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A How & Why On Factions: Custom Or Vanilla

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12 years ago
Jul 17, 2012, 9:55:28 AM
Pilgrim Affinity

Key To The Affinity's Success

Quick Industry Infrastructure & Administration Heroes.

What Makes The Affinity Fail

Ignoring Evacuation, or using Evacuation solely as a defensive measure during war.

Few realize the potential of Evacuation as a building tool. Though the reason is not hard to understand, as the name "Evacuation" conjures up the use of Evacuating a planet if its threatened during war. While this is a possible use, using Evacuation as a building and offensive tool is very effective.

For example Evacuating a prebuilt and massive star system and colonizing a system behind enemy lines using warp drive or by boring a hole through your opponents defenses, can allow you to "set up shop" in the worst possible place for your enemies, even in multiple star systems simultaneously.


  • Que Fleet Errant(Evacuation).
  • Upon Fleet Errants completion these events occur:

  • The Fleet Errant ship created.
  • All population minus one population per colonized planet are packed into that ship.
  • All System Improvements are packed into that ship (moon surveying and exploitations remain, as does terraforming).
  • Any population Increase for the coming turn is then applied.
  • Any industry not used in the previous turn is saved and applied to the coming turns production.

  • You now have a system with one population per previous colonized planet, plus any population increase from the previous turn. This system already has any terraforming, exploitation, surveys, and hero that it contained before.While this system has no system improvements, it may have a huge surplus of industry, enough to rebuild all industry bonus improvements within 1 to 5 turns even late into the game.
  • On your Fleet Errant colonizing it colonizes the planet you choose. If your population in the Fleet Errant is equal to or greater than that planet, and you have other planets you can colonize in that system, it will randomly colonize another planet. This will happen again if you fill that planet up, etc... All system improvements contained are then offloaded into that system.

  • [/LIST]

    Pilgrim affinity allows a race to not be as constrained by +food and +growth traits. A race with this affinity and an admin hero can grow almost every new system with massive growth bonuses from "seed" worlds powered by admin heroes.

    Another benefit to Evacuation, is that instead of having your weakest planets on your frontier you most often have your strongest planets on your border.

    The drawback of Evacuation is that if a fleet errant ship is destroyed it is a massive blow to your empire.

    Affinity Technology

    The Pilgrim affinity comes with the Pilgrim tech tree. This contains the tech "Factory Missions", with this tech you can build the system improvement "Factories of the Faithful."

    This system improvement is a relatively cheap system improvement(450) that adds a flat 30 industry to the system. This allows pilgrims, even in poor industry systems, to have a much better industry base then most other factions. Even better, this technology is relatively easy and quick to procure, meaning a significant early mid-game industrial advantage.
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    12 years ago
    Jul 17, 2012, 9:54:30 AM
    Craver Affinity

    Key To The Affinity's Success


    What Makes The Affinity Fail

    Not expanding.

    Allot of people know that Cravers are powerful, but few I talk to really understand how locust points work.

    First to do away with some common misconceptions:

  • Cravers Get weaker over time. Yes, but again no. I'll explain locust point a bit further down but many are under the misconception that Craver's FIDS bonus is empire wide. This is not how it works, so waiting a craver out won't mean he will eventually get weaker just from time passing.
  • There are nice Cravers. While a Craver could not have endless war or could choose not to go to war ever, this is detrimental to this affinity because of how locust points work. For a Craver to be successful they must always expand. Since this is almost always impossible without war at somepoint, a peaceful Craver is likely either lying or going to fail.

  • [/LIST]

    Okay now lets delve into exactly how locust points work. For every turn a Craver faction controls a planet (note: not a system) that planet gets a locust point. Every planet starts with 0 points. This means for the life of a planet, while a craver controlls it:

    • From turn 0 to 40 (41 turns) a Craver gets a +25% FIDS bonus.
    • From turn 41 to 60 (20 Turns) a Craver gets normal FIDS.
    • From turn 61+ (Forever) ANYONE gets -25% FIDS.

