I'd like to have a planet overview like Master of Orion II had. This is a list with all known planets in the current galaxy, that may be sorted and filtered. It would be nice, if the layout of the empire planet list could be used, so clicking on one planet shows the whole system on the bottom of the screen. I'd also like to have a "send colony ship" button to send the nearest idle colony ship to the designated planet. On arrival, a message should popup asking if colonization should proceed or informing that it is no longer possible (because planet is already colonized or another player colonized a planet in that system).

Filters I'd like:

- only colonizable (here: not in system with other colonized planets from another player and only planets that I have the tech to colonize). This is really helpful in the starting phase when I have to decide where to send my valuable colony ships to.

- only colonized by me (can be interesting for terraforming)

- only colonizable in my star systems (for maybe using additional colony ships to boost valuable new colonies to power)

Sortings I'd like:

- Size (Tiny, small etc.)

- Type (Terran, Desert etc.)

- Anomaly

- Resource