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(obsolete) more anomalies mod

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12 years ago
Aug 17, 2012, 8:59:33 AM
Many thanks Davea even I can do it now, one thing I did notice I usually play on a 180 x 180 galaxy that has gone back to the defaults, sorry if I've stated the obvious

Regards E

Edit: Broggled to make your mod 180x181 Seems perfect
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12 years ago
Aug 11, 2012, 10:30:18 PM
I'm not sure I understand the question. What looks like a single anomaly is really several separate parts: the actual definition with the name and description hooks; the galaxy generator entry; and the descriptor for the normal anomaly effect. For each reduction (if any) there are three more parts: the tech entry; the definition with the name and description hooks; and the descriptor for the reduced anomaly effect. The two descriptors are unrelated. The first descriptor is removed and the second one is added. I suppose there is nothing preventing us from having N number of reductions, but I would want to be careful about what happens when the second reduction descriptor is applied. I assume the first reduction descriptor is removed, so therefore if you wanted to build a chain, each reduction would need to be larger.

My dma-*.xml files are pretty much standalone, the only thing which must go into another file is the galaxy generator part. My files should be relatively easy to pick apart.
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12 years ago
Aug 12, 2012, 3:42:56 AM
Well it took me longer to figure out what the mod actually did - need sleep - then it took to tweak it heh.



Through inaction rather then action victory was achieved here - I completely misunderstood what hidden did (I understand now) and then I tried the tooltip="false" which I didn't expect to work and it didn't, then I simply deleted the line.

Just to confirm, you need to include all the plugins subfolders and files due to the odd nature of the galaxy generator for modding currently?

What I was wondering regarding anomaly cleaning in the previous post was say I had a example anomaly like: Iblise's Heavy Metal

Heavy Metal: -2 Pop, -10% food, -3 dust

Now when I remove the anomaly, all three of the negative effect would normally be gone, but could I remove just the -2 pop but leave the -10% food and -3 dust effect? And require another reduction effect to remove that anomaly? and so on?
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12 years ago
Aug 12, 2012, 4:27:37 AM
iblise wrote:

Great, thanks.

Just to confirm, you need to include all the plugins subfolders and files due to the odd nature of the galaxy generator for modding currently?

Yes, "standalone=false" does not help for the plugins directory.

Now when I remove the anomaly, all three of the negative effect would normally be gone, but could I remove just the -2 pop but leave the -10% food and -3 dust effect? And require another reduction effect to remove that anomaly? and so on?

When you buy the reduction, the game substitutes one descriptor for another. It doesn't make a "union" of them. The second descriptor can be anything (or nothing). So you can easily make the second descriptor "-10% food, -3 dust". But, I am not sure how to setup a second reduction on the same thing. Do any of the existing anomalies have two levels of reduction? If so, then you can use the same method. If not, this may be possible.
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12 years ago
Aug 12, 2012, 3:51:52 PM
iblise wrote:

Thanks for the suggestion about removing hidden. It does what I wanted by removing the *not* hidden ones from the hover help of the square "simple anomaly reduction" icon in the tech tree:


But it has a side effect; the ones without "hidden" now show up in the other tooltip in the tech tree (hover over the round "adaptive colonies" icon)

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12 years ago
Aug 12, 2012, 8:11:06 PM
Well I'm tossing in the towel for today on this one, I can't figure it out. I had high hopes for but apparently that only works on Traits and Affinities, you cannot unlock a tech from within a tech (which is just annoying)
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12 years ago
Aug 17, 2012, 12:13:36 AM
Davea for those of us that are clueless are you able to explain in words of 1 syllable how you get this mod to load all the time please? i.e. in the steam command thingy
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12 years ago
Aug 17, 2012, 12:41:46 AM
Endo wrote:
Davea for those of us that are clueless are you able to explain in words of 1 syllable how you get this mod to load all the time please? i.e. in the steam command thingy

I updated the last bullet in the first post with more details. Is it clear enough? Some of the words do have more than one syllable smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Aug 17, 2012, 4:26:37 AM
davea wrote:
Thanks for the suggestion about removing hidden. It does what I wanted by removing the *not* hidden ones from the hover help of the square "simple anomaly reduction" icon in the tech tree:


But it has a side effect; the ones without "hidden" now show up in the other tooltip in the tech tree (hover over the round "adaptive colonies" icon)


You are doing it correctly, what I wonder is what adaptive colonies actually does.