    Again these turns are not talking about game turns only how many turns a Craver has controlled that planet. This means you could conquer the Craver home world at Game turn 10 and that Craver could reconquer it at game turn 61 and that planet would still only have 10 locust points because the Craver had only controlled that planet for 10 turns. Also of great importance is a planet that is above 60 locust points will give ANY faction negative FIDS.

    Ok, so your probably saying to yourself that sounds a whole like Cravers start strong and get weak, and wasn't that what I told you doesn't really happen?

    Here is the thing, ES is a 4X game, one of the major factors is this type of game is expansion and like every other 4X game expansion in this game is exponential. I'm going to show a simplistic example that isn't very much like a real game but will show how this growth works and why it really doesn't effect Cravers as long as the keep expanding.

    So lets imagine a very simple and dumbed down version of ES where systems have one planet that can hold one population and are all exactly the same, and building colonies only cost industry not population (so you can build a ship at one population), oh and no tech either so you can only expand by colonizing/conquering new systems. Basically this lets us focus attention on expansion exponential growth and ignore how science and population growth compound this, just to make it easier to understand.

    In our simple game, let us say a normal faction can make a colony every 10 turns. A Scraver (Simple Craver) in the first 39 turns can make one every 8 turns (+25%) then those planets are worthless. This is much worse than for Cravers but it makes the math so much more simpler. Oh and lets just do away with move time so we don't have to worry about that.

    And yes I'm aware this really isn't accurate at all, but since all these factor either equally effect all races or are more detrimental to Cravers it should prove my point.

    Turn Normal Total Scraver Good Systems Scraver Bad Systems
    1 1 1 0
    8 1 2 0
    10 2 2 0
    16 2 4 0
    20 4 4 0
    24 4 8 0
    30 8 8 0
    32 8 16 0
    40 16 31 1
    48 16 61 2
    50 32 61 2
    56 32 120 4
    60 64 120 4
    64 64 236 8
    70 128 236 8
    72 128 464 16
    80 256 913 32

    As you can see even with a super simplified model that penalizes our Scravers much more than the game penalizes Cravers, the Scravers while expanding still outgrow a normal race.

    This is because of how exponential growth works, and is quite complicated, and frankly can be counter intuitive at times. but all you really need to know is if you keep expanding as a Craver you will never go down hill.

    Conversely, when fighting against a Craver, assuming they will get worse with time is not a sound strategy.
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    12 years ago
    Jul 17, 2012, 9:53:46 AM
    When building a custom faction you may focus on a single type of victory but it can be more advantageous to pick two complimentary modes of victory. In either case make sure to choose some of your traits from the All table as it will benefit any play style.

    Choose maluses that have little impact using first those from the All table then non conflicting ones from your chosen victory modes, then choose any maluses that are left remaining that are not crippling and finally if you have to have more points choose the least damaging crippling maluses but consider removing bonuses instead.

    Example Custom Faction

    Thinking about what might make a neat race I decide I can improve on the idea of Sophons by making a race of pacifistic expansionists scientists

