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(obsolete) corporate hero buff

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12 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 4:42:38 PM
Adghre raelkgj bbmksbdu.

I did see car which register plate was: "Ctu" can't remember numbers (here in Finland system is that unless you pay you get 3 random letters and then 3 random numbers) followed by "Wrd" it was almost too spooky!

I can change the values pretty easily now, if anybody has better suggestions. Unfortunately I can't easily *add* abilities due to the line length limits.

actually adding abilities works as long as you follow these 2 rules:

Be careful when you add new lines: it's better to delete empty line before trait/ability/hero than after it and always delete from that part of file.

When it comes to more letters: Do delete spaces close to spot where you did delete. Also as someone told comments are usually safe to remove.

Sadly this doesn't help me with adding 80 new hero levels but hey, atleast it did helped me to add 3 smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Jul 23, 2012, 3:27:54 AM

Originally Posted by iblise

what are your future mooing plans?

Thank you sir, that really cracked me up. lol

Regarding the upcoming modding tools, while I know they plan on allowing us to edit the xml files, will they be providing info on models? I've been poking at star base style ship, and well it looks really silly as ship ;p
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12 years ago
Jul 23, 2012, 2:50:31 AM
iblise wrote:
what are your future mooing plans?

1. I find there is not enough racial diversity. I would like to change the stock races so that they play significantly differently from each other. I believe this will increase replayability.

2. I am not sure if the XML will expose enough to "improve" the AI, but that is also definitely on my list.

3. I would love to make the "exploration" part of the SP game more unique. There are lots of ideas such as dyson spheres. These have high graphics requirements as well.
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12 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 4:34:00 AM
Hey Davea, with the upcoming release of modding toolset aka loose file support what are your future mooing plans? Continue with minor tweaks and community inspired balancing or more game changing mechanic overhauls? I'm assuming your goal is to stay true to vision of devs but where do you this going?
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12 years ago
Jul 21, 2012, 8:08:25 AM
Will re-post this here too

Haven't played that much Endless Space yet (many mechanics are still unclear to me) but so far I have no problem with some hero types being more effective than others during early game and other hero classes getting effective only from med to late game ...

BUT what if you play a MP game and your opponent gets an administrator and you don't ? It wouldn't be perfectly balanced ...

Newsflash there are LOT more random potentially very strong starting bonuses that you may or may not get in each particular game (huge class I planets nearby , a 6 planet system with some easy to colonize planets nearby, positive anomalies, enough room to expand , access to strategic resources, peaceful neighbors )... - Luck/random will always be a factor - absolute balance between starting locations in a multiplayer game will never be achieved (this is not chess to be played on a known symmetrical map with mirrored units) ...A big part of the game's charm/appeal is how you make the best use of the "hand" you are dealt ...
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12 years ago
Jul 17, 2012, 8:03:50 PM
from 80 turns into a game (Which i was messen around) i like the changes, makes the corporate hero a good choice fore a possibly more developed systems, or any empire with a good income, coupled with an administrator the two make quite the duo.
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12 years ago
Jul 14, 2012, 3:44:17 PM
I have created a thirty turn challenge to get more feedback on this mod:


EDIT: after active discussion and some games there, I redesigned the mod. For historical reference, here is the first version, which is now obsolete:

davea wrote:


  • Savvy Business 1 now gives +10 dust on empire (not affected by tax)
  • Savvy Business 2 now gives +20% dust on system
  • Savvy Business 3 now gives -50% buyout bonus on system
  • Change prerequisite of Industrial-Academic Partnership (+20% science). It was buried under Dust Wielder, now it is under Negotiator 1.
  • Change prerequisite of Value Creator 1 from Negotiator 3 to Negotiator 2.
  • Change prerequisite of Efficient Schooling from Director 1 to Director 2. This is a minor decrease in power for the admin hero.

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12 years ago
Jul 13, 2012, 5:24:05 AM
Updated to version 1.0.8. Updated OP with new link, comm-mod-004.zip (1.0.8 version), replaces comm-mod-002.zip (1.0.5 version).

EDIT: updated to version 1.0.9. File comm-mod-006.zip
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12 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 7:14:42 PM
davea wrote:
Thanks, I will wait a few weeks for amplitude to support reading loose xml files, I would go insane counting nonlocal spaces.

