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[Suggestion] Combat formations

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12 years ago
May 28, 2012, 7:46:20 AM
i think it would enhance the combat feeling if its would be able to decide on special formations for special fleet and ship combinations which could impact iniative , defence, retreating fight or damage dealt.

for example your fleet is encountering a stronge enemy force and and you can decide to go for a retreat formation which would send in the fast agil ships against the enemy to harras them and ocupy em and get your heavy a very high defence and very low damage value while they try to keep distance and hope fpor a chance to with drwa after the battle. depending on the formation of the attacker that could have diffrent outcome . maybe he employs a strong attack formation and recives a dmg bonus but is restricted virtualty in movment in battle and can deal lessdmg to your retreating ships or he has a defence formation and will ignor them komplitly or he has a fast reaction formation and the retreat will be countered.
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12 years ago
May 28, 2012, 8:02:04 AM
if they dont have an idea what that could look like they could have a look at "david weber honor harrriongton book series" or "jack campbell the lost fleet" which both over a few nice comments on that topic.
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12 years ago
May 28, 2012, 10:15:43 AM
It is an interesting and appealing idea but I would have to see the formations themselves and their benefits and drawbacks before I would be sold on it. As long as it isn't the cliche Attack Pattern Omega Alpha Beta stuff.
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12 years ago
May 28, 2012, 12:53:10 PM
or maybe if you could create your own formations, that would be cool and also the devs should add in fighter units into the battles, it would definetly spice things up
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12 years ago
May 28, 2012, 1:55:27 PM
Предлагаю слегка изменить ведение боя и сделать его динамичнее, ввести например поддержку флота с той системы в которой идет бой, это можно совершить например заюзав скил или исследовать технологию поддержки и во время боевых действий ввести подкрепления свежих сил тем самым привлечь масштабность, а так же насколько я знаю истребителей и бомбардировщиков никто не отменял почему нету роя истребителей например с класса авианосец ( куда делся этот класс то чет не видел я) создать полноценный бой со всеми видами шипов, хотелось бы видеть на карте галактики оповещение о тревоге что планета в осаде и идут орбитальные бомбардировки, кстати предлагаю отдельно выделить бой с осаждением планет, например исследуем орбитальные минные поля всякие тахионные пушки которые лупят прямо с поверхности планеты по флоту противника и тут юзаем скил на подмогу своим флотом.
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12 years ago
May 28, 2012, 3:03:14 PM
bean wrote:
i think it would enhance the combat feeling if its would be able to decide on special formations for special fleet and ship combinations which could impact iniative , defence, retreating fight or damage dealt.

Yes I totally agree with that, linking into the Cards system it would be cool if there were a series of "Strategy Cards" some inherent for the Race, some developed by Tech, some included with certain Heroes; that provided a pre-engagement strategy sequence before your fleet engaged or was engaged.

These cards could be accessed from your fleet screen to set them up and alter them before a battle took place and would affect the way the battle script played out as you used your in-battle cards through the phases.

Would definitely give you more opportunities to build fleets with specific strategies in mind based on the composition of your fleet etc. smiley: cool
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12 years ago
May 28, 2012, 3:12:58 PM
I like the idea of being able to position your fleets ships prior to battle, but of course make it have to be within a certain distance of the opposing fleets, and it would be even awesomer if you could place them within three dimensions, but that depends on complexity.

And i DEFINITELY agree with the idea of adding fighter units, in my opinion some kind of transport or carrier unit which you can garrison fighters, bombers, gunships, or any other good possibility, that would be released upon entering combat. Preferably(again, in my opinion) they would have their designates weaknesses and strengths. e.g. fighters are stronger against bombers and gunships, bombers do more damage to fleet ships, and you could give fleet ships support modules for anti-fighter units.
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