    Victory Modes: Science, Non military Expansion

    These are what I choose before having to make tough decisions


    [TD="width:86%"] Beneficial Affinities


    [TD="width:14%"] Points


    [TD="width:86%"] Sophon


    [TD="width:14%"] 65






    [TD="width:86%"] Beneficial Traits




    [TD="width:86%"] Isolation Shields


    [TD="width:14%"] 10


    [TD="width:86%"] Huygens Rings


    [TD="width:14%"] 10


    [TD="width:86%"] Scientists


    [TD="width:14%"] 30


    [TD="width:86%"] Strong Alloys


    [TD="width:14%"] 20


    [TD="width:86%"] Blockade Breakers


    [TD="width:14%"] 6


    [TD="width:86%"] Merchants


    [TD="width:14%"] 12


    [TD="width:86%"] Optimistic


    [TD="width:14%"] 15


    [TD="width:86%"] Masters Of Illusions


    [TD="width:14%"] 10


    [TD="width:86%"] Optimal Structure


    [TD="width:14%"] 20


    [TD="width:86%"] Militarists


    [TD="width:14%"] 24


    [TD="width:86%"] Optimal Defense


    [TD="width:14%"] 15


    [TD="width:86%"] Maluses




    [TD="width:86%"] Humane Weapons


    [TD="width:14%"] -10


    [TD="width:86%"] Spray n' Pray


    [TD="width:14%"] -10


    [TD="width:86%"] Dust Impaired


    [TD="width:14%"] -4


    [TD="width:86%"] Sloppy Sawbones


    [TD="width:14%"] -6


    [TD="width:86%"] Feeble warriors


    [TD="width:14%"] -6


    [TD="width:86%"] Total


    [TD="width:14%"] 136



    Obviously need to winnow it down.

    The most important parts are IMO are the ideas of defensive ships that don't attack and being science focused


    [TD="width:86%"] Beneficial Affinities


    [TD="width:14%"] Points


    [TD="width:86%"] Sophon


    [TD="width:14%"] 65






    [TD="width:86%"] Beneficial Traits




    [TD="width:86%"] Scientists


    [TD="width:14%"] 30


    [TD="width:86%"] Strong Alloys


    [TD="width:14%"] 20


    [TD="width:86%"] Blockade Breakers


    [TD="width:14%"] 6


    [TD="width:86%"] Optimistic


    [TD="width:14%"] 6


    [TD="width:86%"] Masters Of Illusions


    [TD="width:14%"] 10


    [TD="width:86%"] Optimal Structure


    [TD="width:14%"] 20


    [TD="width:86%"] Optimal Defense


    [TD="width:14%"] 15


    [TD="width:86%"] Maluses




    [TD="width:86%"] Humane Weapons


    [TD="width:14%"] -10


    [TD="width:86%"] Deep Roots


    [TD="width:14%"] -6


    [TD="width:86%"] Spray n' Pray


    [TD="width:14%"] -10


    [TD="width:86%"] Dust Impaired


    [TD="width:14%"] -4


    [TD="width:86%"] Sloppy Sawbones


    [TD="width:14%"] -6


    [TD="width:86%"] Feeble warriors


    [TD="width:14%"] -6


    [TD="width:86%"] Total


    [TD="width:14%"] 65



    Now all I need is a name... I imagine meditating Zen aliens for some reason so I think I will name them, Tao Sophon .
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    12 years ago
    Jul 17, 2012, 9:53:11 AM
    Applicable to Diplomatic Victories


    [TD="width:26%"] Beneficial Affinities


    [TD="width:13%"] Exponential


    [TD="width:61%"] Notes


    [TD="width:26%"] Ameoba


    [TD="width:13%"] Yes


    [TD="width:61%"] Easy to see where togo to as quickly as possible establish relations








    [TD="width:26%"] Beneficial Traits






    [TD="width:26%"] Compact Fusion Reactors


    [TD="width:13%"] Yes


    [TD="width:61%"] Faster travel to get to contacting


    [TD="width:26%"] Merchants


    [TD="width:13%"] Yes




    [TD="width:26%"] Diplomats


    [TD="width:13%"] Yes




    [TD="width:26%"] Naive


    [TD="width:13%"] Yes




    [TD="width:26%"] Symbiosis


    [TD="width:13%"] Yes










    [TD="width:26%"] Maluses w/ Little Impact






    [TD="width:26%"] Deep Roots


    [TD="width:13%"] ??


    [TD="width:61%"] If played right you will not be conquered or conquering


    [TD="width:26%"] Anarchists*


    [TD="width:13%"] ??


    [TD="width:61%"] If played right you will not be conquered or conquering


    [TD="width:26%"] Fragile Hulls*


    [TD="width:13%"] ??


    [TD="width:61%"] If played right you will not be conquered or conquering


    [TD="width:26%"] Wasted Space*


    [TD="width:13%"] ??


    [TD="width:61%"] If played right you will not be conquered or conquering


    [TD="width:26%"] Humane Weapons*


    [TD="width:13%"] ??


