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12 years ago
Aug 21, 2012, 9:10:45 AM
Hupailija wrote:

I'm still sure that what he said don't work... then again I wouldn't be surprised, wouldn't be first time.

I said "try adding an unlock descriptor, it should partially do what you want". Bear in mind that ES vanilla doesn't have that kind of behaviour, I'm giving you details on how PathPrerequisite works, that doesn't mean it will make your feature work. I can't test every single demand, recreate it and find ways to make it work if we never thought about that feature before. I can only pinpoint in one direction, give details on how this or that element works, etc. But if it is indeed something major, then I'll look into it.

Again, there's a huge improvement list that concerns non-modding elements of the game and we do add stuff every day to that list. Modding is part of it but there are various demands that come beforehand.
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12 years ago
Sep 15, 2012, 7:51:36 PM
I just tried to change the icons for money (dust). Somehow i cant smiley: frown If i change the images nothing happens. The images ingame dont even disappear. Is the modding of those images even supported yet?
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12 years ago
Sep 15, 2012, 8:41:14 AM
raccoon_tof wrote:
Ah ok, good to hear. I was hoping for one of .obj, .dae, or .fbx for best access from the tools I currently use smiley: smile

yeah im glad to smiley: biggrin and also glad ravine tested my model allready smiley: biggrin everything fine smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Sep 15, 2012, 8:00:57 AM
raccoon_tof wrote:
Any news as to what format the models/meshes will be in?

i have sent ravine testmodel in obj format. But normaly Unity uses fbx. So i guess it will be fbx format.
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12 years ago
Sep 13, 2012, 2:54:00 PM
For all your information. I was emailing with Ravine.

Model and Texture support will be here soon ! he is working on it.

Cross your fingers guys that it will get released soon. Then the Full Conversions can begin to really emerge.
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12 years ago
Aug 21, 2012, 1:05:17 PM
I'm giving you details on how PathPrerequisite works, that doesn't mean it will make your feature work

Exactly this is why I question whether it works.

Saying: "if you add AND to it it works" doesn't help when there has been couple days earlier post which says: "I did try to add and and it didn't work".

I have also noticed that on some cases what is doable and what is said has been different. Namely weapons/defensive modules and so on.

I understand this it's hard to keep in touch what different xml parts do and how they act. Especially if one hasn't itself created those.

It easily makes one want to say: "it's easy, just think it this way and you get it work" BUT it isn't really helpful.

If you have lately read my written guides I try to explain in quite specific ways how to do different things.

And again I don't except this, it would take too much time to answer to every single question via long answer and example...

What I would really wish is that if one answers to coding related questions he would show atleast 1 line example how to make thing work.

Again, there's a huge improvement list that concerns non-modding elements of the game and we do add stuff every day to that list. Modding is part of it but there are various demands that come beforehand.

But modding is huge partition of this game.

It dn't took long before first persons started to complain who boring this game is. (it was just minority, and I myself get pleasure of this game from otherways so I don't find it boring.).

We modders are trying to find ways to make game more enjoyable... and you have given players tools to make this happen.

I wouldn't be surprised if majority of games played would already be on modded versions.

Of course it's quite selfish to ask privileges for modders and quite stupid to think that it's possible to think any possible timetable for any "improvments".

It still doesn't stop one hoping that it would be hope that developers would put these things to list and say approximate answer that when these could come...

and last but not least, why everyone always seem to take just 1 sentence of my written texts -.- I may say stupid things but it usually hopefully hides inside of my thoughts. Sadly it doesn't seem to happen due to people picking exactly those sentences which are negative.
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12 years ago
Sep 15, 2012, 8:37:10 PM
mJrA wrote:
I just tried to change the icons for money (dust). Somehow i cant smiley: frown If i change the images nothing happens. The images ingame dont even disappear. Is the modding of those images even supported yet?

Can you describe what you did? AFAIK the only images we can change are the ones where there is a pathname to the image, listed in the xml. The details are in the pdf linked from here:


I don't see anything in there about modifying the icons like dust.
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12 years ago
Aug 20, 2012, 7:18:12 PM
'AND'ed dependencies are still a hard requirement for all races' technology trees in Endless Dream. I'm actually impressed that the dev team managed to create meaningful technology progressions just using 'OR'!

