were that disease to be put into place it would need to be scripted to have a "grace period," so to speak. I can't imagine how difficult (and crippling to my empire) it would be if I got hit with that disease from the get it. The game would pretty much be over since my research would be too slow to produce the cure in a timely matter (expansion is everything the first 30 or so turns).
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 5:50:22 PM
ShadowWolf: It was just a concept, with example numbers. They could of course be fiddled with. Maybe it wouldn't even be food production, but a script that keeps surplus food from increasing population. My thought was an event that didn't cause outright damage, but that was an annoyance and slowed production.

Other examples could include reverse engineering Endless technology, Comet/Asteroid (with rare minerals, or heading for direct impact), geological events, star systems passing through nebulae, increased solar flare activity, passing through an ancient extrasolar debris/asteroid field, discovering planets with no star, discovery of a wormhole leading to a location outside of the galaxy, finding a time accelerator that requires extreme amounts of dust, but can double or triple FIDS production on a planet, etc.
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 5:55:06 PM
Xeno-Fire wrote:
This sounds like a great idea, but I still want my giant space worms.....

I'm with you on that one!!
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 6:01:33 PM
AtoningUnifex wrote:
I'm with you on that one!!

I'm glad someone else misses them.
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 6:49:57 PM
FelixJames wrote:
finding a time accelerator that requires extreme amounts of dust, but can double or triple FIDS production on a planet, etc.

I am digging this idea, but it, for sure, would need to cost a lot of Dust (or just have a high industry requirement so it takes a bit, but the payoff is well worth it).
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 8:26:54 PM
AtoningUnifex wrote:
I think the research is pretty good already but i want more. Maybe I'm being greedy but research is my go to place in 4x games. I think having specific special/super projects that are revealed by temple discovery/events/planet anomalies. I've only had limited experience of events so far but they all seem to be permanent and empire spanning. This should be addressed:


* Expand research by upgrading existing items (level 1, 2 3 etc) allowing improvements without construction (mainly for ships?)

* Breakthroughs/overruns which can affect the time taken and/or the effectiveness of the final components

* Special projects to overcome some random events

* Super projects revealed by random events/temple discovery/planetary discovery

I love the idea that research is not just sinking turns grinding through the tech tree. One thing i liked with Sword of the Stars 2 was that conducting Research felt more dynamic than in other games and the ability to Research the plausibility of the tech before choosing to either commit with limited certainty that there will even be a discovery, or move on and research "safer" tech

also maybe the chance to pursue multiple research projects. you could have the chance to construct a "Black Ops" base unlocking a 5th set of techs and, if i was to runaway with myself, why not have this "Black Ops" base the subject to beneficial/ catastrophic random events depending on its Director (Hero) and what’s being studied
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 10:41:04 PM
AtoningUnifex wrote:


* Super projects revealed by random events/temple discovery/planetary discovery

Random events

* Super research projects available from random discoveries

I particularly like this idea. Like in a choice of 20 super-projects, 1 or 2 can be discovered per game by the people who owns the right systems or something like this. Another reason to declare a war is always good to take smiley: smile
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