Oh I love it, it makes doing anything so much funnier smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 7:08:00 PM
Thanks, I will wait a few weeks for amplitude to support reading loose xml files, I would go insane counting nonlocal spaces.
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12 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 5:11:52 AM
(EDIT: As of 1.0.14, this mod is now obsolete. The changes have been rolled into my community balance mod:



I am aware that I am a little bit ahead of the dev team on this, but I am proud to announce the second released mod for ES. The purpose of this mod is to make the corporate hero class more useful. It significantly improves the corporate abilities, and makes a minor change to decrease the power of the admin hero. The idea and discussion is found around this link. Credits for the ideas include Chibiabos, draco18s, terwox, lentor and others. Before this mod, choosing an admin hero as your first hero was a no-brainer. Now you may want to consider a corporate hero instead.


  • USE WITH VERSION 1.0.9 ONLY. As soon as a new version is released I will update the mod.
  • This content is not Amplitude's, so this mod is installed at your own risk.
  • This writes over files which are installed by the game release. To uninstall you will need to use steam to revalidate your game cache.
  • Text changes are for English language only. The mod will work in other languages but the old text will be present.
  • For multiplayer, the mod will work as long as everybody has the same mod(s) installed. Otherwise, it will lead to weird out-of-sync and probably crash.


  • Add Deal Closer: requires Negotiator 1, gives -50% buyout bonus on system (early game!)
  • Reduce Savvy Business chain to a single ability, requires Negotiator 2, gives +5% per wit to trade bonuses
  • Change prerequisite of Industrial-Academic Partnership (+20% science). It was buried under Dust Wielder, move it under Negotiator 1. Change effect to flat +25 science on empire.
  • Add I-A Partnership 2, requires IA1, gives +20% science on system
  • Change prerequisite of Value Creator 1 from Negotiator 3 to Negotiator 2.
  • Change prerequisite of Efficient Schooling from Director 1 to Director 2. This is a minor decrease in power for the admin hero.
  • Includes community / balance mod described at this link:

    • Change colors of players, so that the colors are easier to distinguish. No more "three shades of green".
    • Undo buff to bushido bonus for Hissho; reset to +10% FIDS on invasion. The 1.0.3 release buffed it to 20%.
    • Replace generic AI ship names like Medium1HisshoTemplate with the actual ship names, such as Falcon.


  • Download this zip file: comm-mod-007.zip
  • Unzip into (your steam directory)\Endless Space. Usually your steam directory is c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common
  • You should see a prompt from winzip confirming that it will overwrite two files, sharedassets17.asset and Localization_Locales.xml. If you do not, you have unzipped into the wrong place.

How it works

The xml files are contained inside sharedassets17.asset, which is a non-encrypted binary file. I wrote a program which updates strings in this file, as long as the old and new strings are exactly the same length. This is a strong limitation on what can be modded today. seiya gets credit for finding the files. I have unpacked and given some description here.
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12 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 4:25:34 PM
Hupailija wrote:
meh, does it really matter when people can quess what I mean?

Adghre raelkgj bbmksbdu.

Basically when it comes to heroes it should go this way:

Rank 1 is either meh or solid

Rank 2 is either solid and opens new skills or good

Rank 3 is either good and opens nearly gamebreakers or it's wonderful.

Right now your skills goes:

Rank 1: Good (maybe bit too good)

Rank 2: in end game systems game breaker, in early game systems meh

Rank 3: In late game new systems: Great! in late game systems: "why would I take this? I already have everything"

This is good feedback. I have changed Savvy Business so that the three levels do three unrelated things. Well, sort-of-related, they are all finance related. But the other abilities which are levels, do exactly the same thing only stronger.

The purpose of this thread is to experiment, and come up with an improved set of abilities which makes the corporate hero at least as strong as the admin hero. But consistency is also worthwhile.

What would be a better arrangement of skills that is as strong as the admin hero in the early game, and also in the late game? The only finance ability I can think of, which is strong in early game, is flat +dust/turn. But flat dust/turn in the mid/late game is not very useful. Are there other useful early game finance related abilities we could consider?

