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A rant about carebears

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12 years ago
Aug 30, 2012, 12:18:22 AM
DarkSchemo wrote:
but on what are you based then your arguments?Only on storys from others?or from the forum?

look at other games and ther forums.They are full with nerf and whining threads...example?Star Craft, C&C Generals, Diablo, War Craft, Star Wars old republic......

Buff her, nerf ther.All will see his own race in front of the others!

Hissho are one of the reasons I don't play online as much anymore. Any other questions?
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12 years ago
Aug 30, 2012, 12:21:42 AM
DarkSchemo wrote:
Whats your favourite race?Cravers?

Yup. There's nothing I don't like about them. I like their ship designs, their backstory, and their faction traits.

Amoeba are probably my second favorite. I would like the Sowers more but their ship designs are pretty bad for my tastes.
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12 years ago
Aug 30, 2012, 12:25:26 AM
I play cravers too as main race togehter with sophons.And now i have a third hissoh racesmiley: smile

I win many games with my Cravers versus the hissoh, will you wright your race configs?If you dont will wright it in the forum send me via PM.
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12 years ago
Aug 30, 2012, 12:27:01 AM
DarkSchemo wrote:
I play cravers too as main race togehter with sophons.And now i have a third hissoh racesmiley: smile

I win many games with my Cravers versus the hissoh, will you wright your race configs?If you dont will wright it in the forum send me via PM.

Race configs? I'm not big on all this techno-speak!
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12 years ago
Aug 30, 2012, 12:30:55 AM
hmmm i wright it wrong?

You have made you your own race or?And set the affinity to craver.What are your settings ther, for your own race.

Sry my english...very difficult to talk over so special topics.
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12 years ago
Aug 30, 2012, 12:32:10 AM
DarkSchemo wrote:
hmmm i wright it wrong?

You have made you your own race or?And set the affinity to craver.What are your settings ther, for your own race.

Sry my english...very difficult to talk over so special topics.

I'm still not sure what you're asking. If you're asking if I mod the race, I don't. I haven't tried any mods or tweaks yet. I just use the vanilla Cravers.
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12 years ago
Aug 30, 2012, 12:36:11 AM
You have not create a own race for multiplayer matches.....it is no wonder that you loose then verus a hissoh player that create his own race.

You cant stay in multiplayer with the standard races, you learn this very fast in MP Matches.
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12 years ago
Sep 2, 2012, 12:04:28 PM
in that case, its multiplayer right, people can do what they want that is inside what the game allows. make alliances, gang up on someone, exploit things, steamroll rush the galaxy, win from wonders, cook the map settings, etc. Trainers/Hacking definitely not good. Exploits are borderline but the game technically allows it, tho unintended, it is up to the company to resolve these issues as soon as possible before they drive people away.

All players play to enjoy the game, whether its winning slow, fast, or just being diplomatic and making some big trade empire, or holding your line against aggressive players for 60 turns. Whatever your preference is, it does NOT give you the right to deny it from others. As such, if you want to have a fantasy galaxy where everything goes your way, play single player. If you want all the random interactions and elements involved with multiplayer, then play multiplayer. You want to float peacefully around in the water, don't do it in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
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12 years ago
Sep 2, 2012, 12:06:20 PM
Kyu wrote:
in that case, its multiplayer right, people can do what they want that is inside what the game allows. make alliances, gang up on someone, exploit things, steamroll rush the galaxy, win from wonders, cook the map settings, etc. Trainers/Hacking definitely not good. Exploits are borderline but the game technically allows it, tho unintended, it is up to the company to resolve these issues as soon as possible before they drive people away.

