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[Suggestion] Ship Salvage and Technology

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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 10:20:59 PM
It might be fun to make it so that salvaging a certain ship type gave you a bonus in all future engagements against that exact ship (with diminishing returns, of course)...

Or perhaps create some perks that can be applied only to technology that you've seen examples of on other races (e.g. if you invented a laser, and they invented a similar laser, after salvaging their version you learn how to make yours slightly better)
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12 years ago
May 28, 2012, 10:25:59 PM
i like this idea i mean you could also improve it into the map generation so that random old derlict ships which have crash landed or a drifting can be salvaged then you got moral and ethical choices that factor into that can effect your race and reputation in diplomatic situation kinda like how everyone hates the ferengi.
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12 years ago
May 28, 2012, 3:35:40 PM
I like the idea of salvage and I could certainly see some negative effect by having "warrior" races getting a huge advantage. Still, if it is a small percentage change of gaining research points towards a particular tech with maybe a bonus by an experienced hero (upper tier of the hero) it may have some merit. I Also like the idea propsed of having to research the skill necessary to do so. That skill might also set the maximum tier you can reverse engineer. I also like the idea of a percentage chance to recover Dust.

Perhaps a better way to handle salvage is a Disable enemy card for battles (for the hero with the reverse engineer skill or may be call it the recovery skill?). That card would have a percentage chance of disabling an enemey at the loss of overall firepower (like 25-50%) making the card a difficult choice to play strategically and encouraging manual battles. Auto battles or no hero = no tech. As for dust recovery I think that should be based on the CP of the ships destroyed. Like 1 Dust for 1 CP. Small trickle Dust awards. Any Dust would be more than the existing system and I think trickle rewards would be more of the side effect of battles rather than turning it into a full blown strategy. However both ideas would require some game play time to ensure it does not throw all games out of whack.
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12 years ago
May 28, 2012, 11:41:05 AM
I like this suggestion. I'd even like to see that you by default find some resources that went into making the ships like Titanium-70 and then there's the rare chance that you actually discover some tech.
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12 years ago
May 28, 2012, 11:23:26 AM
I believe that this is a good idea, but could also be a negative game mechanic if not checked thoroughly.

My request:

By first requiring a high level tech skill (Advanced Reverse Engineering) to be researched, this would create a research cost before gaining research benefits. To add another barrier, defeated enemy ships could give a small bonus to research only if a fleet ship was equipped with a salvage team, increasing the build cost of those ships that equip them.

Without these two barriers a war-centered race would passively also have a research advantage -- unbalancing the game.

I think that fussing about what kind of damage an enemy as sustained is a bit overboard, but could be considered if it helps balance gameplay.
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12 years ago
May 28, 2012, 6:17:00 AM
I tried bringing this up earlier referencing the STARS! system where you recieved a boost to research for the next turn but i vanished in the tide of early suggestions. Thanks for bringing back and double thanks for making it clear I'm not the only one that likes the idea smiley: smile
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12 years ago
May 27, 2012, 6:03:57 PM
This idea could have some negative effects on the game, I think. As it is, there isn't enough difference in the way each faction plays the game. Different choices about moving through the tech tree is one of the few ways the game has, to make each faction feel different and act differently. Adding a +% to research whatever tech an enemy faction is using will tend to flatten out those differences. It's not as bad as actually stealing the full tech, but I think it will still have that leveling-out effect.

What we need is to make the factions more different from each other during each game, not less different.
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12 years ago
May 27, 2012, 5:11:22 PM
I would like to add the following idea.

Salvaging scrap or tech depends on lvl xp of the fleet hero +done damage.

Eg: just to them blow away OR to disable (parts of the) fleet/ship.

This depends not only of your self but also your opponent.

Eg: a small schip against a large cannon. smiley: smile

It doesn't matter how well you can shoot anything, everything will perish.

Or they still have just a little time to activate the self-destruct.[/I]
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12 years ago
May 27, 2012, 11:31:42 AM
Nice idea. Reverse engineering is great method of create own production. Any country use it in real life, especially in war-time.

If you win a battle, you'll get a chance (1-6%) to get some knowledge (5-25%) of used technology. You can reduce a time of inviting from 5% to 50% because you have an operational model.
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12 years ago
May 17, 2012, 6:21:43 PM
AngleWyrm wrote:
I'de like to salvage Enemy Fleet blueprints into an encyclopedia of currently known enemy models. With dates of last contact.

This would be awesomely useful. It certainly beats the "well I saw a laser" approach to judging enemy ship builds.
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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 4:54:33 PM
I suggest adding a mechanic to the game for salvaging technology from space battles.

As of right now there is no mechanic in game to account for wreckage and any benefit such wreckage might have on a races research. My suggestion is for every pieces of ship technology present in a ship destroyed have a very small chance that some part of it survived and can be recovered by the victor for a bonus to research that tech only.

I would suggest something like this.


Percent chance of tech salvage based on weapon used to destroy the ship.

Missiles: 1%

Beam: 3%

Kinetic: 5%

For each separate technology that the destroyed ship had that the victor does not have would be checked to see if such a bonus was given.

Another thing that could be added to the game was a battle card for a better salvage chance, this card would reduce the damage done significantly(by 40%?) but increases the the chance of tech surviving(10%?)


What tech salvage would give you

Tech could only be salvaged if it exists in that ship or from the type of ship itself.

Each tech salvaged would give a onetime bonus for the corresponding tech of a 25% cost reduction on researching that specific tech.

You are only allowed one bonus per individual technology.

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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 8:21:00 PM
I'de like to salvage Enemy Fleet blueprints into an encyclopedia of currently known enemy models. With dates of last contact.
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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 1:29:28 PM
i like the idea of salvage, but maybe a different way. Maybe a module that would allow you to "glean" metals etc off the enemy ships. Ie: the winner could salvage x% (per module up to a max) of the cost of all ships lost.
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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 12:40:34 PM
Not sure about the different chances depending on weapon type. I can see the logic there, but it would just be another factor which would have to be taken into account when balancing weapons - i.e. you'd need to make beam and missiles do more damage (or something) to compensate for their lower chance of salvage. Personally I'd just leave this as a Craver unique trait.
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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 12:38:01 PM
maceman wrote:
Though I agree some general Dust from salvage might be applicable (and if you're Cravers a whole lot more), but to actually pick up tech? that should require espionage or something. have you seen the explosions these ships are supposed to go through? no way you can figure out the entire reverse engineering from some shrapnel imho.

Why. Something exploding doesn't auto mean it is dust. Chunks get blown off whole during battle, asymmetrical explosions, people have been salvaging tech from destroyed systems since forever. Never mind occupying a planet. "hey, look at all these buildings made out of some new tech, let's figure out how that works."
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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 5:20:51 PM
No I heard you... my point was that is a Craver, race-specific trait. you give it to everyone... what do the Cravers have? Cravings? smiley: wink
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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 5:19:47 PM
maceman wrote:
Though I agree some general Dust from salvage might be applicable (and if you're Cravers a whole lot more), but to actually pick up tech? that should require espionage or something. have you seen the explosions these ships are supposed to go through? no way you can figure out the entire reverse engineering from some shrapnel imho.

Please read the whole idea carefully, it doesn't give you tech, it only gives you a 25% reduction on the cost of researching that specific tech.
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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 5:04:04 PM
Though I agree some general Dust from salvage might be applicable (and if you're Cravers a whole lot more), but to actually pick up tech? that should require espionage or something. have you seen the explosions these ships are supposed to go through? no way you can figure out the entire reverse engineering from some shrapnel imho.
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