For late game, it seems the corporate hero has best synergy with a high trade strategy. That is why the +2,3,4% to wit bonuses add up late game, which I got rid of. What mid-game or late-game abilities are worthwhile? The buyout bonus and +20% dust bonus both seem worthwhile for the mid and late game.

I can change the values pretty easily now, if anybody has better suggestions. Unfortunately I can't easily *add* abilities due to the line length limits.
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12 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 3:53:04 PM
Closer, but that still is not an English word. How about "percentage based".

meh, does it really matter when people can quess what I mean? (and extra points to person who gets it closest :P)

I think this rule is a good one, and I don't plan to change it (it probably isn't visible in the xml anyway). I do not like the idea that heroes could teleport around the map faster than your fastest ship. There was a bug in a previous version which allowed an admiral hero to participate in every single combat. You could assign him to each different fleet just before you attacked with it. This bug is fixed, with the 6 turn assignment limit, and I think this is good.

It's bit... how would I say, if I would take your buyout rule and implement it to heromod it would work BUT mostly because you can have hero everywhere.

Lets take Civ 5 as an example:

Rank 1 combat gives 10% bonus in either easy to walk terrain or hard to walk terrain

Rank 2 gives bit higher bonus but opens better skills

Rank 3 gives again bit better but opens you 2 most powerful skills.

Basically when it comes to heroes it should go this way:

Rank 1 is either meh or solid

Rank 2 is either solid and opens new skills or good

Rank 3 is either good and opens nearly gamebreakers or it's wonderful.

Right now your skills goes:

Rank 1: Good (maybe bit too good)

Rank 2: in end game systems game breaker, in early game systems meh

Rank 3: In late game new systems: Great! in late game systems: "why would I take this? I already have everything"

One option would be to switch Rank 2 and Rank 3 making Rank 3 middle game skill and good in that spot and Rank 2 late game skill and maybe bit too powerful.

Then again, this isn't my mod smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 3:33:34 PM
Hupailija wrote:
mmmm, I quess correct word is Percentual

Closer, but that still is not an English word. How about "percentage based".

About heromove.. basically right now you have to wait 5 turns (or was it 8) to move hero from 1 system to another.

What your mod right now does is that one really wants (atleast in end game) to move hero with trait from one system to another almost every turn.

Sadly you haven't done this smiley: frown

I think this rule is a good one, and I don't plan to change it (it probably isn't visible in the xml anyway). I do not like the idea that heroes could teleport around the map faster than your fastest ship. There was a bug in a previous version which allowed an admiral hero to participate in every single combat. You could assign him to each different fleet just before you attacked with it. This bug is fixed, with the 6 turn assignment limit, and I think this is good.
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12 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 2:56:23 PM
mmmm, I quess correct word is Percentual (bit same mistake for me than I kept calling quite long time everyone as a He just because in Finnish we have words Hän to describe both genres)

About heromove.. basically right now you have to wait 5 turns (or was it 8) to move hero from 1 system to another.

What your mod right now does is that one really wants (atleast in end game) to move hero with trait from one system to another almost every turn.

Sadly you haven't done this smiley: frown

About my suggestion:

Instead of -50% buyout (which I like) you would have 10% empire bonus (I will prefer those as a rank 3 skills, basically each hero generates 1-3% more to empire totaling to 10-30% in heromod and 30-90% in epic scale mod (after I finally start to make it).. 90% just because well... there is more of everything and things tends to be rather pricey smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 2:19:28 PM
@ taliesyn, 5%*wit instead of -50% buyout may be worthwhile. Let's see if we get other opinions also.

@ lentor, we need "somebody" to experiment with MP to see what happens. My assumption, since the game does not officially support modding, is that the game will (a) fail to check whether everybody has the same mod, (b) start anyway, and then (c) fail due to dramatic oos problems. But in the case where everybody does have the same mod, it "should work".

@ hupailija, you have used the word "procentual" multiple times, and I do not know this word. Also what is the "heromove rule" you want to get rid of?
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12 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 7:23:03 AM
  • Savvy Business 3 now gives -50% buyout bonus on system

Suggestion (I personally like it how it's now, it's kickstart hero for new systems... just need to somehow get rid of that heromove rule):

how about instead of this you would give procentual money bonus to entire empire.