All players play to enjoy the game, whether its winning slow, fast, or just being diplomatic and making some big trade empire, or holding your line against aggressive players for 60 turns. Whatever your preference is, it does NOT give you the right to deny it from others. As such, if you want to have a fantasy galaxy where everything goes your way, play single player. If you want all the random interactions and elements involved with multiplayer, then play multiplayer. You want to float peacefully around in the water, don't do it in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

Nobody's ever invited you to a luxury cruise ship and then dropped you into the Atlantic with a bootleg yacht.
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12 years ago
Sep 2, 2012, 1:54:47 PM
Not yet, but I'm sure there is a reality show for that somewhere on someone's desk.
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12 years ago
Aug 26, 2012, 9:29:38 PM
i have made in my earlyer endless space time some mistakes versus hissoh and lost 1 matche because my mistakes.its not a good idea too send a hissoh a garbagefleet, just keep this in mind and the hissoh has nothing more like you.
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12 years ago
Aug 21, 2012, 1:07:13 PM
Balam wrote:
There aren't many people playing mp to begin with and that kind of slant can be very damaging.

For what its worth i agree 100% with you on that, it only takes one annoying loud mouth loser to get it so you have a hard time getting into any MP games.

Tho as long time eve player, and as a care bear i just want to point out we are not all like that. smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Aug 21, 2012, 9:05:25 PM
I like to pvp as much as the next guy, (Anarchy Online, Magic the Gathering, ToR, Aion, Starcraft, ect.)

But I've always found the term "carebear" offensive and short sighted. I am of the mind that eveyone should be able to play a game they way they want to. This is especially true in mmos, the economy simply doesn't work without pvpers, pvers, dedicated crafters, and everyone inbetween. I personally haven't set foot in Endless Space multiplayer yet, and I won't until I refine my playstyle.

I'm not defending the guy you are ranting about, infact, his behavior is quite deplorable. You have my condolenses, something like that would ruin my mood for the rest of the evening. Unfortunately, most people are quick to blame something--anything--everything--but themselves. Especially when they don't understand what's going on. Don't take this guy personally, and try to think of his slander as just a drop in the bucket. If you reach out here, maybe you can find some like minded players to add to your freinds list!
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12 years ago
Aug 22, 2012, 12:25:35 AM
There is a couple of threads here that discuss this notion of a turn 40 etiquette and the guffaws of laughter in response. There a number in both camps.

As to the care bear label, I would only add that those who prefer to take the game at their own pace, and enjoy expansion, research, etc and for unwanted aggression to not affect them is not in and of itself 'care bear' in my book.

Those who advocate isolating them, changing the game(s), and limiting or eliminating the other side of the equation - those are care bears. Game balancing and fixing things that are unfair are ok. As stated by Rudest the games take all sides to be a good game.
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12 years ago
Aug 23, 2012, 12:52:16 AM
Balam wrote:
Sorry about the rant I just got called a hacker and gotta get it out of the system.

First I want to say that I'm not that good, in fact I still got a lot to learn.

I've played with some who were better than me, some who were my equals, but most of the people are clueless. Nothing wrong about being clueless though, this game got a step learning curve. What upsets me are the ones who refuse to learn and even insult you when they get beaten.


I like to rush and it just irks people sometimes. Most take it well actually but a few make it personal. Just a while ago I played with this carebear who quit because I rushed someone "before turn 40". And if that's not enough, he started to insult me and called me a hacker. I wouldn't care about that usually but somehow he managed to convince the other players and that I was hacking. There aren't many people playing mp to begin with and that kind of slant can be very damaging.

Now the best part. His reasoning to think I was hacking? After losing the game he saw in the pie that I had 38 command points. By the way he was talking he assumed that it meant that I was able to get a fleet with 38 CP when actually it simply means that I had a total of38 CP spread among several fleets. Yeah, lame right?

/rant off

Well, that felt good. Thanks for reading!

No Balam, the issue was that you had nearly 5000MP and 38CP before turn 30, not that you were rushing, and I wasn't even the first to quit, as it was not me that you even attacked that match, I was just the host. (EDIT: Do note that at this same time, the highest MP below you was something like 100-200, with 4-5CP, in an EIGHT PLAYER GAME. Whatever you want to say about your build, there's no point playing a match when one player is so disproportionately powerful relative to the rest of the players, period. NOT TO MENTION you also SOMEHOW figured out how to research wormhole tech on top of all of that!)

