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Mod Shopping Mall

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11 years ago
Dec 9, 2013, 8:06:09 PM
Oh, yeah, guess I should add this here:

Endless Homestuck: A Fan Mod

Current Version: 1.0.1

Last Release Date: Jan. 4, 2014

ES Compatible: 1.1.33 (should be 34 too, actually, given that most of the development and testing was done against that one)

Thread: Here

Fan conversion adding the world of Homestuck (by Andrew Hussie at http://www.mspaintadventures.com/) to Endless Space. Current version replaces Hero list with Homestuck characters and planets with the various Lands of Sburb (still working on the custom texture maps).
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12 years ago
Aug 23, 2013, 10:43:52 PM
Version: v0.1

Compatibility: ES Disharmony v1.1.17

My 1st mod... It's something fairly basic but I couldn't find it anywhere. It ups the max number of players to 12.

To accommodate the larger number of players I made 4 new map sizes and changed the region files for Disc, Disc-4 and Ovoid galaxy types to support up to 12 player spawn locations.

I'll fix more galaxy types when I have some free time. Also working on integrating Dagobert's alternativ Galaxy Generation.

Grab it here: /#/endless-space/forum/37-modding/thread/16347-bigger-galaxies-with-more-people-in-them
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11 years ago
Sep 13, 2013, 3:34:55 PM
Updated with the latest mods. If you guys have made anything fun: I'll add it to the list, but please, post it in the thread with a description and a link to your thread. smiley: smile
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11 years ago
Sep 18, 2013, 2:11:38 PM

Hi everyone,

Before we release this modification in our next public update for Disharmony, we would love to get your feedback, so let's see if this how this goes! The features we are working are in progress, hence the mod. Please, note that this is only available for players who own the Disharmony expansion pack; it was the result of the community’s “Help the Harmony” campaign.

smiley: approval Feel free to discuss in the original thread.

smiley: warning Download the mod: HelpHarmony.rar



  • Added a reduction on damage for weapon which are not firing during their range specialty: -50% damage


  • Fixed an issue on a diplomatic behaviour: reduces the probability of multiple wars


  • Fixed a bug regarding the Normal Difficulty reported on the forum
  • Rebalanced game difficulty progression for Harmony


  • Added a property HasTolerantTrait


  • Fixed a bug regarding tolerant trait and starting technology reported by the community


  • Lowered cost of Mineral Memory from 15 to 5


  • Disharmony now affects the planet only and not the system anymore: thus the player can more easily colonise planets with dust and earn some industry / resources from it. However, the science and food will decrease faster than before but only on the planet
  • Fixed an issue on several effects related to natural wonders

PlanetInfrastructure.xml and PlanetInfrastructureDescriptor.xml

  • Added a new planetary infrastructure for Harmony which increases the local deposit of a strategic resource by 1


  • Modified PathPrerequisites for the new Strategic Resource Improvement in order to show it only when the player discovered the strategic resource


  • Removed penalty related to ownership for Harmony: feedback needed as it might be too strong
  • Removed disharmony on system


  • Reduced cost of StarSystemImprovementUniqueHarmony from 500 to 300

StarSystemImprovement.xml and StarSystemImprovementDescriptor.xml

  • Modified the tool tip of StarSystemImprovementDefense4Harmony, thus the bonus in Food and Science is added to the list of modifier


  • Divided damage done by bombers by 2


  • Added the unlock of the new planetary improvement for the Harmony


  • Replaced one of the unique technology of the Pilgrim which was not aesthetically positioned


  • Increased long range accuracy and efficiency
  • Modified MP to reflect the used tonnage

Reminder: you need to download the attachment above, then unzip and place it in your modding folder (Documents > Endless Space > Disharmony > Modding). If the Modding folder does not exist, simply create a new folder and rename it "Modding" and you should be good to go!
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11 years ago
Oct 30, 2013, 4:06:23 AM
It appears many mods were created at version 1.0.4. then left to die. I'm new here and have tried two "major" mods (Fair Fight, and Heavy Nova) on Classic ES from Steam... neither of them worked properly (I made specific comments in the appropriate threads.)

It would be more than simply useful to have some kind of separation or delineation between current and old mods, it would prevent new clients from getting irritated with a product they're just starting to use. Get my drift?
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11 years ago
Oct 30, 2013, 12:09:26 PM
Strange, both Fair Fight and Heavy Nova are relatively current mods and, given you used the most current version of them, should run with the current version of the game.

The best indicator should be if there also is a thread about a mod on the first page of this sub-forum.
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11 years ago
Nov 2, 2013, 2:43:17 PM
Heavy Nova has two versions, one for classic ES, one for disharmony, maybe the wrong version was used?

I agree though that the first post is not well labeled. All of my mods are for Disharmony and they all get lumped under Classic. This is also true for one or two other Disharmony mod I think. There is no indication of the active status of a particular mod project. All in all, the first post is not a good summary of the current state of mod development.