I mean the thing here is that when you start to hide hiddens from one formula it shouldn't affect more than that.

Just to clarify, you are removing hidden from technologies or from anomalies? If you want those to be seen I suggest trying techs.
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12 years ago
Aug 11, 2012, 8:36:16 PM
Can you reduce just specific properties of an anomaly? And have multiple reductions for same anomaly? The first one reduces the -2 food per pop, next the -approval and then the -dust?
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12 years ago
Aug 17, 2012, 1:59:10 PM
Hupailija wrote:
Just to clarify, you are removing hidden from technologies or from anomalies? If you want those to be seen I suggest trying techs.

I showed the changed code in the same post. I removed it from four out of the five anomalies. If I add/change hidden on the tech, that will change the display of the whole tech. All I want is to remove four lines (not five) from the many-line description of the tech.
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12 years ago
Aug 24, 2012, 11:37:45 PM
After reviewing the xml changes for 1.0.16, I have found that this does not need to be re-released. Updated original post with a note that it works on both 1.0.14 and 1.0.16. I should re-release anyway, to fix the two text bugs which have been reported and copy the english localization files to the other languages. But, that is low on the priority list.
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12 years ago
Aug 30, 2012, 5:22:07 AM
Updated to version 1.0.17. There is no information about this in the release note for 1.0.17, but it seems "something" has changed in the galaxy generator. By re-copying all the game files from (steam)\Endless Space\plugins\galaxygenerator into the mod, I have gotten it to work again. So I have uploaded serial 02 of the mod. This also includes the two small fixes to cut-and-paste localization errors mentioned on page 2 of the thread.
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12 years ago
Sep 20, 2012, 3:29:00 PM
I have taken all the ideas which I could implement from the linked idea thread. If you, or others have additional ideas which can be implemented, it is pretty easy to do; I can add more.
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12 years ago
Oct 6, 2012, 1:16:08 AM
Updated for 1.0.27. In case another release comes out, and I do not port to that release immediately, here are instructions you can follow to update it yourself.

0. Read the tutorials on modding, and try one of the simple mods like changing faction colors from this thread: /#/endless-space/forum/37-modding/thread/15795-simple-mods-you-can-do-on-your-own

1. Copy the *game* index.xml file into the new directory for your mod.

2. Merge the changes from the old index.xml file into the new one. The key changes are the addition of the three files dma-*.xml, search for "davea". You probably want to put your own version number, and maybe add yourself to the credits.

3. Copy the old Localizations directory including all subdirectories.

4. Create a Simulation directory.

5. Copy the three files dma-*.xml from the old Simulation directory.

6. Copy the file TechnologyExpansion.xml from the *game* directory to the Simulation directory.

7. Merge the changes from the old TechnologyExpansion.xml into the new file. There is only one changed block, search for "davea".

8. Copy the entire *game* directory plugins/GalaxyGenerator into the new directory.

9. Merge the changes from the old file plugins/GalaxyGenerator/GalaxySettings.xml into the new file. Hopefully the file has not changed much, because there are quite a number of changes. Search for "davea". There is one block of probability changes at the start, and then about 12 blocks of 15 changed lines. The blocks are mostly the same but not *all* the same, don't paste the same block 12 times.

10. Save the files, start the game, load the mod. I find it easiest to use windowed mode rather than full screen, and pick a large map playing as Amoeba.

11. Without minimizing or exiting the game, open in (steam dir)\Endless Space\EndlessSpace_data\output_log.txt and search for the string "Modding". If there were any syntax errors in your changes, errors will be displayed here. If you minimize or exit, hundreds of lines of additional messages are written to output_log.txt which just makes the file bigger.

12. Click around at the planets in the galaxy map to see if you can see the new anomalies. If yes, great you are done! If no, well, go back to the previous steps and see if you missed one.
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12 years ago
Dec 7, 2012, 8:52:32 PM
davea wrote:
This mod is no longer maintained, and does not work anymore.

Then perhaps you should modify the title to make that clear.
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