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(obsolete) more anomalies mod

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12 years ago
Aug 11, 2012, 2:13:36 PM
The DMA07 problem is a simple copy-paste error. The DMA07 pair in the localization file contains %PlanetAnomalyDMA04aReduction1Title rather than '07'.

Then 4e uses the text %PlanetAnomalyDMA04eTitle rather than "...Reduction1Title", which looks like it will resolve that small problem.

To manipulate the number of times Recent Impact shows up, it looks like maybe something like this might work.

A) the plan-impr.xml is just 'pointing to' which text to use as the tool tip. A new tip with a generic outcome could be created like:

This planet was recently devastated by an impact from a previously unidentified solar body. With the help of advanced - but highly experimental technology - resources left by the by the impact body may be able to be exploited.

This might be DMA4 in the localization file (no letter).

B)Depending on how the game uses these, 'point' to DMA4 the plan-imp.xml from 4a and omit the ... entry for 4b, 4c etc.

That sounds like what iblise might be suggesting.

The question is whether at run time a planet with anomaly 4c would have a repair button. It should since Reduction4c is defined and all that has been done is to not show 4b-4e tooltip.

FWIW, I sort of like the generic tooltip text above either way. The random outcome may be predetermined when the galaxy was generated (you might know from testing), and if that outcome is no change, the tooltip might reveal that when you drill into the planet to get at the Reduce Anomaly button. I think it might be better to spend the time and Industry to find out (more surprise). If it is not predetermined, it is probably simpler to manage one reduction title text than 5.

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12 years ago
Aug 10, 2012, 3:48:15 AM
Nice work with the compilation, I will be trying this out. Been a few days, looking forward to seeing how the patch changes things.
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12 years ago
Aug 10, 2012, 9:24:25 AM
Nice, not only eye-candy, but a great addition to my gameplay experience with strategic colonization ideas.
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12 years ago
Aug 10, 2012, 1:19:45 PM
Love to have more variety so thanks, but just to let you know that I am getting a lot of Toxic Geodes, not sure if it was the luck of the draw in creating a galaxy but there are some systems with 2 or more planets with this anomaly..
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12 years ago
Aug 10, 2012, 11:10:17 PM
Small bug. 'Recent Anomalies" shows multiple times in the tech tree pop up and it looks like some others are missing the names. Looks like all the new anomalies are Simple/Minor so that once you get the tech they can all be fixed, so there should not be any guess work whether it can be fixed or not.

Great idea(s) though, love the mods...many thanks!
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12 years ago
Aug 10, 2012, 11:15:11 PM
Thanks for the feedback. It seems I may have left out the strings for DMA04e and DMA07, which is an easy bug. Thanks for pointing it out.

However, "Recent Impact" is going to be in there four times, and I don't think I can do anything about that. The trick of this anomaly is that reducing it actually has a random effect, with 5 possible outcomes, one of which is no improvement. This is implemented with 5 different anomalies of the same name, one of which has no reduction. I will have to look around to see if there is a way to avoid that, but probably there isn't.
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12 years ago
Aug 10, 2012, 11:35:08 PM
I would advocate moving a few to the serious category. Simples are not much of a deterrent to colonizing a planet because the reduction comes along pretty quickly; not so with serious ones. Maybe Unstable Mantle, Adaptive Virii (aka viruses) and Gamma Burst just ebcause they sound more serious (and I might regret those choices if I checked which planet types they affect, LOL).
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12 years ago
Aug 11, 2012, 1:40:14 AM
Davea - suppress the tooltip completely for Recent Impact, and then create a dummy 'Recent Impact' tooltip effect - or just suppress 4/5 of the tooltips.

Could you give a complete list of all the new anomalies btw?
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12 years ago
Aug 11, 2012, 4:28:46 AM
@ iblise, thanks for the suggestion. How do I suppress one line out of this tooltip, which contains one line for every matching reduction? The quickest way to see the ten anomalies is to look at the descriptions in Modding/more-anomalies/localization/english/more-anomalies.xml. The effects can be found in the separate files Modding/more-anomalies/simulation/dma-*.xml.

I guess part of the "surprise" of the mod for some players is, not knowing what to expect. So I'd rather not put it into a post, unless you feel it is important.
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12 years ago
Aug 11, 2012, 9:33:32 AM
No please dont put it in this thread.. unless you have to.. I think surprises are sorely missing from nearly every game made these days..
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12 years ago
Aug 10, 2012, 2:46:37 AM
This mod adds ten new anomalies to the game. A few of the ideas are mine, but most have come from this thread:


Credits to defekt, nosferatiel and void.