It shouldn't be that much longer than what you have now and while it sounds quite powerful it's actually in balance with losing science from trading.
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12 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 7:03:44 AM
Taliesyn wrote:
I have one question. While I agree that the changes to Savvy Business will make the class better early on, does it sacrifice too much in the late game for this? A late game corporate hero with savvy business 3 generally has 23-ish Wit, meaning that SB3 gives him +46%, +69%, and +92% to all trade routes in his system, coming to appx +207% to all trade routes in that system. Even without any +trade route racial picks, this hero can have 7 trade routes going in a developed system, usually bringing in 100 to 150 dust EACH, along with half again as much research.

That is a LOT of lost trade at the end of the game.

I thought as much but didnt do the math behind it. I guess its a good test to see if you can get a good "equal" starting hero to the admin. later when there are less modding restrictions the stats can be added not just modified

another question (answer kinda obvius but still) modding will render MP impossible as long as the others dont have the mod too right?
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12 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 6:10:28 AM
Oh my, I want to shake your hand haha. Now I can make the dust and science super worlds I've always desired!
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12 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 6:08:41 AM
Chibiabos wrote:
I generally have a lot of empty trade routes, so bonuses on 0 dust per turn trade routes don't help a whole lot.

You stick the corporate hero in a system WITH trade routes, silly, since he only affects one system. Usually your capital is the best. I've had the capital bringing in 1500 dust and 2500 research per turn due to a corporate hero. You just need to be at peace with civs totalling seven or more discovered (ie - visible to YOU) planets.

davea wrote:
I had not done the arithmetic on that. Unfortunately with the limited modding capability we have now, I cannot add an attribute, I can only change one attribute to another, and furthermore the text length of the new attribute has to be shorter. Fortunately the "+%wit" attribute is long, and the "+dust" and other attributes are short. I would not have been able to do this change the other way around, that is to replace a +dust attribute with a +%wit.

In the spirit of an experiment, can you see if this seems to make the corporate hero equal/more useful to an admin hero in the early game? Maybe if "real" modding capability is added by the dev team later, we can try both attributes instead of just replacing one.

Blech, I should be packing for my move, but I'll see what I can do.

Edit: Here's a thought I wish I'd been able to give while you were still doing the mod: What about making Savvy Business 3 like 5%*wit to trade rather than half off rush-building? It's smaller than the combined 9% you originally got, but it's big enough to allow for serious late game utility.
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12 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 5:55:29 AM
Taliesyn wrote:
That is a LOT of lost trade at the end of the game.

I had not done the arithmetic on that. Unfortunately with the limited modding capability we have now, I cannot add an attribute, I can only change one attribute to another, and furthermore the text length of the new attribute has to be shorter. Fortunately the "+%wit" attribute is long, and the "+dust" and other attributes are short. I would not have been able to do this change the other way around, that is to replace a +dust attribute with a +%wit.

In the spirit of an experiment, can you see if this seems to make the corporate hero equal/more useful to an admin hero in the early game? Maybe if "real" modding capability is added by the dev team later, we can try both attributes instead of just replacing one.
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12 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 5:48:26 AM
Taliesyn wrote:
I have one question. While I agree that the changes to Savvy Business will make the class better early on, does it sacrifice too much in the late game for this? A late game corporate hero with savvy business 3 generally has 23-ish Wit, meaning that SB3 gives him +46%, +69%, and +92% to all trade routes in his system, coming to appx +207% to all trade routes in that system. Even without any +trade route racial picks, this hero can have 7 trade routes going in a developed system, usually bringing in 100 to 150 dust EACH, along with half again as much research.

That is a LOT of lost trade at the end of the game.

I generally have a lot of empty trade routes, so bonuses on 0 dust per turn trade routes don't help a whole lot.
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12 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 5:35:26 AM
I have one question. While I agree that the changes to Savvy Business will make the class better early on, does it sacrifice too much in the late game for this? A late game corporate hero with savvy business 3 generally has 23-ish Wit, meaning that SB3 gives him +46%, +69%, and +92% to all trade routes in his system, coming to appx +207% to all trade routes in that system. Even without any +trade route racial picks, this hero can have 7 trade routes going in a developed system, usually bringing in 100 to 150 dust EACH, along with half again as much research.

That is a LOT of lost trade at the end of the game.
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