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[Suggestions] Things that would improve this already fun game

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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 3:52:15 PM
After completing my second playthrough, now on a large universe, I've made a list with possible improvements. Some of them are already on the list to be added, others have been mentioned also by other users. Still, feedback never hurts smiley: smile

* More control options individual planets: we have a gazillion options to choose from on starsystem level, why not more options on individual planets. Perhaps also more intertwined options, for example building irrigation and farming is more effective than building irrigation and a factory. Maybe even different types of buildings on different types of planets: factories on lava, research buildings on barren. Could even throw in events, e.g. nanobots that go berserk on a research planet causing a drop in population and production but adding research for a given number of turns.

* Database with encountered enemy fleet types: when facing multiple opponents each using different types of ships, a database can be useful for developing the right countermeasures.

* Ship design: right now we can only select a base ship type, maybe divide this even more in subsets. First you select a class (Destroyer), then you add a type of engine, and up three (or more, idk) sections which have hardpoints for weapons, shields etc.

*Simulation: where you can simulate the encounter between shiptypes of your choice. In combination with the above this can be crititcal in developing the best ships. The use of battlecards can be left out of this, just a base comparison would do.

* A “Continue to play” button at victory (would only be useful at certain victory types)

* A abandon colony button

* Rework the research tree, it’s rather unclear. I would prefer a division into sections (like beam weapons, missiles, kinetic weapons, mining/excavation (for new materials), terraforming etc.). This should be much easier to navigate and oversee. Also, I have noticed you cannot delete items or rearrange the queue, which is rather irritating.

* Combat: add camera controls. Create a division between simple combat and advanced combat (selectable in the options or at game setup). Simple combat is as it is now, advanced combat allows for more control (like designating targets, maybe even moving ships around, manual fire control as an option would also be great). Adding boarding actions and land combat at invasion should make thing a lot more interesting too.

This is all I can think of right now smiley: stickouttongue
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 4:27:48 PM
As far as I know 2 of your suggestions might be new:

* More control options individual planets

while the idea itself isn't new you mention some new possible aspects.

* Simulation

sounds like something which could be worth implementing.

I like those 2 ideas.
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 4:42:17 PM
OK for more control on planets individually but now, we should find what kind of stuff to control...

The simulation can be interesting, sure.
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 8:47:06 PM
Pizzabakker wrote:
After completing my second playthrough, now on a large universe, I've made a list with possible improvements. Some of them are already on the list to be added, others have been mentioned also by other users. Still, feedback never hurts smiley: smile

* Database with encountered enemy fleet types: when facing multiple opponents each using different types of ships, a database can be useful for developing the right countermeasures.

* A “Continue to play” button at victory (would only be useful at certain victory types)

* Combat: add camera controls. Create a division between simple combat and advanced combat (selectable in the options or at game setup). Simple combat is as it is now, advanced combat allows for more control (like designating targets, maybe even moving ships around, manual fire control as an option would also be great). Adding boarding actions and land combat at invasion should make thing a lot more interesting too.

These. Although I think the tactical battles are fine, just need more card types.
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12 years ago
May 25, 2012, 5:27:12 PM
KNC wrote:
As far as I know 2 of your suggestions might be new:

* More control options individual planets

while the idea itself isn't new you mention some new possible aspects.

* Simulation

sounds like something which could be worth implementing.

I like those 2 ideas.

Following on from KNC

With regard to "Simulation" suggestion this has been suggested as Sandbox Mode enviroment on the summary list under Interfaces > Sand Box mode
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12 years ago
May 25, 2012, 9:57:52 PM
I'd love a database for enemy ship types encountered. There have been many times where I've just exited out of the battle-report screen and then immediately gone, "wait, I forgot to check the stats for their ships..." I've found it useful to know the current construction of enemy ships and such, so it'd be nice to have that data readily available.

I'm fairly happy with the ship design as it is right now, but it's be cool to have some cosmetic options that let you customize the look of your ships a little bit.

A "continue to play" button is greatly needed.

And an "abandon colony" option would be great as well.

I would also agree with giving the battles a bit more control. I don't mind the passive aspect that it has right now, but I sometimes wish I could specify the targets and choose which weapons the ships fire at which phases.
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