It would be nice if whoever moderates this thread could take a look at the various threads on this sub-forum, instead of just the post in this thread and give a more representative summary.
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11 years ago
Nov 4, 2013, 12:05:40 AM
Actually... why not just sort the listing on the first page by vanilla/disharmony and put the version number they were released for there, or perhaps the date of the last release? That'd clear things up for people who are new to the mods. Or who get sidetracked for six months and then come back and go 'what do you mean they made an expansion?!', like me. smiley: biggrin
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11 years ago
Nov 4, 2013, 12:55:32 AM
Kuroji wrote:
Actually... why not just sort the listing on the first page by vanilla/disharmony and put the version number they were released for there, or perhaps the date of the last release? That'd clear things up for people who are new to the mods. Or who get sidetracked for six months and then come back and go 'what do you mean they made an expansion?!', like me. smiley: biggrin

If I remember right, I was gone for 2 months over the summer and was like 'WTF what do you mean they are making 2 new games?!?!'
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11 years ago
Nov 5, 2013, 3:39:10 PM
A Galaxy of Endless Diversity

Current Version: 1.5.0

Release Date: November 5, 2013

Last Updated: February 25, 2015

Compatible With: Disharmony 1.1.54

Release Thread: RELEASE: A Galaxy of Endless Diversity

Development Thread: MOD: A Galaxy of Endless Diversity

Summary: "A Galaxy of Endless Diversity (AGED) adds new content to Endless Space, with the aim of diversifying the options available to the player. AGED adds eight (8) new planet types to Endless Space, each with at least one unique planetary or star system improvement associated with that planet. Along with these new planets, of course, come several new technologies unlocking the ability to colonize and/or terraform these new worlds. AGED also adds several new anomalies, technologies, and planetary/star system improvements not directly linked to these new planets, while also adding some custom flare and further colorization to some of the game's text and faction color schemes.

A Galaxy of Endless Diversity is visually styled to fit seamlessly within Endless Space's existing graphical style. Each planet type has been carefully crafted as not to appear out of place in the Endless Space universe, just as the various User Interface (UI) components have been designed to fit within the Endless Space UI without seeming as though they do not belong. Painstaking detail, much of it contributed by others in the modding community, has been given to completing the flavor text and descriptions associated with the new additions of the mod, creating, I hope, a completely immersive experience that makes the player forget he or she has even activated a mod to begin with!"

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11 years ago
Dec 2, 2013, 8:48:19 PM
Stealth_Hawk wrote:
If I remember right, I was gone for 2 months over the summer and was like 'WTF what do you mean they are making 2 new games?!?!'


Then again I have been away for 6 months smiley: redface

A version number of the mod along with the vanilla/disharmony is a great suggestion. I'd add the last time the mod was updated too, as ES changes each time Amplitude release an update, unless you've switched off the auto-update feature in Steam.
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11 years ago
Dec 4, 2013, 1:57:21 PM
I highly encourage you, if you guys want to start a new thread listing all the mods with more details. smiley: smile I'll sticky it and everything. smiley: approval
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11 years ago
Dec 4, 2013, 2:01:53 PM
Steph'nie wrote:
I highly encourage you, if you guys want to start a new thread listing all the mods with more details. smiley: smile I'll sticky it and everything. smiley: approval

just out of curiosity, could this thread be moderated as to create a thread that has only posts about new mods and their details? It would be nice to have a nice, clean, detailed, mod shopping mall in my opinion.
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11 years ago
Dec 8, 2013, 3:02:09 PM
If we were to go for a clean-up of this the shopping mall, with the suggested changes to include the date, version and for which ES (vanilla or Disharmony), then...

... what would be the best way to do this (tools, A shared google doc?)

... who would do it and what would they need to do so?

... how would it be policed so that it remains up-to-date and info is complete?

Just thinking out loud really, as the means to accomplish this may already exist in the forum tools but I'm not sure where or how.
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12 years ago
Aug 6, 2013, 3:40:03 PM
Super Nova is an alternative design of Endless Space Disharmony v1.1.9.3:

1. Redesigned Planets

2. Redesigned Star System Improvements

3. Redesigned Ships, Weapons, Defenses

4. Redesigned Factions and Pirates

5. Redesigned Technology Tree

6. Redesigned Battle Cards

7. Redesigned Strategic Resource Requirements

8. Redesigned Combat Visuals

9. Redesigned AI and Difficulty Levels

10. Miscellaneous Changes

For more info, follow the link:

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11 years ago
Dec 28, 2013, 9:29:14 PM
Current Version: 0.1.0

Release Date: December 28, 2013

Compatible With: Disharmony 1.1.39

Release Thread: RELEASE: A Galaxy of Endless Diversity

Development Thread: MOD: A Galaxy of Endless Diversity


Adds planet terraforming options for size and asteroid to barren conversion.

TODO: Adds and modifies anomalies.

Much of the hard work for this was done by Tiaxium and Evil Tactician. This is mainly a pull from their original code and updated.

Planetsize and Anomaly Overhaul by Tiaxium:-



Imperium Aterna by Evil Tactician:-


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11 years ago
Feb 10, 2014, 7:58:13 PM
I have version 1.1.42 and Super Nova Mod crashes upon loading. As I'm new to Steam, is there a way I can roll back to version 1.1.39 which is what Super Nova is indicated to be compatible with? I assume that will fix the loading crash. I apologize in advance if this was an inappropriate post for this thread but didn't know where else to post this request. Thanks
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11 years ago
Jul 6, 2014, 8:05:22 PM
Well, here are a few early versions of stuff I'm working on.

  • CACHE Combat Rebalance

    Complete re-balance of the combat system to provide clearer choices while preserving overall combat design
  • Construct Additional Sowers

    Sowers no longer consume food or grow, instead relying on colony ships to gain population
  • Social Engineering Constructions

    Several Improvements restricted to home systems that provide empire-wide bonuses, to simulate "social engineering" game mechanics of other titles. Proof of Concept only so far.

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11 years ago
Jul 7, 2014, 3:54:01 AM
I am getting errors on the Playable Pirates and Pirate Skins mods. Is it because of the update differences?
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