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Things I learned the hard way..now you don't have to - feel free to add to this list

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12 years ago
Jul 14, 2012, 8:23:48 PM
Don't build everything in every system. I didn't realize how many planet types there were at first, so if an improvement had more than 4 types listed in my mind it just meant all of them. This happened until I saw that some improvements just say per pop per planet, and I started paying attention to the types of planet an improvement affects, and if I have those types in my system. Also make sure you have a moon if you build a moon improvement (and as someone else noted those kind of improvements give bonus per population of parent planet not just once per moon).

Make sure the cost is worth the benefit. For example there's an improvement that gives +2 dust per pop, and costs -3 dust. So if you have only 1 pop it will actually be a negative total.

Just because you can colonize a Lava planet doesn't mean you should. Expanding too fast can make your approval go into the strike zone, at which point the population growth will stop. That's very bad. Make sure you have enough approval in that system before hand. Colonize planets with smaller disapproval of type first if possible or build approval increasing improvements (unlock them in the left tech tree - pink triangle in the corner).

Speaking of triangles, they're color coded according to the type of improvement. Green - population, orange - production, gold - dust, blue - science, pink - approval, white - influence. There are more, but some seem a bit confusing to me. Also regarding the tech tree, zoom all the way in to see details for the individual improvements (including icon with corner indicator).
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12 years ago
Aug 7, 2012, 9:14:54 AM
liquidGG wrote:
Bigger ships win. - every time.

Player A: Hey how youre gonna deal with my 10 fleets full of destroyers?

Player B: Come at me bro, got some dreadnoughts waiting for yaa.

End of story: Player A: lost 10 fleets; Player B: lost nothing and is colonizing player A now. lol

Yes, I've learned that in this game 9 times out of 10, quality beats quantity.
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12 years ago
Aug 5, 2012, 7:56:13 AM
Cravers & Horato are jerks to new players.

[EDIT] You can put more than one seed module on ANY kind of ship to colonize/redistribute smiley: stickouttongueopulation: faster.
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12 years ago
Jul 29, 2012, 10:32:12 PM
- Explored moons with a special structure get an orange aura empty ones get a blue aura. Unexplored moons have no aura.

- Using shift-rightclick to move a ship is a terrific way to explore.
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12 years ago
Jul 23, 2012, 3:49:01 AM
-When selecting a new race, or using a new faction affinity on a custom faction, make sure you review the tech tree before starting out to achieve your desired victory selection, different factions get special techs/buildings.

-make sure you understand the tax slider before building system dust increasing improvements, usually below 50% tax they are not worth it.

-Dust and science through trade ARE NOT dependent or related to system output, you could have your tax slider set to 100% or 0% but the dust collected through trade will not change.
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12 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 12:20:27 PM
danuticu1966 wrote:
Hello My name is Daniel I live in USA,AND I PLAYED SEVERAL TIMES the Game Endless Space.Is a fantastic game but at an end after i played 8 hours I was destroyed by another Empire who became bigger.What can I do so this do not happen? And is extremely unfair when you cannot make a fleet more bigger than 5 ships but you get attacked sometimes by 13 enemy ships in 1 battle.This is very unfair and ridiculous.What can i do? Thanks. Dan

There are some techs in the research tree that increase the command size, allowing you to have more ships (or bigger ones). They are on the left part of the tree.
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12 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 2:15:03 AM
Hello My name is Daniel I live in USA,AND I PLAYED SEVERAL TIMES the Game Endless Space.Is a fantastic game but at an end after i played 8 hours I was destroyed by another Empire who became bigger.What can I do so this do not happen? And is extremely unfair when you cannot make a fleet more bigger than 5 ships but you get attacked sometimes by 13 enemy ships in 1 battle.This is very unfair and ridiculous.What can i do? Thanks. Dan
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12 years ago
Jul 15, 2012, 9:49:00 PM
Stalker0 wrote:
Don't expand to other planets in the same system until your first planet gets full, or you can snag an important resource. I commonly expanded to all my planets in my first few games and your approval rating falls sharply

To fix that, look at your options in your system and determine what the shift to morale is based on planet type, anomalies, and or resources. There are times when a first look negative planet is a wash or actually beneficial to the system's morale
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12 years ago
Jul 15, 2012, 3:06:11 PM
davea wrote:
One key piece of information is missing from this tip. In order to unload the colony ship, it either has to be on a previously uncolonized planet in the system, or you have to "scrap" the ship in which case you cannot control which planet the population goes to. (Of course you can drag the population later.) Very few people use this, because of the industry cost of the colony ship.


Don't know if this has changed recently, but I am able to "colonize" a system where all planets are colonized already. I get taken to the Colonize-Screen and can choose which planet to put the population on. There is even a Warning Pop-Up asking if it's okay to transfer.

Found this very useful in my last game where I got the Food->Industry improvement before maxing out my population. This let me fill them up easily.

Two more things I found out and whish I'd known earlier:

-The Food->Industry improvement stops all growth (no food left for population growth it seems)

-Systems with low population grow quickly, it's possible to make population factories (I had two population 7 systems that I used for that purpose. Worked out well in that it took about 3 turns to grow from 6 to 7 and about 3 turns to build the colony ship)
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12 years ago
Aug 9, 2012, 4:14:13 AM
Well, I've clocked 62 hours playing single player and only in my last game did I find out that you can "exterminate" a faction. The diplomacy tab lists them as dead, there's a little in-game popup, and next to their score they get a skull.