    [TD="width:61%"] If played right you will not be conquered or conquering


    [TD="width:26%"] Offense First*


    [TD="width:13%"] ??


    [TD="width:61%"] If played right you will not be conquered or conquering


    [TD="width:26%"] Spray n' Pray*


    [TD="width:13%"] ??


    [TD="width:61%"] If played right you will not be conquered or conquering


    [TD="width:26%"] *If your opponents pay attention these can very well cost you the game












    [TD="width:26%"] Crippling Maluses






    [TD="width:26%"] Endless War


    [TD="width:13%"] ??


    [TD="width:61%"] Worse than crippling and in fact even effects you badly if on others


    [TD="width:26%"] Isolationist


    [TD="width:13%"] Yes




    0Send private message
    12 years ago
    Jul 17, 2012, 9:52:36 AM
    Applicable to Scientific Victories


    [TD="width:26%"] Beneficial Affinities[/TD]

    [TD="width:13%"] Exponential[/TD]

    [TD="width:61%"] Notes[/TD]

    [TD="width:26%"] Sophon[/TD]

    [TD="width:13%"] Yes[/TD]

    [TD="width:61%"] [/TD]

    [TD="width:26%"] [/TD]

    [TD="width:13%"] [/TD]

    [TD="width:61%"] [/TD]

    [TD="width:26%"] Beneficial Traits[/TD]

    [TD="width:13%"] [/TD]

    [TD="width:61%"] [/TD]

    [TD="width:26%"] Isolation Shields[/TD]

    [TD="width:13%"] Yes[/TD]

    [TD="width:61%"] [/TD]

    [TD="width:26%"] Neural Robotics[/TD]

    [TD="width:13%"] No[/TD]

    [TD="width:61%"] Only useful in that it gets you closer to Nonbaryonic Particles and +40 science per system[/TD]

    [TD="width:26%"] Huygens Rings[/TD]

    [TD="width:13%"] Yes[/TD]

    [TD="width:61%"] [/TD]

    [TD="width:26%"] Knowledge Gathering[/TD]

    [TD="width:13%"] Yes[/TD]

    [TD="width:61%"] Very quick way to get science early on but is not very useful late game. If you are relying on this for science early game you may have problems if your stuck behind a wormhole[/TD]

    [TD="width:26%"] Scientists[/TD]

    [TD="width:13%"] Yes[/TD]

    [TD="width:61%"] Best science trait[/TD]

    [TD="width:26%"] Merchants[/TD]

    [TD="width:13%"] Yes[/TD]

    [TD="width:61%"] [/TD]

    [TD="width:26%"] Builders




    [TD="width:61%"]Very useful for building all the expensive tech you researched





    [TD="width:26%"] Maluses w/ Little Impact[/TD]

    [TD="width:13%"] [/TD]

    [TD="width:61%"] [/TD]

    [TD="width:26%"] Spend thrifts[/TD]

    [TD="width:13%"] Yes[/TD]

    [TD="width:61%"] Only if you plan on having a good deal of trade route then this malus should be offset[/TD]

    [TD="width:26%"] Anti-Expansionist[/TD]

    [TD="width:13%"] Yes[/TD]

    [TD="width:61%"] Can be offset by superior technology but will have a decent impact early on[/TD]

    [TD="width:26%"] Humane Weapons


    [TD="width:13%"] ??[/TD]

    [TD="width:61%"] Can be offset by superior technology but will have a decent impact early on





    [TD="width:26%"] Crippling Maluses [/TD]

    [TD="width:13%"] [/TD]

    [TD="width:61%"] [/TD]

    [TD="width:26%"] Space Cadets[/TD]

    [TD="width:13%"] Yes[/TD]

    [TD="width:61%"] Worst science malus[/TD]

    [TD="width:26%"] Isolationist[/TD]

    [TD="width:13%"] [/TD]

    [TD="width:61%"] Heavily impacts trade routes which are a good source of science[/TD]

    [TD="width:26%"] Eternal War[/TD]

    [TD="width:13%"] ??[/TD]

    [TD="width:61%"] No tech trading or trade routes[/TD]

    0Send private message
    12 years ago
    Jul 17, 2012, 9:52:03 AM
    Applicable to Economy Victories

    Economy victories are about focusing on smiley: dust so you can buyout and rapidly refit your military


    [TD="width:26%"] Beneficial Affinities


    [TD="width:13%"] Exponential


    [TD="width:61%"] Notes


    [TD="width:26%"] United Empire


    [TD="width:13%"] ??


