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Cool, they fixed the MP exploit...

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13 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 3:26:18 AM
Chibiabos wrote:
I miss it already smiley: frown I would always play two Nano Repairs after a Retreat, or at least one Nano Repair if I was confident I would win the fight by the medium range battle stage, now it doesn't work :/ Worse, Retreat now allows two combat rounds instead of one, so I get a double dose of Kinetic or Laser weapons. :/

Just use tactical retreat! smiley: biggrin
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13 years ago
Jul 23, 2012, 7:27:19 PM
Milaha wrote:
Just as a PSA, you can still create races with unlimited points using 3rd party apps, these races can still be used in MP. Keep checking your opponents to make sure they are not cheating.

Ah the bane of every new game trying to establish a multiplayer presence. smiley: frown
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13 years ago
Jul 14, 2012, 6:19:52 AM
Just as a PSA, you can still create races with unlimited points using 3rd party apps, these races can still be used in MP. Keep checking your opponents to make sure they are not cheating.
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13 years ago
Jul 14, 2012, 2:45:44 AM
Being able to repair mid battle at all was always a mistake. A battle is going to last a couple hours at most, and ending a single turn is how long? A year? More? Why can't I use the queue on one of my star systems to say..."Hey...use part of your industry production this turn to repair your fleet, stupid."

Building a completely new fleet should not be the best option when replacing a functional-but-damaged fleet in friendly territory, especially when one turn is much longer than three phase battle.

Side note, if missiles are flying at you after the enemy has been destroyed, they should all(or like 300% more than usual) be intercepted if you have interceptors. Logically this could happen because your crew isn't fighting anymore. Their biggest and only worry at the end of that battle is the giant horde of missiles flying at them, so they can suddenly focus on that and not lose a couple more ships like idiots.
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13 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 10:21:40 AM
Mansen wrote:
No - we are complaining that the nerf to the battle cards doesn't make sense. A 3 phase battle will result in more repairs than a quick 1-2 phase fight. The repair cards need to be changed to be less "luck" based (i.e. the longer a fight the more repair you get - which can mean up to a full repair by fighting a useless enemy)

Well let us be honest, using repair cards in any other phase than the first should result in your ass being thoroughly kicked.
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13 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 9:33:17 AM
Hupailija wrote:
If you want to play purely single player this is rather easy change, I am not going to tell here in general section how to do this (I am not sure how interested people are too see coding where it shouldn't be) but basically you take fleet mod and turn it upside down and then adjust ship module costs (and those power).

But the standard single player game should be fun for everyone and the general consensus seems to agree that the AI is spamming too many useless fleets (gameplay wise they do not present you with a challenge, since the AI never upgrdes them; you just attack x times and they're mostly dead). Mods should not be needed in order to make the basic game playable (ES is agreat game, don't get that worng, but some fine tuning is still needed). Sure some people might have different preferences, but the fleet spamming is a general product of AI behaviour and does not have that much in common with what the player himself is doing.
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13 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 9:21:25 AM

Please don't start "fixing" things in MP that have a big negative impact on SP. There are a lot of games that destroyed the Single Player experience by "optimizing" the game for Multi-Player. I am not talking exclusively about this patch, because it might be just a bug you have fixed. But please, keep that in mind for further patches.. because not everyone's focus is on MP.


... please fix that missiles still hit you after the battle is over. Either give me my repair cards back or end the combat directly after the enemies ships are destroyed. Missiles are already strong as hell and they favour those large level 1 AI fleets with a million of ships. Fighting them is no fun and the repair card helped immensely in killing them.

... how logic is it that a card in battle can heal much more than the ships outside of battle?? Unless I miss some improvement that helps repairing fleets outside battle faster... why is the crew not using their nano-bot "card" when no other ship is around?

It's fine if developers decides to aim for multiplayer fixes, we can in modding section then later clean their changes in single player if there is need.

Which reminds me: if you want to balance purely single player or complain about and don't care about multiplayer. Come to modding forums. I hate to codes in general section (mostly because this isn't meant for that)

and what you want is really really really easy to do with just changing couple lines in code. Actually if you read throug modding section you should be able to do it.

So yeah, if you want something come to modding forum and either a) make new post or b) post to previous post. We have plenty of persons ready to either shout to you, tell you why you are wrong or in worst case: tell how you make game how you like it.

Yes, the amount of fleets in harder games is just hard to cope with. I don't mind micromanagement, but it is definitely too much (also, rallying your own ships becomes tedious if you're building around 20-50 CP every turn). as others have wisely suggested, make each ship more valuable (higher ind costs, more upkeep) and we might have a good balance smiley: wink.

I mean picking repair in every manual battle just because you'll have to fight another 15 fleets is just as bad smiley: wink.

If you want to play purely single player this is rather easy change, I am not going to tell here in general section how to do this (I am not sure how interested people are too see coding where it shouldn't be) but basically you take fleet mod and turn it upside down and then adjust ship module costs (and those power).
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13 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 9:16:41 AM
mart.n wrote:
A better way would be to give the AI logic an intention to build proper fleets instead of those swarms of ships that takes hours to fight. And giving players an improvement ("repair bay") to repair their ships faster out off combat.

True, but the fix they implemented was needed. Too many players exploited this in SP and MP. But you're right somethings needs to be done about those swarms of ships. AI really needs better fleet management.
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13 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 8:45:21 AM
mart.n wrote:
A better way would be to give the AI logic an intention to build proper fleets instead of those swarms of ships that takes hours to fight. And giving players an improvement ("repair bay") to repair their ships faster out off combat.

Yes, the amount of fleets in harder games is just hard to cope with. I don't mind micromanagement, but it is definitely too much (also, rallying your own ships becomes tedious if you're building around 20-50 CP every turn). as others have wisely suggested, make each ship more valuable (higher ind costs, more upkeep) and we might have a good balance smiley: wink.

