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[Suggestion] New Race: The Observers Guild

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12 years ago
May 14, 2012, 10:05:09 PM
New Race:

The Observers Guild



The Observers had one purpose in the Universe, to

witness and catalog every major event that spans

all of space and time. An incorporeal "entity", the

Observers held many advantages to complete their

never ending tasks. Although shrouded in mystery

and history, their corporeal existence is accredited

to the downfall of the Endless themselves, and some

say they may have had a hand in their demise and

is the reason why now, they walk. Their vast knowledge

of the past has driven them to set right all the wrongs of the Universe.


(not sure if we can make up our own mechanics for this or if we should be using a trait from the traits list but here goes...)

Affinity: Dust Collusion

Expansion reliant on Dust production over food production as The Observers

are not mortally bound to food for their growth but are intrinsically

intertwined with the Endless and thus their Dust.

75% of Dust production goes to Food as well.


Advanced Weaponry due to knowledge of the importance

of firepower.

Advanced production abilities due to witnessing some

of the greatest empires that the Universe and time

have ever made manifest.

Empire Wide happiness bonus due to having an

incorporeal past plus their corporeal existence not

being bound by the same mechanics of other races.

Strong fleets due to their advanced knowledge of

warfare and all the intangibles that go with it.

(maybe a bonus to fleet counts)

Super advanced signaling and detection abilities due

to their observant nature smiley: smile

Bonus to weapons damage

Bonus to Dust production empire wide due to their

connection with the Endless


Zealous in their pursuit of correcting the wrongs of the Universe,

the Observers are enraged when a system falls to another race,

and are set in what they believe is right. No others may take this

task with them. They are forever at war with the "ambient"

races of the Universe.

Slow researchers due to many of their current

technologies being taken from non existent

space faring empires and a general disdain for time

consuming projects.

Weak defenders due to physical limitations

Slower to expand/grow due to their former incorporeal existence


As to their aesthetics, I envision something along

the lines of The Watcher from Darksiders, made

corporeal. A pitch black race who are very lithe

and slender as an after effect of their former

incorporeal, shadow like forms. This manifests in

their ship designs as well which lend themselves to

being very fast and armed to the teeth with weaponry


Hunger for Battle +5% = 5pts --5

Builders -20% = 16pts --21

Militarists -30% = 16pts --37

Optimistic +10 = 6 --43

Knowledge Gathering +50 = 10 --53

Fast Travelers +2 = 10 --63

Scientists -30% = -24 --39

Big Fleets +2 = 25 --64

Eternal War = -10 --54

Fearless Warriors(weak defenders) -2 = -6 --48

Growth Plan -20% = -16 --32

Meticulous Information Analysis +2 = 6 --38

Deadly Weapons +15% = 15 --53

Buisinessmen +20% = 30 --83

Rebellion -40% = -3 --80
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12 years ago
May 14, 2012, 10:55:29 PM
I've discovered the Design competition thread and will update with those specifications


Changes made, let me know what you all think!
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 10:33:06 PM
Thanks SABA, I am going for something that, not rivals the Endless, and isn't a creation of theirs, but is intertwined with their existence. The Endless may have mastered the known physical Universe, but in doing so they've "stumbled" upon an... existence that they would never have know about had it not been for the Dust they created. Through various events, the Observers were physically manifested. I left the details open as the time of this manifestation would take place just around the time the Endless began their romp through the virtual existence they created.
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 11:12:24 PM
This new faction sounds great! and I like the idea of adding another good faction since with the 5 currently available 3 of them are evil and 1 good, 1 neutral, I feel the need for a more balanced moral standard on here. for what is good without evil and evil without good? Plus, I don't like to think of everything as out there to kill us, sounds.. pessimistic. Just my opinion.
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12 years ago
May 24, 2012, 5:55:23 AM
I like your ideas but it could use some tweaking.. Here's my take on what you wrote, with a twist of my own..

Ok so they used to be neutral/good race just observing galactic events like major wars or super novas etc ? Now they are on the warpath and using all their known knowledge they have gathered throughout the eons they have become fanatical zealots in there own belief and wish to force those ideals on the current galactic community?

Correct me if I have gone way off or to deep into what you have said with my own bizarre imagination smiley: smile

Incorporeal? black shadowy style warships, sounds frighting smiley: smile It reminds me of the Shadows and Vorlons from Babylon5, their mentality was that they were above everyone else and took on the job of the big parents of the galaxy.

Order vs chaos.
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12 years ago
May 24, 2012, 10:15:34 AM
The first thing I thought about when I read guild was: guild of calamitous intent. Unrelated of course, but amusing.
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12 years ago
May 24, 2012, 10:58:16 AM
Photon_Ventdesdunes wrote:
It can be interesting to keep it for the next contest of faction creation. smiley: smile

Like I said in another thread, the faction creation competition ended last week and we have to choose the winners very soon (the 125 Word document pages is on my desktop, so I won't forget about it!).
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12 years ago
May 24, 2012, 11:03:39 AM
Yes, like Amo... uh like Steph said, faction competition is over. If you think you have an original idea and there is a modder willing to do a mod and to put your race into the game post your race suggestions in the Modding section. However, most modders are doing their own races or use some from movies/other games, so a thread with 30-40 races in it wouldn't be of much use IMO. Imagine the time needed just to read through it all.

Thread closed/
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