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(obsolete) corporate hero buff

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13 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 7:03:44 AM
Taliesyn wrote:
I have one question. While I agree that the changes to Savvy Business will make the class better early on, does it sacrifice too much in the late game for this? A late game corporate hero with savvy business 3 generally has 23-ish Wit, meaning that SB3 gives him +46%, +69%, and +92% to all trade routes in his system, coming to appx +207% to all trade routes in that system. Even without any +trade route racial picks, this hero can have 7 trade routes going in a developed system, usually bringing in 100 to 150 dust EACH, along with half again as much research.

That is a LOT of lost trade at the end of the game.

I thought as much but didnt do the math behind it. I guess its a good test to see if you can get a good "equal" starting hero to the admin. later when there are less modding restrictions the stats can be added not just modified

another question (answer kinda obvius but still) modding will render MP impossible as long as the others dont have the mod too right?
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13 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 6:10:28 AM
Oh my, I want to shake your hand haha. Now I can make the dust and science super worlds I've always desired!
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13 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 6:08:41 AM
Chibiabos wrote:
I generally have a lot of empty trade routes, so bonuses on 0 dust per turn trade routes don't help a whole lot.

You stick the corporate hero in a system WITH trade routes, silly, since he only affects one system. Usually your capital is the best. I've had the capital bringing in 1500 dust and 2500 research per turn due to a corporate hero. You just need to be at peace with civs totalling seven or more discovered (ie - visible to YOU) planets.

davea wrote:
I had not done the arithmetic on that. Unfortunately with the limited modding capability we have now, I cannot add an attribute, I can only change one attribute to another, and furthermore the text length of the new attribute has to be shorter. Fortunately the "+%wit" attribute is long, and the "+dust" and other attributes are short. I would not have been able to do this change the other way around, that is to replace a +dust attribute with a +%wit.

In the spirit of an experiment, can you see if this seems to make the corporate hero equal/more useful to an admin hero in the early game? Maybe if "real" modding capability is added by the dev team later, we can try both attributes instead of just replacing one.

Blech, I should be packing for my move, but I'll see what I can do.

Edit: Here's a thought I wish I'd been able to give while you were still doing the mod: What about making Savvy Business 3 like 5%*wit to trade rather than half off rush-building? It's smaller than the combined 9% you originally got, but it's big enough to allow for serious late game utility.
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13 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 5:55:29 AM
Taliesyn wrote:
That is a LOT of lost trade at the end of the game.

I had not done the arithmetic on that. Unfortunately with the limited modding capability we have now, I cannot add an attribute, I can only change one attribute to another, and furthermore the text length of the new attribute has to be shorter. Fortunately the "+%wit" attribute is long, and the "+dust" and other attributes are short. I would not have been able to do this change the other way around, that is to replace a +dust attribute with a +%wit.

In the spirit of an experiment, can you see if this seems to make the corporate hero equal/more useful to an admin hero in the early game? Maybe if "real" modding capability is added by the dev team later, we can try both attributes instead of just replacing one.
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13 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 5:48:26 AM
Taliesyn wrote:
I have one question. While I agree that the changes to Savvy Business will make the class better early on, does it sacrifice too much in the late game for this? A late game corporate hero with savvy business 3 generally has 23-ish Wit, meaning that SB3 gives him +46%, +69%, and +92% to all trade routes in his system, coming to appx +207% to all trade routes in that system. Even without any +trade route racial picks, this hero can have 7 trade routes going in a developed system, usually bringing in 100 to 150 dust EACH, along with half again as much research.

That is a LOT of lost trade at the end of the game.

I generally have a lot of empty trade routes, so bonuses on 0 dust per turn trade routes don't help a whole lot.
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13 years ago
Jul 12, 2012, 5:35:26 AM
I have one question. While I agree that the changes to Savvy Business will make the class better early on, does it sacrifice too much in the late game for this? A late game corporate hero with savvy business 3 generally has 23-ish Wit, meaning that SB3 gives him +46%, +69%, and +92% to all trade routes in his system, coming to appx +207% to all trade routes in that system. Even without any +trade route racial picks, this hero can have 7 trade routes going in a developed system, usually bringing in 100 to 150 dust EACH, along with half again as much research.

That is a LOT of lost trade at the end of the game.
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