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Playermade races and what is possible now

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12 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 8:49:18 PM
Hupailija wrote:
oh, I'm sure that before that they decide to update customassets17.assets file several times changing how it deals with information... after all, they did say that they like modders!

It's possible to make faction specific wonders, techs and spaceship parts (Which reminds me, have to check whether one can make missile launcher which shoots laser).. I just hesitate to share those because someone will break their game rises.

I'm already afraid that after reading this someone decides that he wants to play Solar Federation from VGA planets and comes to curse me why that isn't possible and why he broke his game (actually some of the vgaplanet races are possible).

Hey, if people brokes their game, they just have to restore or reinstall it via Steam. When you touch the game files, everyone should know that it is at your own risks (no pain, no gain ^^).
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12 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 8:21:27 PM
Sadi wrote:
You're welcome.

Thanks to you we can see that the devs have a pirate's portrait and logo in stock.

For what I saw it should be also possible to edit factions' specific tech (in the assets file).

My only wish for the moment is, just like you, to be able to create my own custom affinity.

The irony is that when we are seeking after that, the dev team is probably working on releasing .xml or modding tool. smiley: smile

oh, I'm sure that before that they decide to update customassets17.assets file several times changing how it deals with information... after all, they did say that they like modders!

It's possible to make faction specific wonders, techs and spaceship parts (Which reminds me, have to check whether one can make missile launcher which shoots laser).. I just hesitate to share those because someone will break their game rises.

I'm already afraid that after reading this someone decides that he wants to play Solar Federation from VGA planets and comes to curse me why that isn't possible and why he broke his game (actually some of the vgaplanet races are possible).
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12 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 7:29:32 PM
Sadi wrote:
That is a very interesting topic!

You can notice that the motherland specific to each affinity can be change in the Galaxysetting.xml file. But you probably already know that. smiley: smile

Actually, I didn't. Thanks for telling!

Oh and if anyone has any more shiny diamonds like these, please share. There are loads of things what I am missing (and 10 cheers to person who finds that SowersAffinity... I got noo ideas where it is and I really need it!)
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12 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 6:33:24 PM
That is a very interesting topic!

You can notice that the motherland specific to each affinity can be change in the Galaxysetting.xml file. But you probably already know that. smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 4:20:54 PM
jdan007 wrote:
Thanks for the info! (it is going to be such a task to test for game balance isn't it...)

Quess why I posted all these smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 4:20:03 PM
Thanks for the info! (it is going to be such a task to test for game balance isn't it...)
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12 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 1:49:01 PM
It's possible to change empires planet bonuses:

Easy example: Taxes (no, not those cars but ones you pay to your country to have free healthcare, libraries, museums and so on... you know)



Thats basically Empires tax when tax percent is 5%, as you can see Empire gets 1.15 where as others get 1.1 times the money you get compared to 0% tax rate. Also Sophones get 45% more science compared to others. Your Basic Approval is 95% higher than when you have 50% tax rate.

(if you continue looking through these tax things you are getting surprised when it comes to Empire.. atleast I was)

In theory if we follow that we can continue to add similar values for production and science. Just need some balancing factor.
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12 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 1:30:16 PM
It's possible to change / remove Affinities

This has driven me insane, I want to make new Affinities! (then again, now as I figured out that you can delete affinity it can be possible to just add some hidden traits to races)







This is what players see and what you should mostly edit.

This contains all race traits, affinities, pictures, whether it's standard, who made it and so on.

I suggest that you don't touch to title or description (hey, someone could tell me where game actually gets those values :P)

Icons we already went through.

Then we get to Affinity:

Possible affinities of game are:

AffinityTerran (even though it's says Terran it's empire)








AffinityPirates (god only knows what this does)



also it's possible to have faction without affinity (then again since I think that affinity declares your starting ship... actually I have to test this one).

and while we are here, bit about Traits:

You can add or remove traits quite freely without worrying about points AS LONG as you remember these rules (atleast now): bytes and letters has to be same than what you had in original gameassets17.assets file



TraitTechA02 tells that race has N-way Fusion Plants technology

In code version it's here:







Second line tells that it's trait stuff,

Third what it unlocks (this is important one, study that),

rest should be filled with correct techs


along with rest are basically normal traits for race.

Normal Traits is split to 2 parts:










Second part is usually what you want to change.

3rd line is most interesting: In this case it says: We want to get 10% more money to every StarSystem of this Empire (Property="money" Value="0.1" Type="Percent" Path="ClassEmpire/ClassStarSystem"/)

If we in case would want it to give say 25 production to every starsystem of empire we would change it to: Property="Production" Value="25" OperationType="Addition" Path="Path="ClassEmpire/ClassStarSystem"/.

Notice though that first part contains 2 important things:

Level="1" Cost="5"

Level tells that this trait is 1st level trait

Cost tells that this trait costs 5 points to buy.
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12 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 1:21:46 PM
Then Ship Images

this one requires bit more work then

there is 2 ways to do this:

1) You change "ShipClassSmall2(race)", "ShipClassMedium1(race)", "ShipClassMedium2(race)", "ShipClassLarge1(race)" (also "ShipClassSmall1(race)") tags from code to point to some other faction in technology. (I don't like this one, but it works definetely)

2) or you find and change all Hull="ShipClassSmall1Swarm" tags to point race you want them to be.

Notice affinity affects to what how game sees your race (if you don't do these changes).

If this doesn't work or someone wants examples I can help, though I hesitate since 1st) I am fine with what ever graphics there are and 2nd) This is basically thing which can easily cause loads of crashes
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12 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 1:11:28 PM
Lets start with changing race images:



this small code defines what is that picture

Possible values for pictures are (these also has Large and Wide... I don't know what happens if you don't have either and use instead of it's blank or some other picture) :










randomLeaderSmall (last one just means that it's random)

I have not tested this, feedback would be nice!
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