    [TD="width:61%"] Allows for high tax rate without crippling industry








    [TD="width:26%"] Beneficial Traits






    [TD="width:26%"] Xenology


    [TD="width:13%"] Yes


    [TD="width:61%"] Allows you to get more dust from exploitation


    [TD="width:26%"] Dust Lode


    [TD="width:13%"] Yes




    [TD="width:26%"] Power Masters


    [TD="width:13%"] ??


    [TD="width:61%"] Only if you plan on throwing dust into combat a lot


    [TD="width:26%"] Businessmen


    [TD="width:13%"] Yes


    [TD="width:61%"] Tied for best Economy trait


    [TD="width:26%"] Entrepreneurs


    [TD="width:13%"] Yes


    [TD="width:61%"] Tied for best Economy trait


    [TD="width:26%"] Blockade Breakers


    [TD="width:13%"] Yes




    [TD="width:26%"] Merchants


    [TD="width:13%"] Yes




    [TD="width:26%"] Dust Recyclers


    [TD="width:13%"] ??


    [TD="width:61%"] Debatable usefulness








    [TD="width:26%"] Maluses w/ Little Impact






    [TD="width:26%"] Unskilled Builders


    [TD="width:13%"] ??


    [TD="width:61%"] Buyout?








    [TD="width:26%"] Crippling Maluses






    [TD="width:26%"] Dust Impaired




    [TD="width:61%"] Only if you plan on throwing dust into combat a lot


    [TD="width:26%"] Spendthrifts




    [TD="width:61%"] Worst malus


    0Send private message
    12 years ago
    Jul 17, 2012, 9:51:30 AM
    Applicable to Expansion Victories

    Expansion is very similar to Supremacy but is less focused and does not necessarily focus on conquest but all forms of gaining planets.

    The following table is for non military Expansion see the Supremacy table for military Expansion, any item listed twice is done so because it has a different effect in application to non military Expansion.


    [TD="width:26%"] Beneficial Affinities


    [TD="width:13%"] Exponential


    [TD="width:61%"] Notes


    [TD="width:26%"] Craver


    [TD="width:13%"] Yes


    [TD="width:61%"] Locust points allow for quick expansion but require constant growth to allow for depleted systems


    [TD="width:26%"] Pilgrim


    [TD="width:13%"] Yes


    [TD="width:61%"] Smart use of heroes allow fast expansion by seeding full grown colonies from a central point


    [TD="width:26%"] Ameoba


    [TD="width:13%"] ??


    [TD="width:61%"] Can be be useful to allow for optimal expansion








    [TD="width:26%"] Beneficial Traits






    [TD="width:26%"] Fast travelers


    [TD="width:13%"] Yes


    [TD="width:61%"] Allows for faster expansion


    [TD="width:26%"] Tolerant


    [TD="width:13%"] ??


    [TD="width:61%"] Very expensive but can be quite useful early game, useless late game


    [TD="width:26%"] Crowded Planets


    [TD="width:13%"] ??


    [TD="width:61%"] Makes smaller planets worth colonizing


    [TD="width:26%"] Cloning


    [TD="width:13%"] Yes


    [TD="width:61%"] Expensive








    [TD="width:26%"] Maluses w/ Little Impact






    [TD="width:26%"] Deep Roots


    [TD="width:13%"] ??


    [TD="width:61%"] Does not effect non military Expansion, crippling to military expansion


    [TD="width:26%"] Stellar Guardians


    [TD="width:13%"] ??