I mean picking repair in every manual battle just because you'll have to fight another 15 fleets is just as bad smiley: wink.
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13 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 7:26:25 AM
A better way would be to give the AI logic an intention to build proper fleets instead of those swarms of ships that takes hours to fight. And giving players an improvement ("repair bay") to repair their ships faster out off combat.
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13 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 7:19:23 AM
The whole repair thing was more of an exploit anyway. I'd often engange in fights you'd win anyway (scoutships) just to heal my fleet. I'm glad that this mechanic has been reduced a bit. It was not an elegant way of beating the AI anyway.
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13 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 7:06:36 AM
Please don't start "fixing" things in MP that have a big negative impact on SP. There are a lot of games that destroyed the Single Player experience by "optimizing" the game for Multi-Player. I am not talking exclusively about this patch, because it might be just a bug you have fixed. But please, keep that in mind for further patches.. because not everyone's focus is on MP.


... please fix that missiles still hit you after the battle is over. Either give me my repair cards back or end the combat directly after the enemies ships are destroyed. Missiles are already strong as hell and they favour those large level 1 AI fleets with a million of ships. Fighting them is no fun and the repair card helped immensely in killing them.

... how logic is it that a card in battle can heal much more than the ships outside of battle?? Unless I miss some improvement that helps repairing fleets outside battle faster... why is the crew not using their nano-bot "card" when no other ship is around?
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13 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 5:31:07 AM
No more free repairs for me now lol smiley: smile

The one reason I could hold out at a chokepoint system with smaller-sized fleets was by constantly playing barrier + nano repair + nano repair, easily keeping my fleet at full hp. Without that, things are going to be a whole lot more difficult with serious AI or greater :P

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13 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 4:33:20 AM
ArrowLance wrote:
Hey, repair mods are looking better now.

I know it is high up the industry/materials tree but did you not like living hulls? Fleet wide regen both in and out of combat?
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13 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 9:22:14 PM
and got one I didn't realize was happening but apparently I was taking advantage of...

Fixed an issue where all battle cards were played even if the battle ended before the final phase.
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13 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 1:59:13 AM
Leonoux wrote:
The support modules do a good job of repair out of combat, but I think it's funny now that people are complaining about their super fleets taking damage now. The general consensus was that it was too easy to take an awesome fleet right through an AI. Now it is an issue that it's taking too much damage?

This is what i run once i get my support ships going and a little spare space on everything else, get enough of these modules and your fleet keeps on ticking.
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13 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 1:43:14 AM
People like to complain... i got used to it.

But it is not about the AI battles but MP they complain about (As you usually outtech the AI most of the times you dont take anydamge to repair anyway smiley: biggrin )
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13 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 1:40:39 AM
Leonoux wrote:
The support modules do a good job of repair out of combat, but I think it's funny now that people are complaining about their super fleets taking damage now. The general consensus was that it was too easy to take an awesome fleet right through an AI. Now it is an issue that it's taking too much damage?

No - we are complaining that the nerf to the battle cards doesn't make sense. A 3 phase battle will result in more repairs than a quick 1-2 phase fight. The repair cards need to be changed to be less "luck" based (i.e. the longer a fight the more repair you get - which can mean up to a full repair by fighting a useless enemy)
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13 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 1:36:55 AM
The support modules do a good job of repair out of combat, but I think it's funny now that people are complaining about their super fleets taking damage now. The general consensus was that it was too easy to take an awesome fleet right through an AI. Now it is an issue that it's taking too much damage?
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13 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 1:33:17 AM
It'd be nice if you could at least build some kind of structure on a planet to enable it to repair ships faster.
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13 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 1:08:35 AM
Shivetya wrote:
okay, is it preventing people from using exploited races in mp actually? It stops you from creating one but what about selecting an existing one?

Well i noticed 3 things:

1st my "God" Race based on Sheriden had removed all of its Abilites after the patch.

2nd when i try to create an "God" Race by hand (editing another custom race with) the file will be deletet on the start of the game (when the exisiting Custom races are loaded)

3rd when i try to creat any cutsom race that would be valid by hand it will keep it and you can access it like any other custom race you created ingame (too from another Existing Custom race, as there is a kind of checksum/encoding part in the name Line of the custom races files i havent figured out yet)

So the exploit/God races should be dealt with by now in MP and SP


And yeah they should rework this repair Mechanic somehow completly or at least should adjust the Rates of infight and offfight repair alot towards offfightrepair (or even better remove infight repair :P) at least...

But thasts just my opinion, we will see what they/we will decide on that matter
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13 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 11:47:01 PM
M'yeah - I'm not overly satisfied with how repairs work now. I used to be able to keep a single fleet running forever against endless AI fleets. Simply because they wasted the enemy in phase 1, then repaired once or twice before each combat ended.
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13 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 11:11:13 PM
okay, is it preventing people from using exploited races in mp actually? It stops you from creating one but what about selecting an existing one?
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13 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 10:01:44 PM
Honestly, the nano-repair thing makes so little sense to take away. So I can repair as long as one enemy ship manages to last to 85% of the previous phase and gets the long drawn out explosion animation that takes it into the next phase ... but if I blow it up 2 seconds earlier, I lose the chance?
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13 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 9:50:55 PM
Chibiabos wrote:
I miss it already smiley: frown I would always play two Nano Repairs/
Yep, me too.
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13 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 9:32:40 PM
I miss it already smiley: frown I would always play two Nano Repairs after a Retreat, or at least one Nano Repair if I was confident I would win the fight by the medium range battle stage, now it doesn't work :/ Worse, Retreat now allows two combat rounds instead of one, so I get a double dose of Kinetic or Laser weapons. :/
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