I did misinterpret the CP graph. I did indeed think that meant you had 38CP in each of your fleets. I admit I rarely look at the various scores, so when I looked at your CP on a whim because SOMEONE ELSE called you a hacker before quitting and I wanted to see what they were talking about, I saw you with 38CP, and everyone else with what appeared to me to be the "normal" CP of 3-6.

Now, I'm clear now that you were not hacking, and I apologize. I'm sure the FIRST person to call you out for hacking is sorry too, or would be if they understood the Hissho build you were using. I apologize that I was incredulous that you could make a race in this game that is essentially a Win Button, I put more faith in Amplitude than that.

I now understand that there is a Hissho build in the wild that is essentially unconquerable. It is at best --HORRIDLY OP-- and at worst, a glaring flaw in the game design and mechanics of Bushido.

Having said that, the rush game is asinine, boring, repetitive, and worst of all in the case of that particular Hissho build, *completely unstoppable.* What is the f'ing point of wasting 50+ turns fighting a hopeless battle? Can you imagine playing a game of WeiQi/Go, as Black, while White gets to put down 6 stones every turn for your 1 stone? What about playing a game of Chess, as Black, where White gets to move 3 pieces on the first turn, and 2 per turn after that? The point is, there is no strategy in that, it's a heart attack with a terminal diagnosis.

As for turn 40 etiquette, some of us more mature players who enjoy empire building love a good fight as much as the next guy, but it's f'ing moronic to have TWO systems and fighting an all out war! It's not fun, it's not engaging, it's not immersive. It's ubiquitously repetitive, slow, boring, moronic.

Let's face it, combat resolution in ES is goddamn broken. It's broken for large single player games, and it is goddamn surely broken for large multi-player games.

But I digress.

Endgame analysis: Hissho are banned from my games until Amplitude repair Bushido. NOT nerf. Repair; because like the endlessly monotonous combat resolution, Bushido - is f'ing broken.
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12 years ago
Aug 23, 2012, 2:48:44 AM
M11xStryker wrote:
What do you mean only two systems at 40 turns!?

Oh, sorry, that was a really poorly formulated sentence. I meant to just draw focus to the turn 40 debate vs. rushing. It needn't be turn 40 by the time the rush happens, in fact if you only have 2 systems by turn 40 then you deserve to get sacked. I just meant that a rush can ruin the game UP TO turn 40+ for example if I get rushed at turn 25, wardec'd and invaded, it's perfectly reasonable to have only 2-3 systems ans still working on improvements with maybe a tiny fleet with a few piddly kinetics and torps if you were extremely lucky to get Titanium on one of your colonies and get N-way quickly.

Point is: the rush is just boring. Boring. Not fun. Boring. It has nothing to do with losing even! It's just stupid!

EDIT: I'm not saying rushing should be IMPOSSIBLE. I'm just saying (and it wasn't even my main point, the main paint is Hissho are f'ing broken), that at least give players an option to limit it, or EVEN BETTER, have a community that will STFU or GTFO when someone is trying to build a slower game who wants to actually, y'know, actually f'ing have something worth fighting for before getting wardec'd.

EDIT 2: OH, and the rush wouldn't even be that big of a deal if it weren't for the idiotic map making engine! I mean, I'm fine getting invaded if it's a fair fight, but getting invaded when I have nothing but a small Arid starting colony and a Tundra with a FIDS malus anomaly, and they have a f'ing Jungle and Terran in their STARTING systems and a colony on an Arid with Hygens Rings....

♥♥♥♥ that.

EDIT 3: See here now /#/endless-space/forum/28-game-design/thread/11299-fix-maps.
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