What can we say, althought they are silent and don't appreantly read posts... they can atleast do miracles smiley: biggrin

"AND" is also highly difficult to display effectively. If you get the ability to use "AND", please consider how the player will understand the difference between "AND" and "OR".

Actually techtree and how it's build takes care of it.

I'm fairly sure that players understand that 2 lines going to tech means that either a) one needs 1 tech to unlock it or b) player needs both. If A doesn't work they naturally try B... unless player happens to be something like me, who presses alt+f4 goes to read code and then ends up to change things smiley: smile

Hupa, let me know if you find a way to do that. I'll need mutually exclusive technologies for the IHTG (and perhaps Hissho) Warfare tech tree.

I'm still sure that what he said don't work... then again I wouldn't be surprised, wouldn't be first time.
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12 years ago
Aug 20, 2012, 7:13:57 PM
davea wrote:
"AND" is also highly difficult to display effectively. If you get the ability to use "AND", please consider how the player will understand the difference between "AND" and "OR".

Different color connecting lines and/or arrows. It'd have to be developed internally. The graphics & research AI 'pathfinding algorithm' don't seem like huge problems, from a black box perspective. I'd expect a capability like this around 1.1 or 1.2, it being of both limited priority and difficulty for Amplitude.

I just want to get in line early and say we'd like this smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Aug 20, 2012, 7:02:39 PM
"AND" is also highly difficult to display effectively. If you get the ability to use "AND", please consider how the player will understand the difference between "AND" and "OR".
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12 years ago
Aug 20, 2012, 6:58:23 PM
Hupailija wrote:
1) I have tried it with "descriptors" but it doesn't seem to recognize those. Oh well, time to try again

Hupa, let me know if you find a way to do that. I'll need mutually exclusive technologies for the IHTG (and perhaps Hissho) Warfare tech tree.

'AND'ed dependencies are still a hard requirement for all races' technology trees in Endless Dream. I'm actually impressed that the dev team managed to create meaningful technology progressions just using 'OR'!
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12 years ago
Aug 20, 2012, 6:52:06 PM
It took just 3 weeks and finally got answer to some questions... one could argue that answers isn't very specific but atleast these are answers.

I'm surprised that you did answer to 6-8... as I said modders have answered to those already (I did on day 4 after release, on day 8 after release, on day 20 after release and so on).

First 5 were the ones which we were wondering...

to 1) I have tried it with "descriptors" but it doesn't seem to recognize those. Oh well, time to try again

3) And these are things I am more anxious to see than some icons... but thats me smiley: smile (as I have said, every feature what is added to game opens dozens for players)

4) Are you going to change this? It would really help a lot. Modders could for example create "better" ground combat system if paths would be changed.

Oh and last but not least, if I seem to be full of hatred and anger, it's because I care about this game. smiley: smile One doesn't feel emotions towards things he doesn't care and anger and frustration are both deep feelings.

I am actually even now trying to find server which all ES modders could use to both upload their files and to have room to both manager and market their mods... I probably wouldn't do such a job for game which I utterly despise smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Aug 20, 2012, 3:53:46 PM
LoiCus- wrote:

5) Like I said before in another thread, you can add prerequisites for an improvement. The latter will only be available to build if the two, three , whatever improvements it depends on have been built already. Use classic logic syntax. and,or,!. As there is no need for that kind of behaviour in ES, there is no visual feedback ingame that shows the relationship between the X improvements. In other words, the "unbuildable" tech won't be in grey or something like that.

I think Hupa and I are referring to 'AND'ed technology dependencies here. Is this a confirmation that that is possible? Doing, for example,

[CODE]TechSowerMainWeaponE02 AND TechSowerSecondaryWeaponE03[/CODE]

did not seem to work in the technology view in game, but I didn't research enough to see if researching both dependencies actually unlocked it (with no visual indicator since whatever algorithm does the visual pathing on that screen can't cope). If you're telling me that this does in fact work, it should be enough for Endless Dream's purposes. Or, at least, mine. smiley: smile

Y'all have really done a bang-up job on this game, by the way. I think sometimes we forget we're modding an alpha version smiley: smile I haven't been conceptually struck by a game like this in a long, long time.
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12 years ago
Aug 20, 2012, 3:52:34 PM
4. Actually battle cards allow you to access enemy parameters. Look at the implementation of short circuit. (Seriously, look at it. It is completely wrong.) I am planning to add a bunch of evasion-related battle cards for hissho. Of course auto-resolve won't use them, which is another dev time request.