    [TD="width:61%"] Easy way to control territory


    [TD="width:26%"] Crippling Maluses






    [TD="width:26%"] Nothing specific






    0Send private message
    12 years ago
    Jul 17, 2012, 9:50:59 AM
    Applicable to Supremacy Victories

    Many of the following items are arguably exponential or not because they rely on being used properly, better ships may make it much faster to conquer giving you more territory which in turn allows you to conquer faster, but only if you have a good strategy to begin with.


    [TD="width:26%"] Beneficial Affinities


    [TD="width:13%"] Exponential


    [TD="width:61%"] Notes


    [TD="width:26%"] Hissho


    [TD="width:13%"] Yes


    [TD="width:61%"] Bushido if you can stack and maintain it is insane allowing for more damage, conquest and ship building








    [TD="width:26%"] Beneficial Traits






    [TD="width:26%"] Rebellion


    [TD="width:13%"] Yes




    [TD="width:26%"] Power Masters


    [TD="width:13%"] ??


    [TD="width:61%"] If you plan on using the hero combat cards this can make it much more affordable such that you can constantly use them


    [TD="width:26%"] Big Fleets


    [TD="width:13%"] ??




    [TD="width:26%"] Fast travelers


    [TD="width:13%"] ??


    [TD="width:61%"] Mobility can allow faster response, good for defense and attack


    [TD="width:26%"] Masters of Illusion


    [TD="width:13%"] ??


    [TD="width:61%"] Allows for massive all defensive guard ships on your planets along with cheap support ships


    [TD="width:26%"] Militarists


    [TD="width:13%"] Yes


    [TD="width:61%"] Not just for military, but also helps to colonize faster


    [TD="width:26%"] Optimal Structure


    [TD="width:13%"] ??




    [TD="width:26%"] Strong Alloys


    [TD="width:13%"] ??




    [TD="width:26%"] Deadly Weapons


    [TD="width:13%"] ??




    [TD="width:26%"] Knowledge Gathering


    [TD="width:13%"] Yes


    [TD="width:61%"] Very quick way to get science early on but is not very useful late game. If you are relying on this for science early game you may have problems if your stuck behind a wormhole


    [TD="width:26%"] Optimal Defense


    [TD="width:13%"] ??




    [TD="width:26%"] Snipers


    [TD="width:13%"] ??


    [TD="width:61%"] Best Supremacy Trait








    [TD="width:26%"] Maluses w/ Little Impact






    [TD="width:26%"] Fragile Hulls


    [TD="width:13%"] No


    [TD="width:61%"] Use an expendable ship strategy with cheap ships with all weapons.


    [TD="width:26%"] Wasted space


    [TD="width:13%"] No


    [TD="width:61%"] Again use expendable ships with all weapon, less room has small impact


    [TD="width:26%"] Offense First


    [TD="width:13%"] ??


    [TD="width:61%"] When used on expendable ships it makes no difference.


    [TD="width:26%"] Space Cadets


    [TD="width:13%"] Yes


    [TD="width:61%"] Only offset if combined with Knowledge Gathering


    [TD="width:26%"] Eternal War


    [TD="width:13%"] ??


    [TD="width:61%"] Not like you were planning on peace








    [TD="width:26%"] Crippling Maluses






    [TD="width:26%"] Deep Roots


    [TD="width:13%"] Yes


    [TD="width:61%"] Makes it much harder to keep and use territory


    [TD="width:26%"] Humane Weapons


    [TD="width:13%"] ??




    [TD="width:26%"] Spray n' Pray


    [TD="width:13%"] ??


    [TD="width:61%"] Horrible, since most combat is decided at long ranges before missiles even hit ships, a negative to accuracy severely impacts ships.


    0Send private message
    12 years ago
    Jul 17, 2012, 9:50:20 AM
    Applicable to All Victories

    This is the catch all category any affinity or trait that is always greatly beneficial. Also listed are maluses that have either little impact or are crippling if taken.

    Note: I place any smiley: food / smiley: industry / smiley: approval increases under the All category for the following reasons:

    • Food grows population, this increases all FIDS.
    • Industry allows faster expansion and building system improvements which increase FIDS.
    • Approval allows you to have higher happiness which increases FIDS.


