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[Suggestion - Poll] Trust

This sounds like a great idea!
No way, too complicated for nothing.
Maybe... I'm not sure. I'd have to think about it.
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12 years ago
May 30, 2012, 9:51:09 PM
I read your previous post and the dev team response. I admire your implication and the time you spent about this post.

Though I agree with them for the AI part : only actions can be used for a trustworhty meter. This could work for up to down trust. Attack an undefended planet after peace declaration and trade routes opening could easily result in trust 0 for the related AI. But how could you reagain trust ?

And for the multiplayer part, this "jauge" is already in your head.

So i have difficulties in imagining this trust separate meter in game.
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12 years ago
May 30, 2012, 9:20:16 PM
Thanks for the support!

From the original thread:

SpaceTroll wrote:
I like your idea of trustworthyness, although it is not that easy to track. Already in real life it is not easy to know who you should trust, and why you should trust them or not. So how could an AI guess if a human is trustworthy? if it is just by looking at past actions (good and bad) this is already the path we are taking. we have 20-30 global parameters that we are tracking to modify your attitude. but more ideas of actions / events to track are welcome!

So it sounds like we're kind of heading in that direction. I'm guessing he means more as part of how relationship functions and not so much a separate meter, but that may not be a bad thing.

One one hand, I like the idea of "trust" as a separate thing that can be affected more directly, but on the other hand, it does complicate things.

As I replied to the above,

ElegantCaveman wrote:
[P]art of my idea of having a separate meter was kind of having something affect diplomacy in the long-term (relationship) as well as the short-term (trust).

Basically, relationship would go up and down relatively slowly, and trust would go up and down relatively fast, but the two affect each other. So even if you would normally have a negative relationship with a faction (say, neighbors in a tense border situation), over time, by doing a lot of "trustworthy things", this will improve your relationship. By the same token, if you have a good relationship with a faction (someone far away that you have trade routes with) but do a lot of "untrustworthy things", this will hurt your relationship.

The more trustworthy you are, the more likely another faction is to respond positively (or, at least, not negatively) to something which would normally negatively impact your relationship with them. Conversely, the better your relationship is with someone, the less of a negative impact there will be if you do something "untrustworthy" (giving friends the benefit of the doubt, as it were).

The main point of this thread and the poll is to see what people think of a separate meter, and for them to share any ideas they might have about it. I guess we'll see.
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12 years ago
May 30, 2012, 8:59:51 PM
It would be an excellent idea for diplomacy, I'd say keep on pushing even though I don't have much to add to it. smiley: smile
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