7. The question relates to specializing fleet and system heroes. See these posts mixed into a very useful thread:




What I do when playing is to specialize each hero as either a fleet heroes with only fleet abilities, or a system hero with only system abilities. For a "hybrid" hero such as pilot/corporate, I will decide when I purchase the hero which role he will play. Then I only pick the related abilities for that hero.

There are several problems with what the AI does. (a) Abilities are picked randomly, or perhaps by the weight of (labor + wit) vs (offense + defense). So most hybrid heroes have a 50/50 split between fleet abilities and system abilities, which is not useful. (b) We cannot see how the game chooses to assign heroes to a system role or fleet role, but we observe that even pure system heroes (corp/admin) are often placed on fleets, and vice-versa.

We have tried various hooks, such as the education minister variables in registry.xml and the weights in aiparametershero and heroability, but we cannot achieve the effect that I get when playing.
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12 years ago
Aug 20, 2012, 3:34:21 PM
1) Inside for example TechnologyExpansion.xml, try adding an unlock descriptor in the PathPrerequisite of your tech. PathPrerequisite works with traits and descriptors. By adding that, it should partially do what you want. Adding the name of a tech won't work and TechnologyPrerequisite is not functional right now(because ES vanilla doesn't need it).

2) You guys have been working on this more than me, I think I answered this before but wormhole unlock is Empire-wide. It would require dev time to allow specific ships to have the tech and not others.

3) It isn't. Heroes and the Academy need a revamp for ES vanilla also. As of now, there's a full random pool of 60+ heroes from which to pick, they're not filtered by type, faction, etc = Dev time.

4) You can only access your fleet & empire. The ability to access the enemy's accuracy for example is hardcoded. Basically, anything that accesses the enemy's fleet (because I can't remember if there's something else) is hardcoded.

5) Like I said before in another thread, you can add prerequisites for an improvement. The latter will only be available to build if the two, three , whatever improvements it depends on have been built already. Use classic logic syntax. and,or,!. As there is no need for that kind of behaviour in ES, there is no visual feedback ingame that shows the relationship between the X improvements. In other words, the "unbuildable" tech won't be in grey or something like that.

6) A simple look at Hero.xml and you can see the levels at the end. Simply add some with the wanted xp to reach them.

7) Question is too vague.
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12 years ago
Aug 20, 2012, 11:11:29 AM
@Hupa: I don't understand the semi-hate, I believe we are indeed listening to what the (modding) community is saying. We can't answer every single question and many times, they are so specific that we have to spend a lot of time recreating the demand to see if it is possible. We're giving modding support but like you said, most of it will come from you guys.

We're working on ES vanilla, as well as the modding improvements on the side, and although you might consider allowing people to add their own custom icons "not thrilling", I believe a lot of people do.

Still, I'll try look at what you're asking for "that hasn't be answered yet".

Following questions have been asked several times and there are threads of almost everyone of these:

1) Is it possible to create system where studying technology a denies access to technology b? I haven't heard any answer to this question and I have been asking it several times

2) IS it possible to create starbases? Basically players had to figure out way to do it and still it may not work

3) Is it possible to make race specific heroes and if it is how? This has been asked since beta

4) Is it possible to access to enemy fleet or empire at all? Think that Iblise first time asked this 3 weeks ago

5) Is it possible to require 2 technologies to give player access to 1 specific technology?

Most of these questions are asked quite often and have mostly left modders to wonder whether these are hardcoded or not.

Then there are questions like:

Is it possible to add more hero levels?

IS it possible to change how AI uses heroes?

and so on which players have semi succesfully figured out.

If you ask why I have negative feelings towards developers it is because even though we ask same questions several times we still don't get answers to these.

These questions may be too "specific" but it doesn't change the fact that these has been asked long time ago and still we haven't heard any answer.

Trying to figure what is hardcoded and what isn't is not really as funny as someone might think.
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