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Text Errors

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13 years ago
May 17, 2012, 5:02:26 PM
The hero Koro Stillsail is referred to as both male and female. Unless Koro has an *extremely* colorful backstory this seems like an error :eek:
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13 years ago
May 17, 2012, 5:06:27 PM
Yay! I'm not the only grammar Nazi here!!

Planet Anomaly: Frozen reads "...through a constant cycle of freeing and thawing."
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13 years ago
May 17, 2012, 5:25:19 PM
After creating 26 fleets (without editing the name of the fleets), the 27th fleet name shows up as "%FleetNameIndex24"

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13 years ago
May 18, 2012, 4:18:07 PM

The event states: "Whether they are aliens or similar to you, the recruitment and development of Heroes of this quality bodes well for your empire. Any leader requires talented subordinates, and your appear to be among the best."

Should be "yours".
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13 years ago
May 18, 2012, 5:17:29 PM
In the latest alpha update Version 0.30.3, the spelling error in the description of a Red Supergiant star system is still there.


I don't know when you plan on dealing with a lot of the spelling/grammar issues however they seem to be like the easiest things to fix in the game so I figured I'd post again as a reminder to have that on your "to fix" list. Just in case you guys forgot or overlooked it.
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13 years ago
May 18, 2012, 11:14:10 PM
I've noticed that the weapons statistics have an item "Salve" and the apparent number of shots fired per volley. "Salvo" is probably what is correct.

Definitions that I found:

Salve: a topical medication

Salvo: a simultaneous discharge of firearms
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13 years ago
May 19, 2012, 2:59:04 AM
From the english\localization.xml (.30.5)

To save some sanity on both ends, I'm just going to leave these as xml snippets. Changes are bolded.

An old galaxy whose arms have disappeared, forming a stretched elliptical galaxy. This is like a flattened disc galaxy.

The sizes of the planets in a star system are random.

Harnessing the economic power of myriad systems and controlling vast reservoirs of Dust, the galaxy is a great spider's web with you at the center. What you do not own you can buy and what you cannot buy you have the power to destroy. Friends and enemies alike bow their heads in awe.

Home Planet Type: Various

Diplomatic Alignment: Evil

Gameplay: Annoying

Main Victory Type: Military

The universe is full of wealth and riches, and there are those who would rather take what has already been created than do the hard work themselves. While military expeditions generally destroy these bands of pirates or raiders before they become too powerful, one syndicate of pirate-traders, known as ABC (the Autonomous Bastards' Collective), has grown sufficiently large and wealthy to constitute a serious threat to galactic development.

EDIT by vieuxchat : Thread merged.
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13 years ago
May 20, 2012, 3:15:58 AM
How about metalic waters? The flavor text says it grants a scientific boon, but the mechanics indicate that it's a bonus to production.

One of them is clearly wrong (friend and I agree: it should be a bonus to production, as those metals are easy to harvest).
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13 years ago
May 20, 2012, 4:05:41 PM
The text for Barren Transformation is misleading. Stating that it is preferable to Asteroids and Gas Giants makes it seem as though you can transform them into Barren planets, which is impossible.
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13 years ago
May 20, 2012, 7:51:34 PM
This is a text improvement, not so much a bug. Most of the AI ships past the first level have class names like MEDIUMTERRANTEMPLATE1. This is not very flavorful. The first level ships have nice names with some thought given to the race, such as Marauder, Seer, etc. Please give similar nice names to the larger ships instead of using TEMPLATE for all. It would be "even nicer" to have a small selection of 2-3 names for each race and size, then randomly pick one. I bet a contest to provide these names would get a big turnout. (Maybe I will start a thread.)
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13 years ago
May 21, 2012, 7:36:46 PM
Today I ran into a text error in the diplomacy screen. I figure it's one of the notorious typos in a game variable, given I received the messages "%DealPriceToLowRefusedTitle". Game version is 0.30.5.

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13 years ago
May 21, 2012, 8:08:02 PM
notice in the picture below, it say alter the ammount of DUST, yet no dust is exchanging hands here...

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13 years ago
May 21, 2012, 8:20:05 PM
Many negotiation failures have non-present text.

One of them is attempting to sell a technology (for dust) and getting a NoTechTradeTitle* failure.

*I forget the actual text.
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13 years ago
May 22, 2012, 11:07:55 PM
Stealth Construction's description says it gives "+5 defense on star system".

I think that should be "+5 defense per pop on star system".

Edit: Same thing on Impervious Bunkers.
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13 years ago
May 22, 2012, 11:30:48 PM
Ack! +5 *per pop* that is +100 on many systems? We *really* need hover help which tells the total attack strength and defense strength during ground combat.
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13 years ago
May 30, 2012, 7:13:29 AM
I noticed that in Research screen, the Colonize gas giant ability (under Atmospheric Filtering tech) has wrong tooltip. It reads "Temporary tooltip", should be "Colonization".
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