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[Suggestion] Planet projects/builds that give system + / - to fleet battles

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12 years ago
May 15, 2012, 10:18:24 PM
A suggestion that doesn't require multiple new assets, modelling the animations for battles etc, but simulates space stations etc.

Works like the anti-invasion planet projects, giving a + or - to fleet fights within the system, much like a hero's mods.


"Orbital Weapons Platform"

Planetary defense against comets, rogue asteroids and unfriendly green men

Gives +3 offense to any friendly fleet in the system

-1 resources from asteroid belts


"Deep Space Scanning"

Powerful blahs pointing into deep space allow first contact, but more importantly, allows you to see what's coming

Gives hostile fleet -3 defense in system

-10% trade route revenue due to customs

"Death Star"


Gives friendly fleet +12 offense

-75 relations with all factions due to... well... it's evil as hell blowing up worlds

Yadda, yadda, yadda. They'd be relatively expensive to build, of course.

The idea is simple: the builds work like static heroes, giving flat bonuses or penalties to friend/foe battles within the system.

Making a whole line of these would be easy, and would actually prevent a lot of the current issues with fleet spamming / disposable destroyers etc. You'd actually have to tech up / consider fights carefully, and strategic options would be opened ~ which is why I added potential negative effects alongside the positives.
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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 4:43:43 AM
Well I agree with most of those idea apart from the death star which would really not be relevant in this background. I particularlly liked the idea of an orbital platform which would increase the defense on a planet against spaceship/random events like asteroid bombardment etc... But I'm not sure sure giving bonuses to fleets is the right way to implement that
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12 years ago
May 26, 2012, 12:30:55 AM
I would really like a way to increase a defensive advantage for a system, and this seems like a good idea as any. A smaller civilization is at a large disadvantage if the other one outpaces you by much. This would allow you to defend choke points easier.

A larger civ would also have access to these, but hopefully the cost will be sufficiently prohibitive to create them at every planet or most weak points, still leaving them vulnerable to attacks on multiple angles.
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12 years ago
May 26, 2012, 12:57:08 AM
I really dont like this idea, i dident like it in GC2 and i don't really like it for Endless.

However it is in the right direction for a type of system defence, instead i counter propose that system defences need to be attacked like a fleet type battle before you can begin an invasion.
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12 years ago
May 26, 2012, 7:49:35 AM
Didn't moo2 have some kind of mobile dooms day planet destroyer? Stellar Converter? I cant remember, but it took forever to research and it could be a mobile weapons defence against fleets and also a planet killer. I didnt really like it then but it could be a final research option for those that enjoy 'big guns' lol

Just make it a selectable option before you start your game if you want to include that final research option, simple.
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