I always won my military victories through Supremacy, so I hadn't seen that before until I found that one Amoeba AI that got screwed and didn't even expand once in 60 turns of play. This was on Serious too, not Newbie :3
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12 years ago
Jul 14, 2012, 7:23:52 PM
Don't expand to other planets in the same system until your first planet gets full, or you can snag an important resource. I commonly expanded to all my planets in my first few games and your approval rating falls sharply
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12 years ago
Jul 14, 2012, 6:11:20 PM
EadTaes wrote:
Wrong. In my case 1 on my destroyer fleets would annihilate your dreadnaughts, if they don't manage to do it it will be freaking close then 2nd fleet will absolutely finish the job. More smaller ships is a better choice because it diffuses the oncoming damage over more targets and having fewer ships in your fleet then your enemy makes the oncoming damage your receiving greater. The dreadnaughts are reviving focused fire and the destroyers are receiving diffused fire. But if your destroyers are nothing but weapons then yeah the dreads might win.

I postet that 1 week ago, and it was little bit overeager.

Well, the core point of my post is still valid I guess. YES missilie destroyers can take out anything, but they will most likely die too.

If I encounter in a MP game that my opponnent is going for the glasscannon route I just counter it with cheaper glasscannons.

But since you won't achieve anything by purely building glasscannons or destroyers only, I guess it's just matter of time, when people start to build up proper fleets.
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12 years ago
Jul 14, 2012, 5:36:24 PM
My destroyers aren't Glass Cannons, far from it. Their more on the opposite end of the spectrum.
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12 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 3:46:23 PM
EadTaes wrote:
Wrong. In my case 1 on my destroyer fleets would annihilate your dreadnaughts, if they don't manage to do it it will be freaking close then 2nd fleet will absolutely finish the job. More smaller ships is a better choice because it diffuses the oncoming damage over more targets and having fewer ships in your fleet then your enemy makes the oncoming damage your receiving greater. The dreadnaughts are reviving focused fire and the destroyers are receiving diffused fire. But if your destroyers are nothing but weapons then yeah the dreads might win.

It goes both ways. You absolutely can keep glass cannon destroyers from overrunning everything, but you need to know what you're doing.

See here for a discussion of exactly that:


Here's another link where it's discussed:

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12 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 3:25:31 PM
liquidGG wrote:
Bigger ships win. - every time.

Player A: Hey how youre gonna deal with my 10 fleets full of destroyers?

Player B: Come at me bro, got some dreadnoughts waiting for yaa.

End of story: Player A: lost 10 fleets; Player B: lost nothing and is colonizing player A now. lol

Wrong. In my case 1 on my destroyer fleets would annihilate your dreadnaughts, if they don't manage to do it it will be freaking close then 2nd fleet will absolutely finish the job. More smaller ships is a better choice because it diffuses the oncoming damage over more targets and having fewer ships in your fleet then your enemy makes the oncoming damage your receiving greater. The dreadnaughts are reviving focused fire and the destroyers are receiving diffused fire. But if your destroyers are nothing but weapons then yeah the dreads might win.
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12 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 3:16:14 PM
Shivetya wrote:
Use colony ships to take people from a system you don't need them to another you do.

One key piece of information is missing from this tip. In order to unload the colony ship, it either has to be on a previously uncolonized planet in the system, or you have to "scrap" the ship in which case you cannot control which planet the population goes to. (Of course you can drag the population later.) Very few people use this, because of the industry cost of the colony ship.
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12 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 11:51:09 AM
Use colony ships to take people from a system you don't need them to another you do. It is quite possible you end up developing a system early on that you end up not using except to Ind->Dust or Ind->Science. Perhaps you took it because it had one really good planet (terran/jungle/ocean) or to block another from taking it. Regardless, when it spends most of its time doing nothing with full or near full pop use its population to expand to other system or, more importantly expand a system you already control

Watch multi planet systems to ensure that your getting the maximum growth, industry, or science, from them. When you expand within a system new population does not always go to the most favorable planet. Sometimes it is best to move population from low food producing planets to another to increase overall system growth.
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12 years ago
Aug 10, 2012, 9:40:15 PM
What I saw for the moment is that the AI never did fleets with more than 12k MP (is that the right acronym ?), but it's maybe because I played in Normal. But wehn you've more (20k) you're undefeatable.
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12 years ago
Dec 7, 2012, 10:46:37 PM
Pirates are easy to prevent. They don't spawn (except by random events), except in explored systems that nobody has vision of. Build some cheap scout ships, and park them in the explored but uncolonized systems so you have them all under observation, and no Pirates will pop up.
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12 years ago
Dec 7, 2012, 9:27:55 PM
>6. Always check to make sure all your systems are doing something...the bottom square where the name of the colony is should have something on it..if it doesn't PUT SOMETHING THERE. The game doesn't warn you if a colony isn't doing anything..just if you have no science being researched.

Automatons said they check if their SI are not over 70%.

And unless in urgent, or for something adds a big FIDS which can be done in 1 turn, they should doing nothing.
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