  • This content is not Amplitude's, so this mod is installed at your own risk.
  • Text changes are for English language only. The mod will work in other languages but the English text will be present.


  • Download this zip file: more-anomalies-v3.zip
  • Unzip into (my documents)\Endless Space\Modding. This will create a new directory (my documents)\Endless Space\Modding\more-anomalies containing a file index.xml and several subdirectories.
  • In the main game menu, click the MODS button, find the mod "More Anomalies", select it and click load.
  • To keep the mod loaded: find "Endless Space" in the Steam Library, right click, select properties, and click the "set launch options" button. Add "+mod more-anomalies" to the game launch command line.

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12 years ago
Aug 11, 2012, 2:24:53 PM
Basically what he said more or less. Haven't had a chance to look at the code yet (driving out to worksite right now heh). The only issue is that the tooltip might not show correctly for the suppressed ones, it will always have the button regardless.

Hmm this is even simpler - set 4/5 to hide or hidden on the unlock line - easy

You might need to create a Access="fake" effect but I doubt it

Doing this from some memory and my Dropbox files on a cellphone lol
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12 years ago
Aug 11, 2012, 2:36:56 PM
Well, it sort of works. What I suggested does resolve the missing names, but we are not talking about tooltip text but Reduction Name. Recent Impact still shows on the list 5 times.

You might want to still do something like what I suggested to mask the result of the Anomaly Reduction. I haven't gotten far enough into a test game yet, but it appears that the tooltip will reveal the result when you hover over the button unless the text itself obscures the result.

Since there are in fact 5 reductions for #4 it appears that the 4 Titles will appear in the tech tree. Not the end of the world, just looks odd.


Minor thing, but DMA4e reduction title is also missing the "(-)" from the text.
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12 years ago
Aug 11, 2012, 2:50:18 PM
Thanks. I have locally fixed the two text errors. I don't "think" there is any way to reduce the 4/5 repeated lines in the adaptive colonies tech popup. If anybody can find/demonstrate a fix for that, I will definitely put it in and credit you. There is no way that the effect itself can be random, the only way to do it is to let the galaxy generator choose among the five choices when it creates the galaxy.

BTW, there are three files "*.test" in the mod distribution. If you copy each fileN.test to fileN.xml, and then play, you will find two things: (1) all "original" anomalies are disabled, and (2) the cost of many techs is changed to 1. Specifically all of the colonization techs and the techs on the path to adaptive colonies. So, you can generate a map as amoeba and view a lot of anomalies, and easily colonize one to test reducing it.
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12 years ago
Aug 11, 2012, 3:04:41 PM
davea wrote:
There is no way that the effect itself can be random, the only way to do it is to let the galaxy generator choose among the five choices when it creates the galaxy.

Thats what I thought - it also means that the Reduction is predefined by time you find them and the tooltip will reveal the outcome without actually having to perform it, doesn't it?

Edit - yes:

Since none of the standard anomalies have a semi random outcome, so you know what you will get if you Cut Anomaly. As such, the tooltip text tells you what will happen. Since you probably cannot hide or mask the "Effect" the result is really only unknown until you learn the Adaptive Colonies. As such there isnt any real reason to have a generic text.

I was sort of hoping we would not know what we got until we Cut the Anomaly, but could not recall exactly what the screen looked like.

So, it works fine as is. As long as the pre-fix effects remain the same for each flavor, you at least cannot tell what you'll get until later.

Good job on the mod, thanks!
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12 years ago
Aug 11, 2012, 3:39:13 PM
Unfortunately there is only one reduction tooltip string. So, if I change the tooltip for all five reductions to be the same, then after the reduction, the player will not be able to see from the tooltip what happened. I agree this is not perfect. Fortunately, you cannot see the reduction tooltip till after you have colonized and researched adaptive colonies, so the "reveal" is later. Which way is less painful?
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12 years ago
Aug 11, 2012, 4:33:42 PM
davea wrote:
Fortunately, you cannot see the reduction tooltip till after you have colonized and researched adaptive colonies, so the "reveal" is later. Which way is less painful?

Yea, I could not recall what that screen looked like. It is fine the way it is. The only way it might get revealed too early is if the anomaly effects for the 5 flavors were not all the same...

Love it!
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12 years ago
Aug 11, 2012, 6:36:40 PM
I'll take a look at it tonight I think what I have in mind will work - so release an updated version that I can monkey around with xD
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12 years ago
Aug 11, 2012, 7:39:23 PM
Please monkey around with the current version and post the "diff" of any change you find working. I don't want to re-release the mod every day.
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