    [TD="width:26%"] Beneficial Affinities[/TD]

    [TD="width:13%"] Exponential[/TD]

    [TD="width:61%"] Notes[/TD]

    [TD="width:26%"] Horatio[/TD]

    [TD="width:13%"] Yes[/TD]

    [TD="width:61%"] Allows for better control of heroes and for more heroes[/TD]

    [TD="width:26%"] Sower[/TD]

    [TD="width:13%"] Yes[/TD]

    [TD="width:61%"] Allows to specialize in industry while having little impact on food[/TD]

    [TD="width:26%"] [/TD]

    [TD="width:13%"] [/TD]

    [TD="width:61%"] [/TD]

    [TD="width:26%"] Beneficial Traits[/TD]

    [TD="width:13%"] [/TD]

    [TD="width:61%"] [/TD]

    [TD="width:26%"] N-Way Fusion Plants[/TD]

    [TD="width:13%"] Yes[/TD]

    [TD="width:61%"] [/TD]

    [TD="width:26%"] Soil Xenobiology[/TD]

    [TD="width:13%"] Yes[/TD]

    [TD="width:61%"] Increases food output from food exploitation[/TD]

    [TD="width:26%"] Metallic Waters[/TD]

    [TD="width:13%"] Yes[/TD]

    [TD="width:61%"] [/TD]

    [TD="width:26%"] Mineral Rich[/TD]

    [TD="width:13%"] Yes[/TD]

    [TD="width:61%"] [/TD]

    [TD="width:26%"] Rich Soil[/TD]

    [TD="width:13%"] Yes[/TD]

    [TD="width:61%"] [/TD]

    [TD="width:26%"] Legendary Heroes[/TD]

    [TD="width:13%"] Yes*[/TD]

    [TD="width:61%"] IF you get an admin hero will allow for immediate +25 industry.[/TD]

    [TD="width:26%"] Blockade Breakers + Merchants[/TD]

    [TD="width:13%"] Yes[/TD]

    [TD="width:61%"] While this does not give industry or food the combination far

    out weighs its point value for any type of faction.


    [TD="width:26%"] Growth Plan


    [TD="width:13%"] Yes[/TD]

    [TD="width:61%"] Possibly the best trait.[/TD]

    [TD="width:26%"] Optimistic[/TD]

    [TD="width:13%"] Yes[/TD]



    [TD="width:26%"] [/TD]

    [TD="width:13%"] [/TD]

    [TD="width:61%"] [/TD]

    [TD="width:26%"] Maluses w/ Little Impact[/TD]

    [TD="width:13%"] [/TD]

    [TD="width:61%"] [/TD]

    [TD="width:26%"] Feeble Warriors[/TD]

    [TD="width:13%"] No[/TD]

    [TD="width:61%"] Because this malus is a straight amount that never scales it might be detrimental early on but has little effect later in the game[/TD]

    [TD="width:26%"] Sloppy Sawbones[/TD]

    [TD="width:13%"] No[/TD]

    [TD="width:61%"] Has little impact on the game[/TD]

    [TD="width:26%"] Crippling Maluses [/TD]

    [TD="width:13%"] [/TD]

    [TD="width:61%"] [/TD]

    [TD="width:26%"] Poor Soil[/TD]

    [TD="width:13%"] Yes[/TD]



    [TD="width:26%"] Mineral Poor[/TD]

    [TD="width:13%"] Yes[/TD]



    [TD="width:26%"] Black Thumbs[/TD]

    [TD="width:13%"] Yes[/TD]

    [TD="width:61%"] Quite possibly the worst malus in the game[/TD]

    [TD="width:26%"] Pessimistic[/TD]

    [TD="width:13%"] Yes[/TD]



    [TD="width:26%"] Unskilled Builders[/TD]

    [TD="width:13%"] Yes[/TD]

    [TD="width:61%"] Not as bad as some maluses but still not a good idea[/TD]

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