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Trait balance.

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12 years ago
Apr 8, 2013, 2:24:50 PM
atm i like the balance of the traits very much .It is very balanced after the last patch which was created out of the experiences of the players

(except Tolerant trait and big fleets imo)

- Strong Alloys mhh i didnt saw this one soooo often in MP

- many but not everyone but this is the fault of the OP of the Admin Hero...cause if u havent an admin u wanna at least this.

- well not every trait can be usefull as the other there will always be a difference but the point gain of Sloby Sawbones was already decreased.

Affinitys are way more unbalanced.
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12 years ago
Apr 8, 2013, 2:12:59 PM
You're gonna have to explain why you don't take those two, tough.

There's solid math behind it, which i can post if you want, for both of them.
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12 years ago
Apr 7, 2013, 8:56:03 PM
As someone who doesn't take Strong Alloys or Mineral Rich (ever) with any affinity that doesn't have a Terran as a starting planet...:P

I disagree.

The core problem is the underpowered affinities that need buffing (Sowers, Pilgrims, Amoeba, Automatons [themicroinmultiplayerwithtimerisimpossibleatlaterstagesofthegame], Horatio). The racial traits are more or less fine as is.

I'm more worried about the desync issues and the fact the game state isn't verified by the host.
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