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Since latest patch, most of my huge friends list will not play Endless Space any more

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12 years ago
Dec 26, 2012, 6:41:17 PM
I have to add I am sad this exellent game does not also have an exellent multiplayer feature. This game could really be in the hall of fame if they fixed all the issues. I am not playing until the multiplayer is patched up into a better condition.
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12 years ago
Dec 26, 2012, 5:35:18 PM
Мне очень понравилась игра и поэтому не в укор ей, а только на благо хочу сказать, что из за многочисленных багов (которых было очень мало до выхода патчей) я не одной игры не смог доиграть и прошу предпринять меры для исправлении ситуации. Я поддерживаю мнение DMT, что терпеть уже не возможно!

I really liked the game and therefore it is not a reproach, but only for the benefit of saying that because of the numerous bugs (which was very little before the patches) I one game and could not finish the request to take measures to remedy the situation. I support the opinion of DMT, which endure no longer possible!
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12 years ago
Dec 26, 2012, 5:11:11 PM
DMT wrote:
Hello Amplitude, I have been and still am an avid player in this community.

However, since latest "addon" 99% of my friends will not play any more due to all the new bugs, lag and sync issues.

Today my first game ended at turn 15, a player left and the autobattle dialogue was permanently counting. Would not go away. Reload, 3/6 rejoin, game dead.

People complain about a lot of new lag, I have experienced this myself. It can take >10 seconds for an action to register. I often built 3 or 4x a planet improvement in queue if I click more than once when this is normally impossible.

All the old "out of sync" issues are still present and if anything its gotten worse.

Amplitude, you really need to find solutions to all the existing problems before you spend time on and introduce new game breaking features.

Since patch I never had so many crash to desktops (in fact it was non existent before, now its prominent)

I experienced same issues.. Please fix multiplayer cause you are start to lose players rapidly.
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12 years ago
Dec 26, 2012, 4:09:46 PM
After yet another invitation by DMT, he asked me to reply here. I can safely say I played every night for a few weeks, often the top raking player (always lost from DMT though). So I refuse to play this game since i think all-in-all i have only managed to complete 3 games without a desync. This was acceptable in the early multiplayer-age (around the 2000's) but this buggyness is unique for Endless Space.

Knowning my way around software dev, i am fairly certain the whole MP structure has to be rewritten. It is remarkable that there is only 1 player that hosts a game, acts as a sever. You guys should centralize this. I mean, there are never more than 10~20 games going on in a certain time frame, i am certain one centralized server can take care of that. Because, if the host leaves: game over. That last fact happened every other game after your brilliant 'free-steam-weekend'. After that dozens of idiotic players game in and generally ruined all the games by hosting, dropping, messing around.

*IF* you guys get your head around this and fix is properly, this game can end up one of the *top strategy games*. Generally, the only price it will win is most buggy, and most fraudulent, as you have sold me a E30 game that is not finished.
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